Re: How to edit textboxes for second time input from user in MFC VC++ Application Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon SetFocus is a method of all CWnd derived classes, which include, but not limited to, edit controls, combo boxes, buttons, etc. You need a handle to the edit control that you want to set focus to. [code] CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1); pWnd->SetFocus(); [/code] Re: ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE); Does not work -- Only with "SW_HIDE" ??? Programming Software Development by Gustav_1 SetFocus( this->hWnd ); ShowWindow( this->hWnd, SW_HIDE ); Creat your own .setfocus Programming Software Development by matoo …quot;)" 'this what i want to calculate strDayStop.SetFocus 'this what i want to calculate now as you can… it is 7th july 2015 it should be highlighting or setfocus to txtDay(9). strDayStop = "txtDay(" &…quot;)" 'this what i want to calculate strDayStop.SetFocus 'this what i want to calculate how can i … Re: Creat your own .setfocus Programming Software Development by BitBlt … in the Form_Load event? If so, you can't use SetFocus until the form itself is visible (Reference: [Microsoft VB6 Documentation…) strStartDate = iStartIndex strStartDate = Val(strStartDate) + Val(strDate) myForm.txtDay(strStartDate).SetFocus End Sub 4. Go into the VB menu to Project… SetFocus() on canvas not working? Programming Software Development by artemis_f … on the canvas 4. Except where do I call the SetFocus() so that the focus successfully passes back to the parent… of the miniframe? I have tried several variations of SetFocus, SetFocusIgnoringChildren and SetFocusFromKbd both after the self.Destroy() and just… Re: SetFocus() on canvas not working? Programming Software Development by artemis_f …, self.on_name_key_down) # the text box expects key strokes self.textBox.SetFocus() box.Add(self.textBox, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5… will once again print stuff...where can I put the SetFocus() method so this works? Thanks SetFocus(HWND) doesn't work :( Programming Software Development by medopunsher … text box and one button , then i try to use SetFocus() function to Give the focus to the text box so…)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),TRUE); SendMessage(hbutton,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),TRUE); SetFocus(hedit); break; //.... } [/CODE] Thanks in advanced... Re: What text1.SetFocus used for? Programming Software Development by AndreRet … pointed out, the cursor will go to text1 if its setfocus property is invoked. Be carefull though of errors, if text1… will receive an error, if the setfocus is invoked with another object i.e 'Text1.SetFocus, Text2.SetFocus, an error will be raised… Re: wxpython Setfocus problem Programming Software Development by vegaseat …TextCtrl does not have a member/method SetFocus() and has to get it from ….Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, 'wx.TextCtrl and SetFocus()', size=(400, 150)) self.SetBackgroundColour('green') self.edit1 =… pos=(10, 70), size=(300, 25)) self.edit2.SetFocus() # editbox is on a frame so this works #… Re: wxpython Setfocus problem Programming Software Development by vegaseat …__init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) self.textCtrl2.SetFocus() # parent is panel, focus and tab work now…=(10, 70), size=(300, 25)) self.edit2.SetFocus() # editbox is on a panel so focus and…= wx.Frame(None, -1, "wx.TextCtrl and SetFocus()", size = (400, 150)) # instantiate class MyPanel … Re: wxpython Setfocus problem Programming Software Development by vegaseat …400, 190), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title=u'wx.TextCtrl and SetFocus') self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(392, 150)) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour…=u'') def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) self.textCtrl2.SetFocus() # parent is frame, this will work now if __name__ == … Re: wxpython Setfocus problem Programming Software Development by bucodi …400, 190), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title=u'wx.TextCtrl and SetFocus') self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(392, 150)) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour…=u'') def __init__(self, parent): self._init_ctrls(parent) self.textCtrl2.SetFocus() # parent is frame, this will work now if __name__ == … Re: [SWT] setfocus to the same widget that lost it Programming Software Development by dale.swift You need to call setFocus from within an asyncExec call. [CODE] Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { errorField.setFocus(); } }); [/CODE] wxpython Setfocus problem Programming Software Development by bucodi ….staticText1.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 128)) [B] self.Sfield1.SetFocus()[/B] [B]Why isn't the focus set to SField1… [SWT] setfocus to the same widget that lost it Programming Software Development by DooM86 ….out.println("txt1 is empty"); ((Text) e.getSource()).setFocus(); } } public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { } }); [/code] when the txt1 lost… text1.setfocus problem Programming Software Development by swapna7999 im getting an error while using Text1.SetFocus the error is invalid procedure call or argument i used this in the form load and i suppose it is used to bring the cursor in the textbox during form load Re: text1.setfocus problem Programming Software Development by Jx_Man use tab index to set cursor on current text box. setfocus cannot be called in form load. just in procedure or function. Re: text1.setfocus problem Programming Software Development by boomba23 You cannot Set textbox setfocus in Load event , if you want to set focus use with tab index to 0 :) :) Generate code on SetFocus Programming Software Development by menelaussa Hello everybody, I have a problem regarding setfocus. I have a datagrid with 3 columns: MinAge, MaxAge and Code. In Code column I need to generate a code on set focus event. I mean ... when you click on Code textbox (in edit mode) to appear automatically the code. Can anybody help me? Than you! setfocus Programming Software Development by jpbaroma how do i use the setfocus method in and also how do i use keyascii=13 on keypress event of textbox? i want to have a textbox that when enter key is pressed, the focus shifts to another textbox. What text1.SetFocus used for? Programming Software Development by FPinget What text1.SetFocus used for? Cheers, FPinget Re: What text1.SetFocus used for? Programming Software Development by kinwang2009 Text1.SetFocus is used to set your cursor to Text1(Control). Thanks automatically setfocus in a textbox after data entry Programming Web Development by nyler01 How to automatically setfocus on text input in a and go back to same page after data has been entered.. Just like after you enter a data in input box, the form will refresh and the focus will go in the textbox again.. thanks in advance.. set focus issue in project.. Programming Web Development by jackparsana … hide and show textbox in their place. i want to setfocus on that textbox without refreshing page or reloading page. i… Using TrackFocus(), keeping focus in TabContainer on PostBack Programming Web Development by nickg21 … state. I have tried all of the usual stuff using SetFocus() on a control, or a certain item in the radiobuttonlist… Re: .:: Urgent - SetFocus Help ::. Programming Software Development by Prozeen If I understand you correctly, you are wanting to know the name of a control that has received the focus (i.e. setfocus) and therefore you need to use "gotfocus"? Re: anyone can help me on my problem... Programming Software Development by ukinaru …(Combo10.Text) Winsock14.SendData Combo10.Text Combo11.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Combo11_Click()…(Combo11.Text) Winsock15.SendData Combo11.Text Combo12.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Combo12_Click()…Combo13.Text) Winsock18.SendData Combo13.Text Combo14.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Combo14_Click()… Error in Update Excution Programming Software Development by srinivashwp … Then MsgBox "Please SELECT RELATION .." Combo1.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf Combo8 = "" Then MsgBox… Then MsgBox "Please SELECT DESIGNATION .." Combo3.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf Combo5 = "" Then MsgBox… Then MsgBox "Please SELECT SECTION .." Combo2.SetFocus Exit Sub ElseIf Combo6 = "" Then MsgBox… College library system Programming Software Development by sting23 …Command2.Enabled = True Text3.SetFocus Else MsgBox "UserName and… = "" Text1.SetFocus End If End If End If… Accessing a Microsoft Access Database Programming Databases by WatsonPsykosis …" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text6.SetFocus Else MsgBox "Your Password Sucessfully Changed", vbInformation, "…quot; Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Frame5.Visible = True Frame1.Visible…