40 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there, I've installed the Android SDK on my Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) machine. I don't have internet connection on my machine so I couldn't simply go download and install the required stuff through Eclipse. Everything worked out pretty well, I'm able to run a virtual device, and I'm also able …

Member Avatar for Mayank23

i just downloaded qt and i dont know how to build in qt, it keeps saying: Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment Error while building project case (target: Desktop) When executing build step 'Make' Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment Error while …

Member Avatar for bramsever
Member Avatar for mazeroth

I thought I would share with you all a tutorial I just posted on creating a Facebook app using the Facebook Graph API and their PHP SDK. It's a very easy to follow tutorial and by the end you'll have your own app reading and writing posts to your wall …

Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

So I started with C++ recently, and it's still very new and difficult for me but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Now I want to start making my first real-world app. I downloaded an SDK for a mobile application API and I want to make …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=LEFT]16646[/ATTACH]Yesterday, Facebook released an [URL="http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk"]updated SDK[/URL] for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review291912.html"]Apple iOS4[/URL], intended for use with Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Between this and the recently released Facebook SDK for Android, third-party developers can build applications with a social networking component for two of the most popular mobile platforms. Two key …

Member Avatar for nille_nerholt

Hi I have a M-S Cash Drawer USB Device that I want to write a C# app to. I use the Microsoft Point of Service SDK. My trouble is that when I chack the attached devices my cash drawer is not visible. If I print posdm listdevices I only get …

Member Avatar for AbdullahDar

Hello there, I have been searching for tutorials for 'j2me sdk 3.0' for few days but havent found any helpful tutorials. All of them that i came across were for 'j2me wireless tool kit' which according to sun has been embedded in 'j2m sdk 3.0'. So anyone from this community …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for EddieC

You don't have to have lived in Haight-Ashbury in the Sixties to achieve self-awareness in San Francisco. BlackBerry developers are gathered in the city this week for the annual [url=http://www.blackberrydeveloperconference.com/overview]BlackBerry Developer Conference[/url], taking place now through Thursday. Among the top stories is a new service platform from Research in Motion …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Yahoo yesterday released an update to Blueprint, its mobile development platform that it says now allows developers to build stand-alone Java apps, and apps for devices running Symbian and Windows Mobile. Previously the platform was limited to building mobile widgets for its [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Go]Yahoo Go[/url] mobile back-end system. Of perhaps greater …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/07/iphone-sdk-some-of-the-details-arent-great/"]TechCrunch[/URL] has highlighted a swathe of restrictions facing developers who want to get their applications onto the iPhone platform following the release of the Apple iPhone SDK. Instead of all the billowing hype in the blogosphere about how wonderful Apple is for releasing the SDK, perhaps developers might want to …


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