1,694 Topics

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Member Avatar for Rameshwar Soni

Hello, I want to do horizontal fragmentation of a table say employee. But fragmentation is often related to distributed databases. So i want to ask how can i do this on my single home computer? Could anyone list out the steps that should be performed. I saw the concept of …

Member Avatar for Rameshwar Soni
Member Avatar for zooferic

Hi everybodies! How increase ProductId inside Product_Table when insert a new product according to following approach? Language_Table: Id Code --------- --------- 1 ka 2 en Product_Table: ProductId ------------- 1 2 Product_Translation_Table: TranslationId Title ProductId LanguageId -------------- ------------------- ------------- ------------ 1 Kompiuteruli 1 1 2 Computer 1 2 3 Radio 2 …

Member Avatar for scarcella
Member Avatar for Headshot_Harry

Hi all, first post here, please excuse the newbieness!! I am a complete and total beginner to web development in all forms other than mediocre HTML and CSS. Please be gentle and use small words!! :-) I have recently installed Microsoft's Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in order to have …

Member Avatar for Headshot_Harry
Member Avatar for winnzor

I want something like how facebooks wall works but when i call what others have posted its out of order with time for example: First Table (Users): UserID: 1, Name: Matt, UserID: 2, Name: Bob, UserID: 3, Name: Steve, Second Table (Friends): UserID: 1, FriendUserId: 2 UserID: 1, FriendUserId: 3, …

Member Avatar for ApocDen
Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

this is my query for displaying monthly business [CODE]select convert(varchar,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0),101) as 'months with date format', sum(inv_amount) as 'business' from invoices inner join customers on customers.cust_id =invoices.cust_id where fname+' '+lname='lala fazlani' group by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) order by customers.cust_id,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,inv_date),0) [/CODE] So when I execute this command, It gives me this result [url]http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6492/sqle.jpg[/url] [url]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/538/chartv.jpg[/url] …

Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani
Member Avatar for Saranya86

Hi.. I'm developing a website for the first time in visual web developer using asp.net and sql sever database. I have designed my pages and master page. I have created my sql server database too. Please could you help me how to connect the database to asp.net master page? Also …

Member Avatar for m27grace
Member Avatar for mynameisfish.22

I have this error appearing Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage21/th/er/ag/theragereport.co.uk/public_html/feed/feed_view.php on line 148 from this code [CODE]$sql3="SELECT view FROM $tbl_name2 WHERE id='40'"; $result3=mysql_query($sql3); $rows=mysql_fetch_array($sql3); $view=$rows['view']; // if have no counter value set counter = 1 if(empty($view)){ $view=1; $sql4="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(view) VALUES('$view') WHERE …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for emidevil

I really dunno wats wrong here. the firts query works but the second does not . please help... There a these connected files: save.php [CODE]<?php include_once("classes/jewelry/item.class.php"); $inum = $_POST['ItemNo']; $i=new item(); $i->ItemNo = $inum; $i->ItemName= $_POST['ItemName']; $i->CapitalPrice=$_POST['CapitalPrice']; $i->SalePrice=$_POST['SalePrice']; $i->Category=$_POST['Category']; $i->Description=$_POST['Description']; $i->save(); include_once("classes/jewelry/stock.class.php"); $j=new stock(); $j->ItemNo = $inum; $j->NumStored= $_POST['Nload']; $j->NumSold= …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for Twistar

Hello! I am making a simple web application with a database. I want to show all the members from a specific group. The group is selected in a drop down list which is populated from my sql database table tblGrupper. I have managed to populate a GridView with the groupID …

Member Avatar for BlackStar0703

Basically I'm trying to create an app where it generates random questions and displays them in a dialog box. I've managed to create a dialog box ok but incorporating the sql database full of questions and answers is proving difficult. I've been trying to follow this tutorial and it's the …

Member Avatar for BlackStar0703
Member Avatar for rugged1529

need help here's code I'm almost finish I'm trying to find out how can i search down to the student who is taking at least two database classes here's the code [code] drop table student; create table student (student_id varchar(10) primary key not null, student_name varchar(10), major varchar(20), gpa decimal(10,1)); …

Member Avatar for babyDBA
Member Avatar for JustineAubrey

Hi, I am creating a form application that should display information from one dataset into individual textboxes (ie. system name, system id, location name, location id). The textboxes populate upon the selection of a pair of cascading combo boxes. So, the user first selects a system name from the first …

Member Avatar for JustineAubrey
Member Avatar for kikiritce

Cannot connect to x. =================================== A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 …

