Re: Starting a Link Directory Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by erothchild "separating the two for page rank purposes is silly. Actually, the … rankings." I believe you are correct in stating that separating the for page rank is not a good idea, but… Re: create a pop up confirmation window before parent page submit Programming Web Development by daydah Separating the javascript code into a function, then call that within … Re: Reading data from file Programming Software Development by deceptikon Separating the check for end-of-file from the actual read … Re: Reading a file Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Separating words and hints is a forumla for update chaos. Just … Re: What is the most important step in software development? Programming Mobile Development by Reverend Jim Separating what is wanted from what is needed. That comes before figuring out the logic and organizing your code. It all starts with the specs. I learned very early on that my job as a programmer was not to write code. It was to provide solutions. The best solution was often the one requiring the least coding. Separating CSV file by commas, ignoring ones inside quotations. Programming Software Development by princesssuperst Hello, Im looking to split eac row of my CSV file into an array, by separating it out by the commas, but taking care not to include the commas inside of quotations; " asd , dfg ". How would i go about this? Thanks for any help! PS Re: separating content in a richtextbox with a comma automatically Programming Software Development by milhero … in the RichTextBox(rtbTo) and there should automatically be comma separating each email address. Please advise. Re: Separating animation? Programming Software Development by tyler.dahle … right button is pressed. Is this correctly copying coordinates then separating itself? Or would it be best to just include thunderball… Coding the Separating Axis Theorem Programming Software Development by Cheesy74 … Theorem that works like so for each side: - Gets the separating axis of the side - Measures the object's width on… Need guidance for separating logic from presentation Programming Web Development by kutchbhi …) and the other in codeigniter(much better as far as separating display with logic is concerned) now I have to code… Re: C code for LINE SEPARATING Programming Software Development by singal.mayank thnks all of u... bt i m nt looking for separating the sentences.. for eg. [B]input[/B] [B]Hello! This … ATM program Programming Software Development by john44 … } public static double Displaybalance1(double accountbalance)//separating the part from the main program as … static double Deposit(double accountbalance, double depositamount)//separating the part from the main program as a… static double Withdraw(double accountbalance, double withdrawalbalance)//separating the part from the main program as a… Splitting double into its integer portion and decimal portion Programming Software Development by maggie789 …. I've completed step 1 which is separating number into integer and decimal portion, and …<Double>(); do { /* * Step 1 - separating the base 10 number */ String number=""; int intPart… need help plz help Programming Software Development by priti_s … DTDReader class, there i am reading the file & separating the statements starting with `<!ELEMENT & <!ATTLIST… root.setAttributeList(attributeList); try { /** READING THE FILE & SEPARATING THE STMTS WITH ELEMENT & ATTRIBUTE **/ dataInputStream = new DataInputStream… VB.Net Encoding/Decoding Programming Software Development by michael_flan … “salary” “30000” The single string representation should be encoded by separating the field name from the field value using an = character…, and by separating (field, value) pairs with a # character, e.g. “id=123… Pow Error? Where? Programming Software Development by gretty …^2 + 5^2). I know how to do everything except separating the 85 into 8 and 5. Should I use a…? If anyone could provide a solution in code (just the separating 85 part) I would be very greatful :) Re: Pow Error? Where? Programming Software Development by stephen84s [QUOTE]I know how to do everything except separating the 85 into 8 and 5. Should I use a …? If anyone could provide a solution in code (just the separating 85 part) I would be very greatful[/QUOTE] Well that… Coverting C Code to C++ Programming Software Development by d34dw4rd …*/ for (col = 0; col <=input; col++) /* Print line separating the */ printf("-----"); /* value matrix and col totals*/ printf… (int col = 0; col <=input; col++) /* Print line separating the */ cout << "-----"; /* value matrix and col… JSLider Separation Problem Programming Software Development by sirlink99 … stateChanged Method, but I am having trouble separating them. I assumes they were somewhat like separating something in the actionPerformed method, but… Help with adding text to a list Programming Software Development by peste19 … will accept user input and store it in a list, separating words and ignoring punctuation example: input = stores… it all under 1 item in the list instead of separating word by word thanks in advance C++ (fstream) problem Programming Software Development by modaresi … blank(s) 2: grades- recorded as uppercase letters without spaces separating them (4 grades). Assume that no grade is an “F…” 3: credits- recorded as integers without spaces separating the digits (4 digits) Calculate the student’s GPA without… Put arrays into form processing format Programming Web Development by ferdinandmucos …the questions/answers foreach($results[0] as $result){ //Separating the answer from the string with all the answers.… list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result); //Separating the different answers $answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers); //Stuffing the question … Display Error Programming Web Development by ferdinandmucos …the questions/answers foreach($results[0] as $result){ //Separating the question from the string with all the answers.… list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result); //Separating the different answers $answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers); //Stuffing the question … Display questions answers and Total score Programming Web Development by ferdinandmucos …questions/answers foreach($results[0] as $result) { //Separating the question from the string with all the answers.… list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result); //Separating the different answers $answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers); //Storing the question… Passing Form $_Post Content Programming Web Development by ferdinandmucos …/answers foreach($results[0] as $result) { //Separating the question from the string with all the answers.… list($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result); //Separating the different answers $answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers); //removes unnecesary spaces… Read each line of string and display Programming Web Development by ferdinandmucos … = array(); foreach($results[0] as $result) //Separating the question from the string with all the answers. list…($question, $all_answers) = explode(':', $result); //Separating the different answers $answers_array = explode('.', $all_answers); //Storing the question… columns with div's Digital Media UI / UX Design by yaragalla_mural … are surrounded by a parent DIV. Now the problem is separating each div with a vertical line which makes it look… third div height is 50px. Now all the vertical lines separating Div's should be of 200px. So it looks like… Re: Breaking up a large array into smaller array Programming Software Development by davhuang … the code, after where i put the comment [code=python]#separating msg into smaller fragments[/code] i have been working on… (just the end part after the separation comment) [code=python] #separating msg into smaller fragments block = zeros(2) t = size(msg… Re: help me out Programming Software Development by kvprajapati … think so its more than enough...........What u mean by separating tables???? U mean primary table & foreign key table?[/COLOR… per project-definition. sweetsasthi>Is there any rule for separating the tables. Here is a link for [URL="http… Re: Coverting C Code to C++ Programming Software Development by d34dw4rd …. */ /* */ for (int col = 0; col <=input; col++) /* Print line separating the */ cout << "-----"; /* value matrix and col…