577 Topics

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Member Avatar for keizersoz

Hello all, In my WSDL I defined a float [CODE]<xsd:complexType name="M01_rowType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="helpdTTSAvg" type="xsd:float"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="M01_tableType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="helpdTTSVal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="tns:M01_rowType"/> </xsd:sequence>[/CODE]I can also see from PHP that I received float values, however SOAP truncates the float to integer, whereas for instance 3.06 is trucated to …

Member Avatar for reshmar

Hi, I'm writing a .net wcf service that can return result in the form the user expects. So a user when adding a web reference to the service can also provide an xsd containing the type definition for the return type he expects and the service will include the xsd …

Member Avatar for maplax

I spent last 10 hours trying to figure out how to extract attributes from this: [CODE]<yweather:wind chill="76" direction="230" speed="8" />[/CODE] RSS: [url]http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p=78620[/url] [CODE]rsstxt1 = response[0].getElementsByTagName("yweather:wind").item(0).attributes[0].value;[/CODE] doesn't work. And I tried everything else. [CODE]response[0].getElementsByTagName("ttl").item(0).textContent[/CODE] works fine Just can't get any attribute values from tags with values instead of contents. :( Please …

Member Avatar for Splower

I want to design a website kind of like "Feedjournal" and "Tabbloid" that will get important rss feeds and blogs to make a newsletter for our company, and then auto email to all staff on set time intervals. I am very new and want to know how to start. What …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello guys, I need an expert advice if it is possible to code inside an XML file? Example, news.xml whereas in that file you have to code connecting to MySQL database then retrieve data. Generated data is the XML required tags for the RSS and will be written in similar …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for thrusai

Can someone explain me on how to consume a sample java restful web service using .NET client using an example.I need a POST implementation example My requirement I need to read XML data from a .NET client and then process the same in Restful web service and then sent another …

Member Avatar for kaushik259106

Hi All, I have this requirement to do and am still scratching my head. Actually am not that comfortable with webservice but am still fighting and need some help. Here i go. I need to send xHTML content through webservice. Something like if someone calls my API he gets a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rajaputra.j

I build a new Site. In that i want to add Stocks, Weather, News, Sports, some kind of Entertainment things through RSS. I want to know the procedure what is RSS Reader, Where i can best RSS feeds of the above mentioned topics. What is the difference between RSS Reader …

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for standardt

Hi, I don't know if this is the right area to post this, but it seems to be related. I am interested to know how an URL-based api key restriction works, such as the one used by Google to protect its Google Maps service. From what I understand from this …

Member Avatar for naveenduttvyas

Hello Tenchnocrats, I am getting the following error while invoking the "getSession" method of sessionmanager webservice deployed in weblogic OCSG. I have created a soap message properly but its giving error as "javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: No Security header in message but required by policy." The SOAP message created is by below code …

Member Avatar for junrest

Hi, I'm newbie in nusoap library, and I'm getting stuck how to declare soap:header to be use in authentication from the client to the server. My script/wsdl server works fine, but I just want to secure my functions using authentication and also as of now dont have any idea how …

Member Avatar for petrica

Hello, I'm working on a project using web services in C#. I have a Oracle database and different clients are requesting data using the web services from the Oracle database. In time after a few hours of running the web services IIS server memory usage seems to increase. I've checked …

Member Avatar for SergioQ

Does anyone know of a decent Geo Ip Tool locator? I used to use GEOIPTOOL.com. It appears to no longer work. Have tried some others, but nothing was as close as the one above. Not even sure where to ask this, this was my best guess. Sorry if I'm in …

Member Avatar for wilson2
Member Avatar for wyahaw

I have a web site and am trying to produce an RSS feed for it for when things are changed. The following code is the RSS generated (from dreamweaver). Google Reader acknowledges it as a valid feed, but some other RSS feeders, such as Bloglines, do not recognise it as …

Member Avatar for shree2006
Member Avatar for DotnetRaji

Hi, I have a wsdl of rpc/encoded type to be used in my .NET application. The wsdl has array objects with minoccurs and maxoccurs elements. I am unable to used the array in my application. Everytime it shows Nothing in the array. I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003. Can …

