120 Topics

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Member Avatar for darkagn

Is it possible to flag a Personal Message as Spam? I received two identical messages from a banned member today but couldn't find a way to report it.

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for newsguy

Thought that 2009 was [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/post975935.html"]the year that botnets died[/URL], well think again Batman, it was actually the year they bounced back. Compromised computers were responsible for distributing 83.4% of the 107 billion spam messages sent around the world, every single day, during 2009 according to a new Symantec report. Indeed, …

Member Avatar for AnonymousHoward
Member Avatar for gilbertsavier

I am working in mioot application ,all windows version email send to inbox,Expect windows vista .please give me the tips to avoid send an email to [B]SPAM ..[/B]

Member Avatar for techbeam

Hi Members, I see a lot of spam in search results for my blog. Please take a look @ this issue {snipped link} Is it possible to block spam via robots.txt file or any other plugins I'm using wordpress. Looking forward for help.

Member Avatar for seoindia
Member Avatar for happygeek

Botnets are, without any shadow of a doubt, one of the [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/09/30/death-taxes-and-botnets/"]biggest scourges[/URL] of IT security today. From sending spam to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story238033.html"]launching DDoS attacks[/URL] and distributing malware, botnets can be found [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/showentry.php?entryid=1021"]at the centre[/URL] of most of the security problems facing computer users right now. So wouldn't it be fun …

Member Avatar for jay 11

Here's a recent rant from search journalist, Danny Sullivan, regarding link spam. This is a good read for anyone involved with SEO. [INDENT]"[I]...the core problem is that the web has people who think nothing of vandalizing other web sites. That’s what link spamming is. You’re not adding value to a …

Member Avatar for host1plus
Member Avatar for happygeek

You probably call it Halloween, for myself and other pagans it is [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samhain"]Samhain[/URL], but for the cyber-gangs it is phishing time. Seasonally-themed spam is on the up at this time of the year, Halloween related messages accounting for 0.5% of the daily spam traffic by volume in mid-October according to …

Member Avatar for Petrusino

Hey.. i got some msn virus .. it sends email with link called find-reason-of-being-blocked.com.. can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for happygeek

The European Commission has called on EU member countries to do more, and do better, in fighting spam and other online privacy threats. In a newly published [URL="http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/doc/library/ext_studies/privacy_trust_policies/spam_spyware_legal_study2009final.pdf"]study[/URL], commissioned by the EC, it was revealed that almost all EU countries have at least one spam, spyware or malware reporting site …

Member Avatar for kofi kingston
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I've been getting spammed by a Robot alot here lately... When a member signs up there required to fill in all of the blanks(username, name, email, etc.). I want to make it where certain characters cant be used in this area(such as < / " etc.) I also want to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for slfisher

Idaho, where I live, likes to brag when it makes lists such as "best places to live," "best places to start a business," etc. Now we've made another list: we're the most spammed. [URL="http://downloads.messagelabs.com/dotcom/MLI_2009Sep_Spam_US_FINAL.pdf"]According to MessageLabs[/URL], which was [URL="http://www.symantec.com/about/news/release/article.jsp?prid=20081117_01"]acquired[/URL] by Symantec in November, the ten states with the highest percentage …

Member Avatar for nikolai04
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I know a common tactic for internet marketers is to submit links to Digg. Now that Digg has incorporated a NoFollow on links on profiles to prevent spams. [url]http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/090902-180759[/url] Do you think this will affect how marketers use Digg?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the latest [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/mlireport/MLIReport_2009.07_July_FINAL.pdf"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] from Symantec, things are looking good as web malware writers have taken a sabbatical. Unfortunately the spammers have gone multi-lingual in a lazy-ass automated kind of a way with great effect. Spam levels have, say Symantec, stayed at their highest level for two …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Usually quarterly spam trend reports from security vendors are, how can I put this nicely, actually I can't so I will just have to say it as it is: bloody boring and mostly pointless. However, the latest such report to fins its way into my mailbox from [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/"]Sophos[/URL] caught my …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Another of those security trending reports has dropped onto my desk, this one coming from PandaLabs which is now apparently part of 'Panda Security, The Cloud Security Company.' Jeez, someone needs to give the marketing director a kick up the pants for that one. Anyway, back to the report: it …

