1,694 Topics

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Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

I am trying to set a record back to null. I was able to change it from null and now I want to change it back to null. For some reason it is not working. This worked perfectly fine: UPDATE members set end_date = "2017-01-18" where player = 1 and …

Member Avatar for COKEDUDE
Member Avatar for overwraith

Is it possible to make a web page that takes up responsibility for backing up a web applications tables(Oracle DB, and perhaps SQL server I am trying to be multi db supportive)? Essentially I want to create a database backup script that is kicked off by pressing a button on …

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for Zxander

Hello ! I have a task from my university that bothers me and I definately need some help. I have to create a web app in which i can add locations from the world map by taking the coordinates and make route between two selected locations from the added. Also …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for naheedkassam

Dear all, I have a scenario, where I have a single table with all my users listed in them. Each user also has a field indicating the user they report to. UserID UserDisplayName UserReportsTo ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 8 Anthony Karimi 3 9 naheed kassam 8 1 Administrator 1 3 Ramakrishna …

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Member Avatar for berserk

So here is my problem laid out as simple as I can put it. I cant combine multiple entities together that have related data but are different (one database table has id number that is shared by database table 2 and table 2 has employee number which is shared with …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for tara_1

hi frinds. hope you are well. as i writte this writting im thinking about a my [site](http://Iraniantranslate.com) .... how can i introduce my site to other people? and how can i popular it in google search? best regards,

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Smalls

What I'm trying to do is have a login type windows form to take a user name and password then compare these with data in the db then open an admin type form. I've been trying to get this to work for a few days now with no luck, about …

Member Avatar for akash_12
Member Avatar for Saveitpk

i need to update when user i come on left or right side if colums in table when user come with register then count leftcount 1 , if user come right side then count , in colum rightcount . plz any person can help me?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to angularjs 2 (I've only used 2) and I have a small application with a form. Currently I'm able to get the form data as an objects and print it to the console.log, onSubmit(form: any):void{ console.log(form); } producing this: Object {author: "Author test", title: "Title …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Van_5

**USE SELECT...WHERE FOR TEXT FIELDS IMPOSSIBLE** I use SELECT search with WHERE fieldsname by VARCHAR imposible. But good use with INT fields. Why's that. Please tell me about it . My code as : <?php mysqli_select_db($connect ,'simple_login'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM table where username= hai ' ; $retval = …

Member Avatar for Van_5
Member Avatar for Sibuns

I had a quick course of database few years ago and I forgot a lot from there. So you can say I'm starting from zero. I will try to explain to you on what I want to do and a picture with what I did so far. We have a …

Member Avatar for Sibuns
Member Avatar for azgold

as seen in the pic a table. I have the following im trying to fill the boxes based on rows. So line one will fill by the correct ordergoing left to right then down. here is my code. $results = mysqli_query($con, " SELECT * FROM PMAsset Order by Linenum, LineOrder") …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Ritesh_5

Hi, i have installed prestashop & i need a report of last order date for each customers, please help me to create mysql query. i need below columns information from database. id_customer, firstname, lastname, email, last order date. or is there any way i can export in active customers …

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Member Avatar for TheHau

I want to start a website like hippofile, cnet download, filehorse or freewarefiles in Wordpress Anyone who knows a Wordpress theme with which that I can build a website like hippofile, cnet download, filehorse or freewarefiles in Wordpress Many thanks

Member Avatar for Damhart
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I have a table with nutrient data(in Dutch) it looks like this ![Nutrient_table.png](/attachments/small/1/ea03b9085fe045894414a3101f2d6b4b.png "align-left") My DB design skills are very low, I only know Mr. Codd is lurking 'round the corner somwhere. Could anyone give me some hints on how to set up my tables or should I just usr …

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Member Avatar for mr_4

I have been butting my head against this problem for the past 4 hours, and I have to tap out. I know I can't be too far from correct I am just not sure what the missing ingredients are. Here is the problem question: Student status: List of all students …

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Member Avatar for berserk

I haver an IIS server with an mvc 5 app im developing and i have had no luck so far getting the windows authentication working with my app, i have it set to windows authenication but the app will only auto login users when accessed from the server. Then once …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tarun_6

