find lotus notes servername Programming Software Development by solarissf I've tried everything I can think of, does anyone know a way to find the servername on a workstation using c#. No matter what I try I cannot find the name. Re: find lotus notes servername Programming Software Development by solarissf … OTCAutomation The closest I got was using Notessession class, then servername property... but helpfile says when server is on a workstation… Re: find lotus notes servername Programming Software Development by abelLazm HAVE YOU CHECKED THIS CODE[CODE]using System.Net; string sHostname = Dns.GetHostName; string IPAddress = GetIPAddress(sHostname); // function to find the IPAddress public string GetIPAddress(string sHostName) { IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostByName(sHostName); IPAddress [] addr = ipEntry.AddressList; string sIPAddress = addr[0].… Re: find lotus notes servername Programming Software Development by solarissf so after putting a little work into what you gave me, it does return the Windows server name... but not the lotus notes server name. Any idea how to specify for lotus notes? Re: find lotus notes servername Programming Software Development by abelLazm check [URL=""]this link[/URL] .... [URL=""]this link[/URL] and [URL=""]this link[/URL] Client server computing Programming Software Development by jovirey …following line of code: * * serverName.sin_addr.s_addr = hton1(INADDR_ANY); */ serverName.sin_family=AF_INET; serverName.sin_port=htons(port); /* network-order… */ status=bind(serverSocket,(struct sockaddr*)&serverName,sizeof(serverName)); if(-1==status){ perror("bind()"); … httpd-vhosts.conf isn't accepting new vertual hosts! Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by bigtalk …; DocumentRoot "/Developer/WebDev/" ServerName </VirtualHost> # &…lt;VirtualHost> ServerName # Indexes + Directory Root. DirectoryIndex index.html… Sever problem Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by desiguru …qualified domain name, using for ServerName [Sun Jul 1 12:04:05 2007] [notice…qualified domain name, using for ServerName [Sun Jul 1 13:01:39 2007] [notice…qualified domain name, using for ServerName [Sun Jul 1 14:02:16 2007] [notice… domain name, using for ServerName [Sun Jul 1 15:01:59 2007] [notice… The Hello World server/client program Programming Software Development by makymakaru …quot;); exit(1); } (void)memset(&serverName,0,sizeof(serverName)); (void)memcpy(&serverName.sin_addr,hostPtr->h_addr,hostPtr->h_length); …, uncomnment the following line of code serverName.sin_addr=hton1(INADDR_ANY); */ serverName.sin_family=AF_INET; serverName.sin_port=htons(port); //network order status… need help in network programming.. Programming Software Development by makymakaru …quot;); exit(1); } (void)memset(&serverName,0,sizeof(serverName)); (void)memcpy(&serverName.sin_addr,hostPtr->h_addr,hostPtr->h_length); …, uncomnment the following line of code serverName.sin_addr=hton1(INADDR_ANY); */ serverName.sin_family=AF_INET; serverName.sin_port=htons(port); //network order status… "Forbidden / You don't have permission to access / on this server." error Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by driven13 …On", Apache will use the value of the # ServerName directive. # UseCanonicalName Off # # DocumentRoot: The directory…# DocumentRoot /www/docs/ # ServerName # ErrorLog logs/dummy-host…lt;/VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /home/www/… illegal start of expression Programming Software Development by leliana … //BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; //serverName= br.readLine(); serverName=getStringFromUser("Enter the server you would like to…System.out.println("Attempting to connect to " + serverName); ftp.connect(serverName, port, userName, passWord); if(ftp.login("",… This Should be Easy for You Guys! Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jusCk … ServerAdmin [email][/email] # # ServerName allows you to set a host name which is sent…status reports, with the URL of [url]http://servername/server-status[/url] # Change the "cksPlace…DocumentRoot /www/docs/ # ServerName # ErrorLog logs/dummy-… Variable pointers or References for .conf parser? Programming Software Development by mknight …am asking is because I get a segment fault where 'servername' is. system header and conf.h's relative include:… conf.h: [code] #define E extern E string &servername; [/code] termed source of conf.cpp for veiwing purposes: …[code] string &servername; //parse line int cur; int dirint; int smspace = 1;… Re: Variable pointers or References for .conf parser? Programming Software Development by mknight …Here is the most important information: [code] servername ""; description &… string variables. i.e. [code] string sub; = servername string pram; = description string subval; = myaddress port??? … value. As shown [code] string sub = servername string pram = [/code] The… Retrieving data from XML Visual Basic 2005 Programming Software Development by LudwigFF …;>DAWS</ConnectionName> <ServerName>LOLLIE</ServerName> <DbName>DAWS</…;>FreightEquipe</ConnectionName> <ServerName>FREIGHTFOCUS2</ServerName> <DbName>FE</…;Media Express</ConnectionName> <ServerName>FREIGHTFOCUS2</ServerName> <DbName>ME</… Remote SQL Server Database