PHP Function Programming Web Development by Coyx … selection...</option>\n"); } $selectionArray = array(); if (is_array($selectionValue)) { foreach($selectionValue as $currval) { echo $currval."\n"; $selectionArray[] = explode… Re: PHP Function Programming Web Development by 1016 I think the problem is that if this condition succeed: if ($tabName == "conf_injclass" && $UC == "022") { you obtain a query like this: SELECT * FROM $tabName ORDER BY alternative_order ASC WHERE locale_id = '$locale_id' ORDER BY 1 which is not correct. Re: PHP Function Programming Web Development by Coyx Aye, that's only if the $tabName variable is equal to the table name "conf_injclass" though. So on the field in the screenshot (Main Factor Involved) - you see in the drop down that the table being access is correct and the data collected is correct. But for some reason; the $optionVal variable is setting itself before it should be set …