7 Topics

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Member Avatar for dado.d

I was crawling http://www.imenik.hr (more specific: http://www.imenik.hr/imenik/trazi/1/ptt:51551.html) and it was working. I used PHP Symfony crawler, I even used proxies. I was testing it locally so I tried without proxies. I added 5 seconds of sleep time between each requests, I tried random sleep between requests, I tried 10 seconds. …

Member Avatar for infiniteloop56

Hi guys, I am a computer science major and I have been asked to complete a task for someone working in the school of public health at my university. Basically I have to go to this website: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Click Here](https://www.healthcare.gov/find-premium-estimates/#results/&aud=indv&type=med&state=PA&county=Allegheny&age0=35&employerCoverage=no&householdSize=1&income=100000) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// and gather all the information which displays after the …

Member Avatar for ajahar
Member Avatar for someoneelse

I need help with .net c# screen scrape. I can't seem to find an example in c# that works. I have this one in VB that wors but feel like an idiot bc I can't convert it correctly... <%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Sub Page_Load(sender as Object, e …

Member Avatar for tobyITguy
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello group! I need to scrape data from the screen of an open application. It will be used as text, so it will need to be converted into a string that I can parse. I've looked around and found scrapers that use the "picture" as a bitmap or jpeg. The …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for himanshu.1691

i want to include content of some other site on my website..... Suppose i want to display the headlines from all major news sites into my page..... the technique is Screen Scraping but i was not able to implement it..... i heard it can be done by "sgmlreader" but that …

Member Avatar for danielsikes

Hi, [CODE] <table class="info"> <thead> <tr> <th>Mailing Address</th> <th>Location Address</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><address>123 Somewhere ST.<br/>Somewhere, CA 123456</address></td> <td><address>123 Anotherplace Ln.<br/>Somewhere Else, CA 123434</address><br/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <h3>Information</h3> <div class="blockContent borderedContent"> <table class="entryForm"> <tbody> <tr> <th>Website:</th> <td>http://somewebsitehere.com</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Segment 1:</th> <td>SomeInfo Here</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Email:</th> <td><a class="mailLink" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for danielsikes

Hi, I am in need of parsing some html code. Here is an example of what I am trying to do, but not quite sure how to do it. [CODE] <tbody><tr> <td>1.</td> <td><a href="something.php?y=US&amp;id=197003">Some Name Here</a></td> <td>City, STATE</td> <td class="noWrap"></td> <td class="noWrap">123-456-7890</td></tr><tr class="altRow"> <td>2.</td> <td><a href="something.php?y=US&amp;id=113762">Another Name</a></td> <td>City, STATE</td> <td …

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The End.