SelectedIndexChanged in DropDownList won't trigger Programming Software Development by Texpert … correct values for the new selection. But when I use SelectedIndexChanged even on first DDL to clear Child DDL, it never… As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PackageNameDDL.SelectedIndexChanged ComponentDDL.Items.Clear() End Sub [/CODE] but the event never… Re: SelectedIndexChanged in DropDownList won't trigger Programming Software Development by SolTec … correct values for the new selection. But when I use SelectedIndexChanged even on first DDL to clear Child DDL, it never… As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PackageNameDDL.SelectedIndexChanged ComponentDDL.Items.Clear() End Sub [/CODE] but the event never… SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by blackbr For some reason, selectedindexChanged code is no longer firing. autopostback and enable … Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by blackbr … sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlEmpName2.SelectedIndexChanged SelectedEmpId = ddlEmpName2.SelectedValue Session("ddlEmpName2Session") = ddlEmpName2 '[4-29… Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by blackbr …. When I double-click on the control, it creates the selectedIndexChanged sub, but does NOT reference the sub in the aspx… SelectedIndexChanged event code Programming Software Development by di.miller … selects a YEARMONTH with the combo box I want the SelectedIndexChanged event to initiate a query in my database called ExactReprints_Query… Re: SelectedIndexChanged event code Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception …(byval sender as object, byval e as eventargs) handles cmbyearmonth.selectedindexchanged dim conn as new sqlconnection("?") dim com as… Using SelectedIndexChanged to change another column on the datagrid Programming Software Development by TXT …=886730#xx886730xx[/URL] [SIZE=2][b]Using SelectedIndexChanged to change another column on the datagrid[/b][/…and I have been struggling to get the SelectedIndexChanged from our Combobox Class to change this columns…Class I do not have access to the ComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event. -------------------------- Does anyone gives me tips or… code for selectedIndexChanged event Programming Software Development by augie0216 I 'm trying to code the SelectedIndexChanged event to display an airplane in other control instances when … As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstAircraftID.SelectedIndexChanged Dim curitem As String = lstAircraftID.SelectedItem.ToString() txtAircraftID.Text = curitem… How to create dynamic control and not use the selectedindexchanged Programming Web Development by mamataingle My code is not working on selectedindexchanged on dynamic radiobuttonlist control public void data1()….SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); rdn.SelectedIndexChanged+= new EventHandler(rbl_SelectedIndexChanged); //rdn.AutoPostBack = true; rdn.DataSource… RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by Corna … DataView and bind it to a GridView control on each selectedindexchanged event. When I click on the radiobuttonlist only sometimes I… web dropDownList selectedIndexChanged firing, but index not reset Programming Web Development by blackbr … source, depending on who logs on). So I removed the selectedIndexChanged module, cleaned the solution, built the solution, removed the .dll… Re: SelectedIndexChanged in DropDownList won't trigger Programming Software Development by than I have an very problem very similar to yours. Any helps from anyone? Thanks. Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by ninjaimp Whats your code for capturing the change on the dropdown? Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by tonym001 Hi Randy There is no event selected in the HTML - runat Server is good but what sub are you going to call. I think you have probably copied this control from another page - been there done it. Try double clicking the control and you should be fine. Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by tonym001 Copy the code for the control, delete the control, save all, close the project, open the project, add the control back in again, put the code back in (after clicking) and then try it again. If that does not work you will have to recreate the page from scratch. Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by tonym001 PS - Otherwise you could be searching the net for days Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by mohant Great Dude tonym001, it worked by deleting and recreating event on double click. Really, one would have kept searching web without trying this simple trick. Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by Lusiphur Please change your front end code to include this:[CODE]<asp:DropDownList id="ddlEmpName2" style="Z-INDEX: 138; LEFT: 192px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 32px" runat="server" Width="152px" ForeColor="DarkBlue" DataValueField="EmployeeId" DataTextField="EmpLastFirst" DataSource=&… Re: SelectedIndexChanged not firing for dropdownlist Programming Web Development by CodeGorilla Make sure that the AutoPostBack Property is set to [B]True [/B]on your Dropdownlist control. Re: SelectedIndexChanged event code Programming Software Development by Netcode write some of your codes out so we can figure out where the problem is SelectedIndexChanged event handler is not being called in GridView Programming Web Development by san_crazy I have following grid view control [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" style="z-index: 1; left: 59px; top: 1px; position: absolute; height: 158px; width: 658px" BorderColor="#0066FF… Re: RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by Fungus1487 can we see some code? Re: RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by Corna Page: [<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblFilterDetails" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Style="position: relative" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="rblFilterDetails_SelectedIndexChanged" >… Re: RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy you are databinding way too much. The thing is, if one is chosen, you databind three times. if one isn't, you databind twice. You should remove the case all and the first and last databind. Then at the end of you switch, add a default that databinds your exact code in the "All" section. Re: RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by Corna Thanx, I see your point. It works fine now. Re: RadioButtonList selectedindexchanged giving errors Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy glad to hear it! Re: web dropDownList selectedIndexChanged firing, but index not reset Programming Web Development by blackbr I found the problem, though I'm not sure why it happens. It turns out that 2 databinds were executed on the ddl before I would select an item. Then it wouldn't reflect any selection for some reason. Tjis happened for both datasources. System.Argument.Exception: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid Programming Software Development by nkgawade …column. Just to test I have added SelectedIndexChanged event to those ComboBoxColumns. [CODE] … when the editing control is reused. cbType.SelectedIndexChanged -= new EventHandler(cbType_SelectedIndexChanged); cbType.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cbType_SelectedIndexChanged); } } else… Creating Feedback Form that you can email what the user submits Programming Web Development by abby524 … DropDownList3.TextChanged, DropDownList4.TextChanged, DropDownList5.TextChanged, DropDownList1.TextChanged, DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged, DropDownList3.SelectedIndexChanged, DropDownList4.SelectedIndexChanged, DropDownList2.SelectedIndexChanged, DropDownList2.TextChanged, TextBox10.TextChanged, TextBox11.TextChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged…