A* search for Rush Hour game Programming Software Development by daveyb91 … Hour.. check this link: [url]http://www.puzzles.com/products/rushhour.htm[/url] For this solver I have to use the… Re: A* search for Rush Hour game Programming Software Development by skatamatic I am not too sure how you would use the A* algorithm to solve that. I mean, it could certainly be used to determine the shortest path from start to finish, but it could not be used to move the cars around in such a way that the path would be complete. Maybe this is what your teacher meant: Try the A* algorithm to find a path, if it cant find… Re: A* search for Rush Hour game Programming Software Development by daveyb91 Thanks a lot, and that's exactly what my teacher meant.. where I was a bit confused at is, how do I move the cars, is there a smart way to do it.. or just brute force? I'm gonna use some of the things you told me. Once again, thank you :)