Member Avatar for DotnetRaji
Member Avatar for suse17

My Tomcat is here C:\Tomcat 6.0 and my Java is here C:\Program Files\IBM\Java50 When I run Tomcat from services.msc or in the task bar it shows running. But when I access [url]http://localhost:8080[/url] The page does not load. I am sure that only Tomcat is using 8080 port no. Please provide …

Member Avatar for barbz

Nothing happens when i select a feed.. can you help me figure out what's wrong/missing? [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>RSS Reader</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" charset="utf-8"> function get_rss_feed() { $("#feedContent").empty(); $.get('http://barbz.0fees.net/proxy.php?url='+$('#diffFeeds').val(), function(d) { $(d).find('item').each(function() { var …

Member Avatar for barbz
Member Avatar for rmcgrady

Hi forum, Trying to create an RSS feed for my blog (not using a blog host or blog software). Seems to me the best way for me to do it is to use PHP in the XML to draw the last X posts from my MySQL database. So first, I …

Member Avatar for barbz
Member Avatar for gijoe2cool

I am having a problem with my RSS feed for my podcast. I am sure I am not doing it right though, but it looks right to me. Can someone please help me. If you go to a Feed Validator and type in the address [url]http://www.fallenangelunlimited.com/podcasts.xml[/url]

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for rpetras

I am having trouble running some test code using SOAP::Lite for perl. The code (listed below) simply hits a prime number generator that is freely available that I found through xmethods.net. It should be relatively simple test code, the only complication being the internal proxy server, but that seems to …

Member Avatar for rpetras
Member Avatar for DaShiVa

Cannot figure out what is wrong with this stylesheet - attach it to any xml, it doesn't actually use the xml in this stripped down example: [code=xsl] <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?> <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'> <xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' media-type='text/html' /> <xsl:variable name='columns' select='10' /> <xsl:template match='/'> <table> <tr> <td> <xsl:attribute name='colspan'><xsl:value-of select='floor( …

Member Avatar for DaShiVa
Member Avatar for DaShiVa

Having an issue where both my xml and xsl are parsing fine (when viewed in firefox) but when combined together, throw an error: Error loading stylesheet: Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed. (I noticed a suimilar post but was reccommended by the system to start a new thread, as it was …

Member Avatar for DaShiVa
Member Avatar for dineshjaju

I am Planning to write a Web Service where authentication should be done from WSDL file.Can Authentication and Authorization can be done from WSDL?? Thanks in Advance....

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pash

Hello, pliz can someone help me on this I have created a web sercive in Java and has eable it to use WSIT, now when i try to call the web service, my client tries with no success and I get an error message in the message log saying: A …

Member Avatar for junrest

Hi everyone, I'm newbie here. Is anyone here how to make "simpleType" in SOAP/XML. All I know how to create "complexType", but I'm just trying to create the different "enumeration" element with a "restriction" under the "simpleType". Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for junrest
Member Avatar for avi_2009

Hi Everyone: I am trying to use google code rest-client ([url]http://code.google.com/p/rest-client/downloads/list?can=1&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size+DownloadCount[/url]) to query a REST web server. But, I could not use it properly as after logging in to the web server, the session expires immediately. I am just wondering if it is by design or I am doing something …

Member Avatar for sandypeter111

we do not have go to each and individual site, just rss of particular portion of the site can be pasted in rss reader and from rss reader we can have that much portion of the site in our rss reader. so we do not have to navigate the site.

Member Avatar for Jennysmithuk
Member Avatar for usc87bb

Hey everyone, I am trying to use BPEL Designer and Eclipse, and I am having the worst time trying to get all the plug-ins to work correctly. I installed all the prerequisites and installed the Designer, but when I try to go through and download the updated BPEL Designer files …

Member Avatar for usc87bb
Member Avatar for kiernan7

I've been muddling my way through figuring out how PHP and SOAP interact (I've found documentation on this woeful, if someone can point me to any good doc on this, I'd appreciate it). Anyway, I have been able to get a SOAP client talking to a SOAP server and it …

Member Avatar for progurammaar

hi from where can i add quality news on my site....i mean i have made a website where i want to display quality news and some cool contents(optional).....from where can i get it free....

Member Avatar for bobchrist

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