Member Avatar for Eagletalon
Member Avatar for amishraa

Is there a workaround to this as decode does not seem to allow the use of greater than equal sign I am trying to show the comment for any days beyond 4 days, not just 4 days. [CODE] decode(shipdate-orderdate,'4','This is unsatisfactory!') comments from orders [/CODE] Thanks in advance! :)

Member Avatar for babyDBA
Member Avatar for barriegrant1

Im creating a project where the a blog can be submitted, the date is stored in the database as dd/mm/yy, however im using LINQ to SQL to get the date as well as other information, the problem comes when i want to display the date in a particular layout (similar …

Member Avatar for barriegrant1
Member Avatar for belama

Hi, I'm using SQL Enterprise Library (Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql) objects and I'm considering using a DbTransaction to execute multiple DbCommand(s) for inserts/updates in one transaction. Let's say these queries take a few minutes to execute, I do not want it to prevent another process from queries the same tables. Considering I do …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for QuesoTaco

I am trying to figure out some web development using ms vwd in C#. I want to link a couple of textual titles to hyperlinks. However, those hyperlinks are stored in a database object's column using ms sql server and so I need to use the oledb commands and iterate …

Member Avatar for sharon.chapman7

Hi, I have a windows form with a "ComboBox" on it. The "ComboBox" has the words "Production" and "Development" in it. If the user selects "Production", I need my C# code to point to the Production database. If the user selects "Development", I need my C# code to point to …

Member Avatar for Cameronsmith63
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on an application and i want to connect it with mssql database , i dont know about the version of installed mssql server at the pc , how can i get the version of installed mssql server so that i can connect my application with …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on an application and i want to connect it with mssql database , i dont know about the version of installed mssql server at the pc , how can i get the version of installed mssql server so that i can connect my application with …

Member Avatar for cyberdaemon
Member Avatar for dirnthelord

Hey guys...I have a MySql table like this. and [B]Grade [/B]column is a derived attribute. and it is based on [B]Marks[/B]. u know the basic thing. [CODE]create table Enrolled( student_id char(14), subject_code varchar(10), marks int, grade char(2) );[/CODE] I want to fill the [B]Grade[/B] column based on each student's marks. …

Member Avatar for datakeyword
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I've been looking to secure a site that has many queries involved. I've always known about mysql real escape string for a while but recently i ran across prepared statements. I had a few questions about them. Is it a good idea to use both? is this over kill? When …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mike_

I am attempting to create a global temp table to be used between two sessions being called from a webservice. When I attempt to access the temp table from the second session it can not be found. The reason I am using a global temp table is because the initial …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for blivori

Hi, I have a table called BookTitle that holds book information. I have an SQL statement that lists all books that have the same value of a book called 'Northern Lights'. The code works but what I want to do is to exclude 'Northern Lights' from the result. This is …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for rdchislett

I'm trying to set up a query to sum a value for each user by month and then calc the percentage of that user's total vs the total month's value. My query below works as long as its limited to one month. I've tried to group my subquery the same …

Member Avatar for rdchislett
Member Avatar for kolibrizas

So I am trying to make let's say, a chat software. For this example there will be two users X and Y and the Database named DB: 1. Both X and Y are connected to DB 2. X sends a message through a form by clicking submit, 3. the message …

Member Avatar for kolibrizas
Member Avatar for geniusvishal

Guys this thread is basically for the beginners who want to learn ASP.NET from the very beginning.. Plz give your valuable suggestions and kindly provide appropriate answers for the queries...

Member Avatar for mani-hellboy
Member Avatar for rugged1529

I'm trying to create a table in oracle here's the code [code] drop table class; create table class (schedule_num integer primary key not null, semester varchar(10), course_name varchar(14), credit int, department varchar(15), /* meeting_time time,*/ meeting_place varchar(20), enrollment_limit int); [/code] I don't how to initiate the 'time' data-type, can someone …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Zeref

So i was busy playing around with the python module MySQLdb and looking at sql injection. [CODE] import MySQLdb def hack(name): db=MySQLdb.connect('xxx','xxx','xxx','xxx') cursor=db.cursor() sql="SELECT * FROM PLAYERS WHERE NAME = %s" %(name) print sql cursor.execute(sql) print cursor.fetchall() [/CODE] i entered Hack("'pete' OR '1'='1'") results were: SELECT * FROM PLAYERS WHERE …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi, I am using SQL client as the database and VS 2008 standard to bild my project. i need to browse for a file and upload it to the SQL database. how can I do this ?? I have the code to browse for the file and insert to the …

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The End.