403 Topics

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Member Avatar for sendres

I'm seeking recommendations for a CMS for a new community/ social networking website. The following technical criteria are desirable: [LIST] [*]Open source (for customization and low cost). [*]Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL based (technologies I already know). [*]Job board module, i.e. employers can advertise jobs and members can manage resumes and apply online. [*]Forums. …

Member Avatar for Mustafa Muhie
Member Avatar for Dani

I currently use Sphinx search, and am attempting to sort my results in time segments mode, which means time segments in descending order and then relevance in descending order. Currently I use SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, and it works fine. But every time I switch to time segments mode, it returns zero results. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ashley S

Hello, I am having trouble with my phpBB forum. Editing the theme widths, images etc. I am hoping someone from DaniWeb can actually help me out. My MSN - [email snipped] [Note]: I am sorry for posting in the wrong section, Just cannot find the correct place. Thank you!.

Member Avatar for Ashley S
Member Avatar for PixelatedKarma

Hey guys I'm new to these forums and I was curious about what avenue to take. I am currently playing with Joomla and so far it seems not bad as far as CMS goes for developing and maintaining content on one website. However I am looking for something a little …

Member Avatar for cinneran
Member Avatar for misterx100

Hi, I'm desperately looking for a free Wordpress plugin, which could easily "lightbox" HTML code. Best, MisterX

Member Avatar for The5sisters
Member Avatar for crazycat503

Am new to CKEditor though I have used tinymce before. What I liked about cheditor is its drop down styles feature. But I can't seem to get it to work at all. here is my code: [code] <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="javas/ckeditor.js"></script> <script src="sample.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="sample.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> …

Member Avatar for enbeeone3

anyone please can you suggest me a good script (free or Commercial) for a file search engine like, filestube.com ??

Member Avatar for The5sisters
Member Avatar for crazycat503

Hi, We just finished building our website with custom CMS, built specifically for our website. However, the CMS is not really cool nor rich, at least compared to those CMS out there. Now, I am looking for an easy to integrate open source CMS there. One that won't force us …

Member Avatar for The5sisters
Member Avatar for webmastercook

I have got edirectory 7.5.10 and i wanted to know if any one can help me out with the database to help me add about 7000 items easy. Or if any one has this version and they have got categorys for the UK installed if i could have it off …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for invisal

I am looking for an article publishing script that support multiple-pages articles similarly to devpapers.com. I have searched for many scripts already and all of them are only able to post an article in a single-page. Thanks before hand Visal .In :P

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jason76

I was looking for a q&a complex php script for over 2 years and I still can't decide which one's the best solution. Could you please suggest me the any? I recently discovered this famous questions cms and I really like it. Do you have any other ideas?

Member Avatar for terabyte

Recently I found this project: [url]http://www.ralpharama.co.uk/item.php?itemid=387&page=TPF[/url] it is a forum script with no mysql I know this can be dangerous but what are the advantages of a forum with no mysql? will it load faster? less robust? Thanks

Member Avatar for RykeTech
Member Avatar for Robinaofloxley

I have created a form and I am having difficulty with the formmail.cgi. i am not able to open it up please can some one advise me on what to do.

Member Avatar for RykeTech
Member Avatar for netclick

I would like to design web site templates and start selling templates online. I am a designer not a programmer. Is there a Framework for Wordpress that I could use to build various design layouts with options in various places? I would liek to sell them as my own rather …

Member Avatar for badsolo
Member Avatar for srikanth.hk

Please anyone help me out it is very urgent php data grid view with update delete option for each row . it should be with php,ajax or javascript .....i dont want dot net code

Member Avatar for sateeshms
Member Avatar for Dustymunchkin

I think this should be easy but I'm not a techy. Problem: The checkout screen on my site allows the logged in user to change their address details but doesn't appear to update the stored data before sending them off to the payment service provider. The code on the CGI …

Member Avatar for Dustymunchkin
Member Avatar for fatpages

Hi All, can anyone suggest the e-commerce engine which is well adopted to sell virtual content (e.g. downloadable content, subscriptions, promo codes)? I tried Virtuemart for Joomla and Ubercart for Drupal, but they both are really limited and don't provide the "off the shelf" flexibility for virtual goods.

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for NorthCoastHydro

The USB DVR is a surveillance computer hardware that turns your home or office computer into a powerful, global-wide video surveillance system in 5 minutes or less. Connect this compact device to any desktop or laptop via USB port. Then you can record live video from the camera connected to …

Member Avatar for ilyons

Hey guys, I was hoping that someone might have some experience with less-powerful CMSs. I'm looking for an education industry-specific CMS that has integrated supported for course pages/scheduling; a student database for grades, classes, and the like; and, ideally, a setup for students in the States to register for classes …

Member Avatar for Ghostt0
Member Avatar for alexandra03

Hi, I have static website with 10 pages and I need to include articles on one of them. I need script that is easy to install on my PHP/MySQL server and to publish news through administration page. Also to customizable for front-end. 10x

Member Avatar for ilyons
Member Avatar for pratz

Hello, I have an dedicated internet connection and my ISP has provided me with 2 IP addresses, I use one for the router / switch and the other one I would like to use it for an IM, so that any one can communicate, if they are connected to that …

Member Avatar for raghamayee

hello everyone, i need to write a batch file for validating xml files and have to report the false positives and false negatives,successes and failures...can anyone help me in that

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for pv.vasconcelos

Hi Guys, I have a script (vbs) that exports the contents of the database (SQL Server) generating an XML file, but he always brings with encoding UTF-16. Is there any way to change to ISO-8859-1 through exports? Or maybe in the XSL file? Here a piece of code that exports: …

Member Avatar for motheva

iam considering purchase help desk script for our company and gogoled around and found acehelpdesk.com . can anyone tell me if they had experience with this software and if they did , plz let me know if its worth $99 . i look forward to your responses

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for akulkarni

Hello, I downloaded a theme from wordpress. I got a zip file containing all php pages. How do i ues them and create a blog of my own i hope i get a good response thanks

Member Avatar for The5sisters
Member Avatar for TealList

I'm looking for a script that allows users to create a profile, in which they could upload a few pictures and write descriptions about them. It would be for auto themed site in which people could upload images of their vehicle and write a description about it. Not in the …

Member Avatar for TealList
Member Avatar for pieterk

Hi, Does anyone know software to build a private sales club? Examples of private shopping clubs are: SNIP SNIP SNIP The new [URL="http://www.magentocommerce.com/media/screencasts/private-sales-including-events-invitations-and-category-access-permissions/view"]Enterprise version[/URL] of Magento offers this, and it's absolutely perfect. The only thing is, the license fee starts at [B]$12,990 per year[/B]..... I'm wondering if there are other …

Member Avatar for pieterk
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Here is a free excel to tab file convertor. Feel free to use for whatever purpose you want. There is no need for excel to be installed on the host pc. Assumes the user is on a windows platform. Extract all three files into one folder and run the main …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for shubhamjain1

Hey guys, I am designing a site that enables users to put rich text - images, smileys, lnks and some HTML tags. Now I have to design the whole script to replace smileys, check for XSS attacks, looking for unclosed tags, format links, etc. is there any preexisting script to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for feroz28

I am facing errors in generating sitemaps for wordpress sites due to large number of posts. I have posted this issue to varoius forums but still did not received good reply. I got few replies that it is due to web host server resources but how to resolve it? As …


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