I want to run AE rendering on my computer Hardware and Software by HYSTOU I want to run AE rendering on my computer, the configuration is DDR4 3200mhz RAM, I feel it is enough for me to operate but why is it always so laggy? Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Required Libraries The following script installs the libraries required to run scripts in this article. ``` !pip install -U langchain !pip install…} """ ) document_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(llm, prompt) ``` Let's first run our chain with the hard-coded context. In the following… ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Audun … so I downloaded a bunch of Python-tools. When I run this command in "Python 3.12", which looks… Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book … positive answers, that this change may be good for long run SEO. So why not ask DaniWeb community too? :) What do… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim …. Next attempt was to boot into kbuntu from USB and run the partition manager. Sure enough, my C drive was showing… How NOT to do business online Digital Media Digital Marketing by Reverend Jim … never had this problem. This is not the way to run an online business. Re: How NOT to do business online Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … their about us page, it’s a family owned business run by a guy named Lawrence who has been in the… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … wasted time and expense they have to incur when they run into ths sort of problem. >Good thing, molex connectors… Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by AndyBeohar … be beneficial for your website's SEO in the long run. Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by mx_983 ….so --log-error=/data/log/mariadb/mariadb.log --pid-file=/run/mariadb/mariadb.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --wsrep_start_position… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … input query. Finally, you can call the `invoke()` method to run the query via the agent. ``` def get_db_response(db, query): agent_executor… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … of programming smart actions (basically multi-step macros). When you run Options+ and log in to a Logitech (free) account, it… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … system variables to better handle the queries you want to run, Query cache for instance will cache the most common queries… so they don't have to be re-run again when nothing has changed, you generally don't need… to bother with this though as it should run fast enough for most purposes as it is. There is… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … isn't a problem that it takes 5 minutes to run. Also note that `LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM tbl) tbl2` messes… Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa … shared memory (your free RAM) that replaces it if you run out of VRAM. Food for thought... Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Biiim … a `var_dump(str_replace(':variable_name',"'some_value'",$sql));var_dump($records);`? run the sql on whichever way you use to access your… Re: I want to run AE rendering on my computer Hardware and Software by rproffitt No matter how powerful your computer is, there is always some app or work that will cause it to take longer to respond. Nothing's broken here, it just takes time to get the work done. Re: i don´t understand this syntax error when using OpenCV Programming Databases by Audun I tried that using Thonny, and I´m getting the same result. I tried the same in the "CMD" that opens when I press Python 3.12, and what happened was, it just said nothing and went back to an empty "line", or whatever. I suppose that´s a good sign? It says syntax error a lot on there too. What sort of programs do you use … Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have an apps folder on D: where I keep all my portable/homegrown software. Let's say I want to create a virtual enviromnent in `D:\apps\MyVirtual`. To do this I open a command shell and do D:\>cd apps D:\apps>python -m venv MyVirtual If I install any packages in this session, they will be installed in the virtual python. … Re: ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I have developed a number of GUI applications in python. I found that the wxpython package was far better than tkinter. wxpython is based on wxwidgets which is essentially windows controls. Because wxwidgets are compiled for each major system, controls rendered by wxpython look like the native controls for whatever system is hosting. Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani As someone who has been in the SEO industry for over two decades, it doesn't really matter if you use www or non-www. All that is important is that, whichever you choose, you stick to it. That means that all links on the web (social media, etc.) point to the same version of your domain. All internal links on your website point to the same version … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book I was about to ask next about the `Google Search Console` whether i should make new property with `www` or not. So now i made the new property, should i delete the old one, or just leave it like it is? Google wont get confused on which property should crawl? I will also make a dynamic sitemap that is generated with PHP with the `www` in the … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani Google won’t get confused as long as you implement 301 redirects from non-www to www. The benefit of keeping both search console accounts is you can keep track and see that Google is stopping/slowing down crawling the old one and no longer indexing it. If Google search console is still showing you indexed pages for the non-www property, then … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book > Google won’t get confused as long as you implement 301 redirects from non-www to www. I have code in `.htaccess` file ` # Redirect non-www to www RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] ` Is this good enough? I also have another question related to seo. I … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I don't have personal experience with multilingual websites or non-English websites to be able to advise you on what's best. However, I would advise you that while it's appropriate to use multiple fonts, you want to ensure the entire website has a consistent look and feel, navigational structure, and design language. Otherwise it will be very … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book Alright, got it! So Google is smart enough to realize that `pametno-indukcisko-resho` and `паметно-индукционо-решо` mean the same in my language. Thank you so much for the help Dani! Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book Just as an update to this thread. I noticed weird link structure getting indexed on google after i created the new property with `www` version. Take a look how my links are getting indexed https://www.kupisi.mk/product/index.php?mainCategory=за-дома&productName=елегантен-кујнски-мијалник-од-нерѓосувачки-челик&product_id=44… Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani Make sure that every page has the correct link rel=canonical html tag set to tell Google what the one and only URL to the page is. Ensure there are no internal links anywhere in your site that use this wrong version of the URL. Remember, Google is finding this wrong URL somewhere! It’s not making it up :) Ideally, implement 301 redirects… Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book > Make sure that every page has the correct link rel=canonical Where should i place this tag ? > Ensure there are no internal links anywhere in your site that use this wrong version of the URL. I ensured and updated the search.php file which was redirecting to `non-www` version, now is fine. > Ideally, implement 301 … Re: Redirect non-www to www cons? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book I just updated the canonical url structure format into Cyrillic characters. $canonical_product_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/product/$mainCategory/$productName/$productID"; $product_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/product/" . urlencode($mainCategory) . "/"…