Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by nanosani scissors --> sharp Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by zeroth scissors--> cutting Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WASDted scissors -> sharp Rock Paper Scissors name input Programming Software Development by jarograv …Q?\E][infinity string=\Q?\E]throw SCISSORS. Computer throws SCISSORS. It's a draw! You win!&… RPSPlayer { private int playerThrow; //ROCK = 1, PAPER = 2, SCISSORS = 3 /** * constructor * pre: none * post: RPSPlayer object … Re: Rock-Paper-Scissors, C++ program. Need Help!!! Programming Software Development by br0wnm4n …Please enter your choice: S You selected SCISSORS and Computer selected PAPER . You won this…Please enter your choice: S You selected SCISSORS and Computer selected PAPER . You won …Please enter your choice: S You selected SCISSORS and Computer selected PAPER . You won … rock paper scissors game not working Programming Software Development by Spencicle … char rock = 'r'; char rockR = 'R'; char scissors = 's'; /* Instructions */ cout << "… first=rock; break; case 's': case 'S': first=scissors; break; } switch (second) { case 'p': case…second=rock; break; case 's': case 'S': second=scissors; break; } /* Code to determine winnner, loser, … Rock-Paper-Scissors, C++ program. Need Help!!! Programming Software Development by br0wnm4n … 'r': object = Rock; break; case 'S': case 's': object = Scissors; } return object; }; bool validSelection(char selection) { switch (selection) { case… == Rock && play1 == Paper)){ return Paper; } else{ return Scissors; } }; void gameResult(RPS play1, RPS play2, int& winner){ RPS… Rock Paper Scissors Code Help Lot's of Detail Programming Software Development by SketchGamer … will be given.(Rock=1,Paper=3,Scissors=9) 2) The computer AI will …println("Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors Game\n"); System.out.println("…case 's': Userinput[y]=Scissors; boolean scissors=true; System.out.println("You chose Scissors!"); ComputerAI();//if you… Re: Rock Paper Scissors name input Programming Software Development by jarograv … import java.util.Scanner; /** * Computer plays Rock Paper Scissors against one player. */ public class RPS2 { public static …print("Enter your throw (ROCK=1, PAPER=2, SCISSORS=3): "); playerThrow = input.nextInt(); rpsOpponent.makeThrow… Re: Rock Paper Scissors name input Programming Software Development by jarograv …import java.util.Scanner; /** * Computer plays Rock Paper Scissors against one player. */ public class RPS2 { public static …print("Enter your throw (ROCK=1, PAPER=2, SCISSORS=3): "); playerThrow = input.nextInt(); rpsOpponent.makeThrow… Re: Rock Paper Scissors name input Programming Software Development by Gravitics ….out.print("Enter your throw (ROCK=1, PAPER=2, SCISSORS=3): "); playerThrow = input.nextInt(); rpsOpponent.makeThrow(playerThrow); rps.makeCompThrow… Help with Rock paper scissors program. Programming Software Development by Jdan2388 … 1: { computerPick = "Paper"; break; } case 2: { computerPick = "Scissors"; break; } default: { computerPick = "will not happen"; } } if… Rock, Paper, Scissors game Programming Software Development by babi.meloo …{ System.out.println("Rock beats scissors. You win!"); win++; } else… else { System.out.println("Scissors = scissors. Tie!"); tie++; } if … Rock Paper Scissors Game with GUI Programming Software Development by manathisbest … lost!') elif choice == 'paper' and Com == 'Scissors': return ('You lost!') else: return ('Tie!')[/CODE] … =2) self.button3 = Button(root, text='Scissors', bg='blue', fg='white', padx=10, pady… Need help with Rock Paper Scissors in C++ Programming Software Development by SquigsSquigley … } break; if ( playerPick == 3 ) cout << "Scissors cut paper." << endl; cout << "…break; if ( playerPick == 3 ) cout << "Scissors and scissors do nothing." << endl; cout << "… Re: Help with Rock paper scissors program. Programming Software Development by Jdan2388 … 1: { computerPick = "Paper"; break; } case 2: { computerPick = "Scissors"; break; } default: { computerPick = "will not happen"; } } if… Re: Help with Rock paper scissors program. Programming Software Development by Jaggs …showMessageDialog( null, "Welcome to my Rock, Paper, Scissors game!