20 Topics

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Member Avatar for awesomelemonade

Hello Guys! I have a question about resetting a Windows 7 Home Premium Operation System. This computer had a virus around last year, and I am wanting to be able to reset this computer to its factory defaults. Thanks in advanced, -lemon If you need any info, just ask.

Member Avatar for awesomelemonade
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to make a backup and restore of a MySQL **SERVER** to another machine. Please note the **SERVER** part; I want to backup/restore datebases, tables, procedures, users, configuration, etc....**EVERYTHING** What is the best way to do this? Thank you

Member Avatar for Manish02
Member Avatar for vizz

windows xp was crashed, so after formatting & installation of windows I installed (overwrite of all existing files) **XAMPP** which was on different drive, other than **C:\**. As it was not lost when windows was crashed, I just overwrite the all files, this had happened with me lot of time …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Does anyone know how to restore a window (which does not belong to current process) to the state is was in previous to having been minimized? I've been trying ShowWindow and SetForegroundWindow, but if the window was maximized, it will only restore it to it's RESTORE state (not maximized) ShowWindowAsync(hWnd, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Xlphos

Hello, I am after restoring a few computers with Vista on and I want to know for certain if I could restore them using a upgrade version of vista. I am after booting from the upgrade disc and installing vista from scratch and using the key provided with the computer …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for cretaros

My Hardrive just lost the file system and now its not accessible, its Raw if i view it in Computer management , how can i correct this or restore the NTFS file system because it have a lot of data. Any help?

Member Avatar for cretaros
Member Avatar for raul prakash

Hey I din't know where to post questions regarding Mac OS 10.4 so I put it up here. I am a new Mac user. My Mail app just crashed and upon restart it asks me to create a new account and doesn't give any option for me to sign in …

Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, I've searched all over the web for help but couldn't find anything, so I've decided to give up and come here. Here's my problem: I want to be able to run system restore automatically. NOT to create restore points, but to restore the computer to either the most …

Member Avatar for RTFMID10T
Member Avatar for wilko1995

Hi all, When i log into my Administrator account it only has a black screen and the cursor. I have tried Repairing it and Restoring to a previous time, but neither have worked. I can get it to work in safe mode but thats it. Please help, i need it …

Member Avatar for compnutt
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I need to backup the sql server 2005 express database . It works fine if I make backup to specific folder"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup" . But if I change the path to any other path . I got an error "Backup failed for Server 'server name'. " …

Member Avatar for S.R.SENTHUJAN
Member Avatar for Grand666

hey guys, I am using Acronis True Image at my job and recently I tried to do a universal restore on a new computer with the old one's image. The restore failed and I think it was the new computer's motherboard that was bad, but anyway.....I tried to look for …

Member Avatar for Adamjjj
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, please help me to know how to backup and Restore the Database. I am newer in backup topics. please help me. thanks jack

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for arturogr

Hi, this is the case, I have a Win 2003 server with scsi RAID controller; this server has a usefull special, not frecuently used application but the installer for this application are no longer available. Now the server (as a machine) is a waste, because it is only turned on …

Member Avatar for MikkyH

Hi, Last night my PC was attacked by Antimalware Doctor which is a nasty piece of work!! I couldn't do anything to get rid of it because every time i clicked something it blocked me saying i had an error. I therefire did a system restore to 2 days ago. …

Member Avatar for MikkyH
Member Avatar for dwel

I'm trying to restore previously backup text file into sql server on specified database. Could it be possible using VB.NET? if possible please help me..

Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for dwel
Member Avatar for java_programmer

I have Windows XP, sp-2 installed in my laptop. I have stored personal file as hidden file and set the properties 'do not show hidden files and folders' on as anyone else can't see the files. But when I tried to disable this feature and enable the feature 'show hidden …

Member Avatar for jaisakthi
Member Avatar for evilwhaleboy

Hi guys, I need to know how to get names and sequence numbers for exiting restore points on windows OSs. [URL=""] [/URL] Here is explained where I can find the restore points names and sequence numbers on Windows XP , but I'm hoping for an easier way. Also on Windows …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi everybody I have been developing windows client application in .net framework 3.5. The system is supposed to copy the remote mysqldb and restore my local mysqldb with all the schema and data withing remote schema to my local mysqldb with the same database name. Well i found a solution …

Member Avatar for redserpent7

[B][COLOR="Red"]Important:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Please read the whole question before answering.[/COLOR][/B] I would appreciate it if someone can guide me to the new MS APIs necessary for modifying/controlling the Windows 7 Action Center. What I need to do is integrate the Backup notification messages in my application which is a backup application in …


The End.