Member Avatar for happygeek

You might wonder why a 10 year old web building business managed to become the number one trending topic on Twitter this last week, with the moonfruit hashtag being tweeted in excess of 10,000 times an hour at one point. The answer is not as straightforward as some would have …

Member Avatar for Social Bug
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] has been in the headlines again. You can now pay a company to find potential followers, approach them and ask them to follow you and it's apparently a very innovative approach. It must be, that's why the BBC thought it [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8130456.stm"]newsworthy[/URL]. Actually I'm not so sure. I think I've …

Member Avatar for DansMuayThaiMMA
Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest Symantec [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] has landed on my desk and makes for the usual rather depressing reading. I guess that most depressing of all, if not surprising when you take a look at your inbox or worse still your junk folder, are the figures relating to spam activity …

Member Avatar for deathlemon
Member Avatar for happygeek

I am not a great fan of online translation services, or at least not the free variety which almost invariably end up making some huge gaffs. However, Google obviously likes the idea as it has been providing just such a tool for a while now in the shape of Google …

Member Avatar for carlyse_09
Member Avatar for happygeek

A [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=aa6e0660-dc24-4930-affd-e33572ccb91f&displaylang=en"]Microsoft security report[/URL] has 'revealed' that some 97 percent of the emails travelling across the Internet are actually unwanted spam. Well duh, like I didn't realise it was such a big problem. Actually, I didn't, to be fair. Mainly because just about every other security report I have read …

Member Avatar for 6031769
Member Avatar for happygeek

It has not exactly been the best of weekends for [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/04/03/google-to-buy-twitter/"]Twitter[/URL], and for those whose tweeting has been hijacked by not one but two worms it could easily be considered the worst of times. It all started when people noticed that a lot of their followers seemed to be recommending …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Botnets are, without any doubt, a huge and growing problem. The technology news feeds are bursting to the seams with stories about them: how [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2838.html"]botnets boost click-fraud rates[/URL], how [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2838.html"]botnets control sex spam zombies[/URL], how the cyber-criminals are [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23383/1231/"]building the first mobile botnet[/URL] and even how some botnet builders are …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.messagelabs.com"]MessageLabs[/URL] Intelligence data reveals that, in an announcement that will probably come as no shock to anyone who actually uses the Internet, the average [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2459.html"]spam[/URL] level for the year managed to hit 81.2 percent. Perhaps a little more surprisingly, especially given the number of security vendor [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3419.html"]warnings[/URL] throughout 2008, [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/18997/53/"]malware …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The United States holds many titles, some of them causes for joy while others are reason for shame. The latter category has long included 'King of Spam' being the country from which the majority of the spam on the planet originates. However, thanks to the [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2008/11/20/spammers-are-in-a-world-of-hurt/"]closure of just one spam …

Member Avatar for newsguy

What a difference a day makes. In the 12 hours following the take down of McColo Corp, a web hosting service that stands accused of being responsible for enabling as much as 75 percent of the world's email spam, the volume of said junk mail recorded by specialists at MessageLabs …

Member Avatar for happygeek

We all knew it was going to happen, and that there was nothing we could do to stop it. In fact, it was only a matter of time until the polls had closed and Barack Obama had officially become the President-elect of the United States of America. It is not …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

First some good headline news amid all the gloom: spam incidents are going down. There has been 8 per cent less unwanted junk e-mail over the last year worldwide, according to a new report from Messagelabs. The reason is relatively simple; an American ISP called Intercage went down the swannee …

Member Avatar for blakepeters
Member Avatar for newsguy

The [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] for May 2008 has revealed that spam levels have risen across all industry sectors, but manufacturing remains the leading vertical as far as spam activity is concerned at 83.7 percent. The biggest rise, however, can be found in the non-profit sector with spam levels up by …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Spam is annoying, resource consuming, malware driven and often offensive. It is also nothing if not responsive to market needs. This can be seen in the market driven swing from pharmaceutical and health related spam which has pretty much dominated the landscape during the last couple of years, to the …

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The End.