3 Topics

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Hello, I have worked on a project to make a custom-like Internal Frame. There are also other classes which extends it, instead of JInternalFrame. The project works quite good, but there is a problem. The discription of how the JPanel window works: _______________________________________________________________ There is a main JPanel which contians …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kaizokupuffball

Hi! I got this image uploading script that will upload the user's choosen picture, and save it in the user's folder with the users nickname. Now, when i got the picture uploaded i want to resize it to 3 exact sizes (3 versions of the image). 240x250 and 2 other …

Member Avatar for kaizokupuffball
Member Avatar for tawes01

I want to make a c++ program that can open an image that is in any of the major formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png) and has any size and I want to resize it to a specific size (no, I don't care if it looks stretched) and save it to …

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The End.