76 Topics

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Member Avatar for genext.brite

Hello everyone, I have bound a datagridview with a table, And put a checkbox on each row .And an Insert button at the bottom. On clicking the button ,the Checked rows are to be inserted in the table. When I do that it gives an error as 'Can not Insert …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have a table with ~10,000 records. There is a "viewed" column which contains either 0 or 1. At some point in my code I want all rows = 1 for the "viewed" column. Does it matter if I set all rows to 1 or set all rows to 1 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Juniorr

Hi, I am trying to add rows to different tables. I have found this code on the web. But this is only for one JTable. I have three tables in one JFrame. How will I modify this code to three different tables. Thanks for your help. [CODE] firstTable = new …

Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello everyone, I hoping you can help me. I've got a table that I want to be able to show/hide rows based on what check box is checked. By default, I don't want anything displayed, then if you check a or some of the check boxes you'll see the data. …

Member Avatar for parry_kulk
Member Avatar for towerrounder

Hi All, I have a query that returns rows from a message table. Im basically trying to get the latest MESSAGE_TYPE for the user based on when the message was sent (MESSAGEDATE) At the moment I have a query that gets me almost what I want. It returns something like …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for NH1

Im looking to Delete a row of information in my datagrid, but also from my database. im not even really sure where to start. I want to use a button to do this. so that when i highlight a row, then click the button it brings up a message box …

Member Avatar for ious
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

I have a text file in this format: AUGC U[B]1212[/B] A[B]2121[/B] G[B]3434[/B] C[B]4343[/B] I need to extract the number that I need depending on which variables (letters) I'm comparing. For example, I need the value for A and U, so the value I need to look up for or extract …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for sastudent

I call the getTitle function but it only returns the last DB value. I presume that is because there are many rows in the DB with the same 'code' However when I call the function I want to get all the values for TITLE where code is something in the …

Member Avatar for sastudent
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I would have "thought" it would be a simple thing to get the (unformatted) text in each cell of a dynamic table but I have failed to solve this problem. So...I have a table that the user can dynamically load with data. They click an add button to insert a …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for white feather

[CODE] public void setTableModel(List<Users> users) { eraseTableRows(); for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { Users u = users.get(i); tm.insertRow(i, new Object[] { stuff }); } } private void eraseTableRows() { for (int i = 0; i > tm.getRowCount(); i++) { tm.removeRow(i); } [/CODE] i've tried this and …

Member Avatar for white feather
Member Avatar for tcstom

Hi, I am attempting to create a dynamic array using realloc in 2 dimensions. Currently i have managed to get it to work using realloc to dynamically resize the amount of rows but when I attempt to use realloc to dynamically resize the amount of columns per row I keep …

Member Avatar for tcstom
Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

I have created simple database project, using vb.net, ado.net, oledb, datatable, datagridview. My program is working nice, I just need Help with how to add, delete, update and edit records. Can any one please and please help me in this case, or can provide any good tutorial or source code …

Member Avatar for digitalsindhx
Member Avatar for pedroteixeira07

Hi Everyone, I'm having some issues in the construction of an algorithm for a project. This is just a fraction of the algorithm and my problem is this: I'm trying to build a PHP function that gets the values of the first and second rows of a table and subtract …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for accountholder

I want insert some rows into mysql, each row shold be like this: [code] <input name="code[]" value="{code item dari data mysql}" /> <input name="name[]" value="{nama dari data mysql}" /> <input name="hrg[]" value="{harga dr mysql}" /> <input name="qty[]" value="{qty diinput sendiri}" /> <input name="subt[]" value="{autocalculated saat mengisi qty}" /> [/code] The …

Member Avatar for accountholder
Member Avatar for nickEncarnacion

The scenario is: i have a textbox, a button and a grid view that make up a simple webpage where you can search and edit/delete an entry. the grid view's datasource ID is set to NONE. And this is the code for populating the grid view that is found in …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for ShailaMohite

Hi All, In my application, i have a datagridview with 5 colums, at the form load the datagridview contains one row, I am showing a combobox in each of the 4 columns to select the values (i doesnot type any thing in that 4 columns), when i press tab the …

Member Avatar for sknake

The End.