high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by pakidesigner yes thats my question. IN USA and Canada? high salaries are paid to graphics designers or programmers? Please reply from USA or Canada so i can know exactly... Thanks God It's Friday Edition; Cypress Cuts All Salaries Community Center by Brian.oco … yesterday in an SEC filing that it plans on slashing salaries for all of its employees. The chip manufacturer plans on… Full Time Part Time Salaries Programming Software Development by BeansForChowder … that displays full-time and part-time employees names and salaries when the user uses a radio button to choose either… Re: high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by kilahcup As a graphic designer, I would say programmers :-) Re: high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by ithelp As a programmer I would say programmer. Re: high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by pakidesigner Ok what you get as a salary....i m also a designer Re: high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by tiger86 That's an interesting question. I think it would have to do with the quality of your work, for programmers and designers. I know that 3d designers get paid very well, so again it all has to do with how well you are with your craft. I also want to point out that PHP programmers would get paid more than static HTML/css programmers and that C and C++… Re: high salaries are paid to graphics designer or programmer? Digital Media UI / UX Design by newviewit.com For us the pay scale totally depends on the quality and value added to the company. There are a few designers that make more than 95% of our office because they are solid professionals. Yes we have one rockstar coder that gets paid the most... and some basic coders just out of grad school making the least. All depends on the quality Re: Full Time Part Time Salaries Programming Software Development by Pgmer Are you using the data base to store Employee details? IF yes which database ur using? in radio button changed event write code to query ur database to filter the records and show it wherever you want to. Re: Full Time Part Time Salaries Programming Software Development by debasisdas Which chapter you are talking about ? Re: Full Time Part Time Salaries Programming Software Development by BeansForChowder It's chapter 10. I'm having the most trouble creating a part_time column to use it as a radio button and programming a label to display the average salary for employees. Random Salary Programming Software Development by speterson …(){ } public double getAverageSalary(int[] Salaries){ int total = getTotalSalaries(Salaries); double averageSalary = (double) total / Salaries.length; return averageSalary; } public …for (int i = 0; i < Salaries.length; i++){ total = total + Salaries[i]; } return total; } public String getSalaryGrade(… Why Associative Array Creation Has "=>" And Numerical Array Not ? Programming Web Development by UI …Second method to create array. */ $salaries['mohammad'] = "high"; $salaries['qadir'] = "medium"; $salaries['zara'] = "low";…Associative Array: /* First method to associate create array. */ $salaries = array("mohammad" => 2000, "qadir&… Simple Array Process Programming Computer Science by nickewus24 …= Yes Call Average Salary Module Call Salaries Above Module Call Salaries Below Module Display “Thank You!!!” End … Sum EmpSalary/Sum EmpName End Average Salary Module Salaries Above Module If Salary > Average Salary …Then Count End Salaries Above Module Salaries Below Module If Salary < Average … Help Now Please! Programming Software Development by DS9596 … PayRoll { private: vector<int> salaries; public: PayRoll(); bool searchSalary(int salary); void…bool PayRoll::searchSalary(int salary) { return (find(salaries.begin(),salaries.end(),salary) != salaries.end()); } void PayRoll::generateStats() { int minimumSalary … Calculating Standard Deviation using Arrays Programming Software Development by SMYussef …number of employees"); int noEmp = input.nextInt(); double [] salaries = new double [noEmp]; double Var=0; double total= 0;… double sDev; for (int i= 1; i<=salaries.length; i++){ System.out.println("Please enter Salary"… psuedo help! Programming Computer Science by heftytest … = Yes Call Average Salary Module Call Salaries Above Module Call Salaries Below Module Display “Thank You!!!” End Main…= Sum EmpSalary/Sum EmpName End Average Salary Module Salaries Above Module If Salary > Average Salary Then… Count End Salaries Above Module Salaries Below Module If Salary < Average Salary… Help with Psuedocode Simple Array Process Programming Software Development by heftytest … = Yes Call Average Salary Module Call Salaries Above Module Call Salaries Below Module Display “Thank You!!!” End Main…= Sum EmpSalary/Sum EmpName End Average Salary Module Salaries Above Module If Salary > Average Salary Then… Count End Salaries Above Module Salaries Below Module If Salary < Average Salary… Re: Random Salary Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … a random raise to it. Assigning a series of random salaries to an employee makes little sense if an upward progression… Retrieve unique items Programming Web Development by brr …4444 Debit CASH 4999 Debit Salaries 3333 Debit Salaries 5678 Debit Salaries Payable 22 Debit Salaries Payable 4567 Debit State Bank… Re: Retrieve unique items Programming Web Development by brr …4444 Debit CASH 4999 Debit Salaries 3333 Debit Salaries 5678 Debit Salaries Payable 22 Debit Salaries Payable 4567 Debit State Bank… for loop and if else statement help Programming Software Development by maker10 …and total of as "); printf("many employee salaries as you wish to enter. \n\n"); …printf("First, enter the number of salaries to process: "); scanf ("%i", &…numb_salaries); printf("\nNow enter the salaries to be averaged. \n\n"); /* Enter for loop… For next statment with salary survey Programming Software Development by burntout … whose salary falls in that range(element in array salaries) salaryTotalsListBox.Items.Add("SalaryRange:" & ControlChars… in listbox For SalaryRanges As Integer = 0 To 9 Salaries() Next End Sub End Class ' SalarySurveyForm [/code] My… Help with Functions Programming Software Development by swolll …Print a complete company pay report: - Total Gross Salaries paid. - Total Benefits collected. - Total Contributions to… Retirement Funds. - Total Taxes Collected. - Total Net Salaries Paid. ************************ End of Algorithm *****************************/ /************ Code segment … Re: Calculating Standard Deviation using Arrays Programming Software Development by SMYussef … (int i=0; i<salaries.length;i++) { Var = Var + (Math.pow(salaries[i] - average, 2)); } Sfinal= Var/salaries.length; sDev= Math.sqrt… pls help me Programming Databases by haria_kishore …would look like 10001 Wages and salaries Bonus 1000 1001 10102 10002 Wages and Salaries Salaries 2000 1001 10102 10003 Repairs … like Gross fixed assets sum(gross_fxd_asst) sum(wages and salaries) calculation=sum(wages and salareis)/sum(gross fixed asst)… [urgent]Error Programming Software Development by dreamreaver …cout<<"\n\n"; } // Output the Average Salaries for Performance Levels if ( Count[ 0 ] != 0 ) … ] != 0 ) { cout<<"\tAbove-Avg Level Salaries Average = "<<TotalSalary[1] / Count[1] &…Count[ 2 ] != 0 ) { cout<<"\tAvg-Level Salaries Average = "<<TotalSalary[2] / Count[2] <&… Pseudocode (Simply Array Process) Programming Computer Science by loisengleny …COLOR=#000000]Input a list of employee names and salaries, and determine the mean (average) salary as well…COLOR=#000000]Pseudocode:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Declare Names[100], Salaries[100][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Set Sum = 0[/COLOR] … Average[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Write “The number of Salaries Above the Average Salary is:”, Count2[/COLOR] [COLOR=#… I'm lost and need some help Programming Software Development by Lost in Code... …[/color] { [color=green]//variable declarations[/color] int salaries [ 11 ] = { 0 }; [color=green]//…color] [color=green]// calculate salaries and display results[/color] wages( salaries ); display( salaries ); [color=blue]return[/color]… Re: Help with Functions Programming Software Development by swolll …lt; setw(44) << "Total Gross Salaries paid:" << "$" <&…lt; setw(44) << "Total Net Salaries paid:" << "$" <…lt; setw(44) << "Total Gross Salaries paid:" << "$" <&…lt; setw(44) << "Total Net Salaries paid:" << "$" <&…