Connection Problem using VB6 using OLEDB Programming Software Development by ksenthilbabu …;Password=Password;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Data Source=servername/instancename[/CODE] It is giving an ERROR…;Password=Password;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Data Source=servername[/CODE] IT IS WORKING PROPERLY. The …;Password=Password;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Data Source=servername/instancename[/CODE] using Microsoft Data Link Provider… trying to call a class in another class Programming Software Development by nici0306 …emailText); String [] fromadd1 = from.split("@"); ServerName = fromadd[1]; m.setServer(ServerName); SendMail sm1 = new SendMail(); sm1.mail(); if …(); String subject = n.getSubject(); String emailText = n.getEmailtext(); String Servername = n.getServer(); int result; public int mail() { try { … Editing the httpd config file Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by hemalatha.nambisan …and this will make # redirections work in a sensible way. # ServerName localhost:80 # # UseCanonicalName: Determines how Apache constructs self-referencing # … "On", Apache will use the value of the # ServerName directive. # UseCanonicalName Off # # DocumentRoot: The directory out of … Can i leave the try block open in a php file? or can forget to use it? Programming Web Development by Niloofar24 …;mydbpassword"; $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $dbusername, $dbpassword); $conn->setAttribute…;; try { $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $dbusername, $dbpassword); $conn->… PHP code assistance required to display the mysql data when pattern match Programming Web Development by Narayanan_1 …;a href="details.php?id=' . $row['ServerName'] . '">' . $row['ServerName'] . '</a></td>';-->…am trying with if condition as below) if($row['ServerName']=='DataBase')<< curly start brace>> …lt;a href="db.php?id=' . $row['ServerName'] . '">' . $row['ServerName'] . '</a></td>'; &… Show error when I login SQL server management. Programming Databases by JModak …Then I check the server name SELECT @@servername AS 'ServerName' using this line the show new …mzL2BdC) SELECT HOST_NAME() AS 'host_name()', @@servername AS 'ServerName\InstanceName', SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS 'ServerName', SERVERPROPERTY('machinename') AS 'Windows_Name', SERVERPROPERTY('… Crystal Report + Stored Procedure returns no data Programming Software Development by zambi … i As Integer Dim ConnectionInfo As CRAXDRT.ConnectionProperties Dim ServerName As String ServerName = "MYDBSERVERNAME" Set crRep = crApp.…dll" ' ConnectionInfo.DeleteAll ' ConnectionInfo.Add "DSN", ServerName ' ConnectionInfo.Add "User ID", "xxxxx" … Http/1.0 Bad Request HttpProxy Programming Software Development by no_talents …internet, very simple single-thread connection [code]int GetInternetBuffer(char *servername, char *HTTPcommand){ int istrBufferindex=0; char *buff2; buff2 …quot;); return -1; } if(inet_addr(servername)==INADDR_NONE) { hp=gethostbyname(servername); } else { addr=inet_addr(servername); hp=gethostbyaddr((char*)&addr,sizeof(addr… Server client connection with Server Socket and Socket Programming Software Development by efronefron …"); try { System.out.println("Connecting to server " + serverName + " on port " + portNumber); Socket client = new Socket(…InetAddress.getByName(serverName), portNumber); System.out.println("Connected to server!"); DataInputStream… script to search for .war files Programming Software Development by huskeraider …;r") for servername in file: path = '\\\\'+servername.strip()+'\\d$\\tomcat\\Servers\\' server_name = servername.strip() for r,…structure is such: \\server\\d$\\tomcat\\servers\\servername(random)\\webapps my search is taking forever … can't put a wildcard in at \\servername\\ to skip down to the webapps folder … How to do login script for php with SQL server Programming by Hazyan …"); // $serverName = "CEN302DB-PR1"; //serverName\instanceName $serverName = ""; //serverName\instanceName $connectionInfo =… "PWD"=>"AdminAdmin1"); $conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo); if( $conn ) { }else{ die( print_r( … Re: Server client connection with Server Socket and Socket Programming Software Development by efronefron … I have that in my code, where I hardcoded my serverName [CODE]//If I put localhost or… as the servername, it works String serverName = ""; //put my… own ip address in servername, got it from http://www.whatismyip… Establishing A connection between Three programs. Programming Software Development by Layla_2401 … SOCKET_ERROR; SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr; HOSTENT *hp; char ServerName[255]; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), …Computer Name gethostname(ServerName, sizeof(ServerName)); // Get Local Computer Address Information hp = gethostbyname(ServerName); if ( … 2.0 Programming Web Development by fmardani …;add name="BalloonShopConnection" connectionString="Data Source=servername\servername;Initial Catalog=BalloonShop;User Id=sa;Password=password1"…add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=servername\servername;Initial Catalog=BalloonShop;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=…