\n John Acosta Java CIS 2235\n Chapter 4…computerPick = "Paper"; break; } case 2: { computerPick = "Scissors"; break; } default: { computerPick = "will not happen"; }… Paper, Scissors, Rock program not working? Programming Software Development by Louis_2 …your move paper You chose paper Choose your move scissors You chose scissors Choose your move rock You chose rock Choose your… == 0): print ("You win!") elif (playermove == "scissors" and compmove == 1): print ("Draw") elif (playermove… Rock Paper Scissors and how to break out Programming Software Development by hughesadam_87 … 10: output = 'paper' elif number < 20: output = 'scissors' else: output = 'rock' print 'Computer draws', output return output def… status = 'yes' elif rand_output == 'rock' and self.entry == 'scissors': print 'You Lose' self.tries -= 1 status = 'no' elif … Rock Paper Scissors JApplet - Making Images appear and disappear Programming Software Development by RaigaX9 …getCodeBase(), "paper.jpg"); pScissors = getImage(getCodeBase(), "scissors.jpg"); cRock = getImage(getCodeBase(), "rock2.jpg"); … if(computerValue == 1) { g.drawString("Computer's Pick: Scissors", 350, 170); /*comLabel.setVisible(false); comLabel2.setVisible(false); … Paper Rock Scissors Game Programming Software Development by nick.rechtien.5 … have chosen rock and the computer has chosen scissors. You win!\n"; win++; if (… have chosen paper and the computer has chosen scissors. You lose!\n"; lose++; if (…Welcome! Want to play a game of Paper Rock Scissors?\n"; { do { cout <<… Need some help with a Rock Paper Scissors GUI game Programming Software Development by peppermints …* import random weapons = ("rock", "paper", "scissors") class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__… outcome = "You tied, play again!" elif weapon == "scissors" and op == "paper" or \ weapon == "… Need help in rock,paper,scissors program Programming Software Development by godcr7 …and user== r: score = 'user_wins' print('Rock smashes Scissors, Player Wins') user_wins=user_wins+1 a=a+1 return …== s and user== p: score = 'computer_wins' print('Scissors cut Paper, Computer Wins') computer_wins=computer_wins+1 b=b+1… rock , paper , and scissors against the computer? Programming Software Development by hihamda …play the game of rock , paper , and scissors against the computer? The program should work as follows…if the number is 3, then the computer has chosen scissors .(dont display the computers choice yet ). . -The…rock smashes the scissors.) If one player chooses scissors and the other player chooses paper, then scissors wins. (Scissors cuts paper.)… Re: Need some help with a Rock Paper Scissors GUI game Programming Software Development by tbone2sk … * import random weapons = ("rock", "paper", "scissors") class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__…: outcome = "You tied, play again!" elif weapon == "scissors" and op == "paper" or \ weapon == "paper… Re: Rock Paper Scissors Code Help Lot's of Detail Programming Software Development by SketchGamer …) { Compinput[0]=9; System.out.println("My choice is scissors"); } } public static void randomValue() { int randomVal=(int…if(totalCompValue==5) { System.out.println("My selection is Scissors"); } else if(totalCompValue==11) { System.out.println… Re: Rock Paper Scissors Code Help Lot's of Detail Programming Software Development by SketchGamer …totalCompValue==5) { System.out.println("My selection is Scissors"); int updateArray=9; addToArrayComp(); } else if(totalCompValue==…totalCompValue==7) { System.out.println("My selection is Scissors"); int updateArray=9; addToArrayComp(); } else if(totalCompValue==… Rock Paper Scissors fun-ction Programming Software Development by kylcrow … == 'S')) { cout << "Rock smashes scissors. You Lose.\n"; computer += 1; } else if …; (userChoice == 'P')) { cout << "Scissors cut paper. You Lose.\n"; computer += 1; } … == 'S')) { cout << "Rock smashes scissors. You Lose.\n"; computer += 1; } else if … Help with Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Programming Software Development by TayKaye …else if (computerChoice == 3) cout << "Rock smashes scissors, you win\n"; } if (userChoice == 2) { if… else if (computerChoice == 3) cout << "Scissors cut paper, computer wins\n"; } if (userChoice == 3… Adding a while loop to my rock paper scissors code? Programming Software Development by Mark_64 …." lose2 = "You lost. Your opponent threw scissors." lose3 = "You lost. Your opponent threw…if rand == (3): print (lose2) main() if pick == "scissors": if rand == (1): print (lose3) main() if rand == …