577 Topics

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Member Avatar for showerhater

hi, i am just now learning to take advantage of XML and RSS feeds. I actauly just finished my first RSS Feed. Whenever i check it in google reader the RSS feed shows up as a list of links with short descriptions. like i would like it to do. However, …

Member Avatar for m-soft

Hello, I try to read a xml file with this schema: - <item> <title>some text</title> <link>link</link> - <description> text ok <br /> I can't see this text </description> <imedia:thumbURL>link</imedia:thumbURL> </item> When I write: echo $rss_channel["ITEMS"][$i]["DESCRIPTION"]; I can see text ok, but from <br /> I can't see nothing. I tried …

Member Avatar for Sandeep1003
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm in need of opinions. I currently have several low-traffic Dutch websites, all equipped with an RSS feed built by me. Would it be better for my sites if I promote the feeds at FeedBurner instead of the current on-site ones ? Does it matter for SEO ? Any other …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jackdalson

I’ve tested various link building tips over the years and found the following ways that can have killer effect on your search engine ranking. But before that, always keep in mind that search engine likes quality incoming links and you need to build link trust. Don’t go for spam links.and …

Member Avatar for TudorBran
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm having some trouble formatting the date that appears underneath each "News" post on the following page - [URL="http://www.rjt-online.com/home.php"]www.rjt-online.com/home.php[/URL] Here is the code for the XSL file that is being pulled into the above page with php. The xsl file is pulling in an RSS feed from my …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for bad rabbit

hello, I hope someone can help me, this sounds stupid but i just keep getting wrong host name or password message and it's on all of my sites so seems to be a problem with dreamweaver and not the server. can anyone help? would be gratefull! thanx Bad Rabbit

Member Avatar for Koibu0

Forgive my ignorance with such matters, but I have what is probably a simple issue that I can't seem to resolve on my own. I'm getting this error when sending a request to the SOAP server [CODE]org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in trailing section.[/CODE] I've checked the end of all …

Member Avatar for subbaramireddy

[B]MYCODE:[/B] PVPolicy is my Object [code] String XmlizedString = null; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(pvPolicy.GetType()); XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8); xs.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, pvPolicy); memoryStream = (MemoryStream)xmlTextWriter.BaseStream; XmlizedString = UTF8ByteArrayToString(memoryStream.ToArray());[/code]

Member Avatar for sci-kode

Hello all! I just wonder if it's posible to rewrite index.php, index.php?variable=some and the root to same rewrite in htaccess. If so how? Here's an example that don't work, but maybe you get the idea. [CODE]RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^myexample.com$ RewriteRule (.*) http://myexample.com/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^another-variable-in-url$ /index.php [L] RewriteRule ^another-variable-in-url$ …

Member Avatar for Weppies

Hi I seriously need help. I have to create a web app using asp.net and c# that sends data that the user put in and then my web app sends data to another company's webservice, process the data and then my web app should display it to the user. What …

Member Avatar for alazanski
Member Avatar for sandeepani

I am working on a windows based project with WCF component. i have 2 problems with it currently. I use c#. 1. I get an error saying "Could not find end point element with the name xxx and contract yyy are in ServiceModel client configuration section. this might be because …

Member Avatar for mrkwagga

Hi Guys, I have a weird request, I would like to know how can I - if possible – embed an html button, that when pressed, it executes a path/command on the host machine (the webserver), I need to embed the shutdown.exe –s command, amongst others, in an html-page so …

Member Avatar for tutalia

Hi everyone, I need a Web Service that uses SSL inorder to test a software's functionality. Can any one give a sw address.. Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for jhbalaji
Member Avatar for rockyman12

When i say best its not necessarily the price [I]its how much can it be trusted.(reliable)[/I] I don't trust web host reviewing websites. Till i came across this one I looked into that one because they seemed to be user reviews. [B]webhostingreviews.com/[/B] So while hosts like [B]Justhost[/B] are ranked number …

Member Avatar for jhbalaji
Member Avatar for Gospp

I want to build a Webservice that on given intervals request data from a SQL-server and update an internal list in the Webservice. The Webservice will be accessed from multiple clients and I don't to access to SQL-server every time the list is requested from the clients. Is this possible …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bjeffries

is it possible to use PHP to update an RSS feed. I dont already have the RSS feed created, but my site is finished, well for now it is, and want to know if it is possible to do this. My site is scripted using PHP and and every time …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for jackdalson

Hi Friends, If you’re paying for links or building them manually, it’s becoming more and more important to make it look like you’re gaining them naturally. That’s because, as a site owner, you’re supposed to be gaining them naturally, at least in Google’s eyes. Follow the tips below the help …

Member Avatar for Johnsmith1
Member Avatar for alazanski

How can I make a web hosting service? What do I need? What must I do? I wish to offer my clients web hosting service and website design service. Thank you 4 your help,

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for saisunil1978

Hi, I am facing a problem in capturing and retreving data from a webmethod response.I am calling web methods on remote server.So I have included the web reference of the webservice in my Vs2005 solution.But the main problem is the webmethods are returning custom Array datatypes.The coustom data types are …

Member Avatar for nn pp
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I am using a PHP parser to extract some contents from a RSS feed. The parser used to work just fine, but when I changed my hosting the parser stopped working and now it shows the following error: XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 11 The XML …

Member Avatar for julio gomez
Member Avatar for zhollett

Hi, I would just like to start off saying that I probably don't know enough to be even asking this question but I am pretty good at taking examples and working with them to produce the results I am looking for. So, here is a little bit of information about …

Member Avatar for crackerjacker

hello- I have searched all over but haven't found anything too helpful. what i want to do is make a program that, on startup or a timer, retrevies an rss feed, and puts the text in a text box. i have looked into getting the xml text and parsing it …

Member Avatar for serik
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for programless

I need a rss embeded on a home page like schoollibraryjournal.com on the right side in the green where it says blog. I need something like that built. I already have it setup where its bringing everything i want except for the author bio and the author image. I need …

Member Avatar for Eris

Hi. I've got 2 classes that provide services and 1 wsdl file for both of them, 1 SoapServer and 1 SoapClient. When I do $server->setClass("Class1"); $server->handle(); I can call functions from Class1 in the SoapClient. But if I do $server->setClass("Class1"); $server->setClass("Class2"); $server->handle(); then I am able only to call the …

Member Avatar for brahimhackman
Member Avatar for jmasta

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew the tradeoffs between using @queryparam and @pathparam. Let's say I have a call from the client: [CODE]uri = /rs/1/setup/cancelprogress?type=orange[/CODE] and use a (@QueryParam "type") String type. How is this better, or worse, or that much different, from: [CODE]uri = /rs/1/setup/cancelprogress/orange[/CODE] and use …

Member Avatar for hardik.rajani

Hi. I am using apache servicemix and apache activeMQ in my product. Here in case of HttpConnector i found a performance issue. If i increase number of total request at a time then as the number will increase exchange queue gets stuck on any of the component. After all the …

Member Avatar for amby

Hi, I have added web reference using Visual Studio tool i-e Website > add web reference but it add only .disco and .wsdl file. My question is, are these the only 2 files to add? i mean i was expecting .asmx file so that i can see its methods properly. …

Member Avatar for sarathiharish

hi friendz, i want to create a webform that should attach with my website and the form details should be received in my gmail account how can i do these pls anyone help me,i'm not using any webserver i'm hosting my website in the free webhosting service provider.


The End.