If a table contains field's like name,age tuition fee,bus fee,year, 1,2 When I tried to update 1 year details it is updating but when I try to update the entire fields it's not updating in form of jsp page

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Xin_1

I am a beginner practicing how to create tables on SQL Here is what I've done: Create Table PO (Order_id int primary key, order_date date, customer varchar(1000)); Create table PO_Line_Item (Order_id int not null, Line_number int not null, Product varchar (30), Unit_Price decimal (10,2), Qty decimal (10,2), Tax decimal(10,2)); When …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Seef_1

I am trying to create a mysql query that groups people and the ranks them. I use the following to rank them without the grouping and get that result: SELECT rank, performance, wind,athlete,dob,prov,pos,place,date FROM (SELECT performance, wind,name,surname,dob,prov,pos,place,date, @curRank := IF(@prevRank = performance, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank, @incRank := @incRank + …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for _1_14

**problem** How to get cost per hotel and flight then add it in duration cost table based on flight date automatically . **Details** suppose i write flight date 26/07/2017 alexia 8days 04/08/2017 it must automatically get cost from hotel price table and price from flight then add it in duration …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for destiny_3

Hello pls i am making a comment feature for my log. I want the comments to be submited from a form in the "READ_MORE.PHP" , and i want the form to be processed in a "COMMENT.PHP" page were the form values are insertrd in the Comment table... (which has 5 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to rename database MySQL: RENAME DATABASE old_db_name TO new_db_name; 1 kesalahan ditemukan dalam analisis. A rename operation was expected. (near "" at position 0) Query SQL: RENAME DATABASE wwwsoulf_revsoul TO wwwsoulf_revsoul2 MySQL menyatakan: Dokumentasi #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Peter_56

Hi I have the following form at [http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php](http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php) The code is <form id="add" action="add.php" method="get"> <label for="name" id="name">Name of site</label> <input type="text" name="name" required="yes"><br/> <label for="link" id="link">Link of site</label> <input type="url" name="link" required="yes"><br/> <label for="desc" id="desc">A bit about the site</label> <textarea name="desc" required="yes"></textarea><br/> <label for="location"> Location:</label> <?php include 'database_conn.php'; $sql …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for xuexue

i want to combine multiple rows into a single row using **DB2**. I have found this code, but I do not know how can i edit it>? CREATE FUNCTION MySchema/MyUDF ( PARCol2 CHAR(5) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(1024) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA CALLED ON NULL INPUT DISALLOW PARALLEL BEGIN …

Member Avatar for Nate_3
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have the following script which successfully finds the values for $payer_email, reminder_date and sub_expire_date, however where I am having trouble is when I apply a WHERE condition to the SELECT. The condition I am trying to apply is the commented out line at the end of the SELECT. The …

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Member Avatar for ppohlmann

Hello SQL Gurus, This Query below is doing the job but it is horrible slow. Is there any way to make the query faster ? Perhaps a join .. inner outer, left ? I am looooost. Thanks for any help. SQLQuery1.SQL.Clear; SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:= 'SELECT * FROM orders_batch WHERE invoice_no=:elorder_no'; SQLQuery1.params.parambyname('elorder_no').Asstring := …

Member Avatar for ppohlmann
Member Avatar for Alv45525

Hello experts, I have to write a sql joining 6 tables. to retrieve classid, planname, workoutname,date,timeslot,status,staffemail and display them to a gridview. the tables are as below **tblclass** having columns *classid(PK)*, planallocationid*(FK to tblallocation)*, date, timeslotid*(FK to tbltimeslot),*status, staffid*(FK to tblstaff)* **tblallocation** having columns *planallocation(PK)*, planid*(FK to tblplan)*, workoutid*(FK to …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Alv45525

Hi guys, i have a login page where i created a session trainer after login. the session is the mail address of the trainer. now from another apsx page, i would like to retrieve the staffid of the user logged in using the session as criteria. I tried to write …

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Member Avatar for Muqeet_1

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems ???? how to fix anyone help me ??

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The End.