Re: Function Key Press open Window Form Programming Software Development by JerrimePatient ![sss.png](/attachments/small/4/99603e779eeee15ae4670cd5792a743e.png "align-left") This is only applicable on `menustrip` and `toolstrip`. Blender3D SSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by iamthwee …Angle have taken a novel approach to compute SSS, at the moment their render engine is considered…will be completely black to better show off the SSS. ![2e5933633e2e6573c820cde34297e3b5](/attachments/large/0/2e5933633e2e6573c820cde34297e3b5.png "…glass node as this further enhances the SSS. In our SSS shader the important values are scale, … Re: Blender3D SSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by Siberian Do you know how to setup SSS in Mental Ray ? I use Maya, previously Softimage, now Softimage is EOL. Re: Blender3D SSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by iamthwee … you was asking if I knew how to set up sss in mental ray. FYI, I don't know much about… Help with parsing string hhmmss.sss without using time functions Programming Software Development by cktbrd … string for the time that is in the format hhmmss.sss (hour, minute, seconds, fraction of seconds). I would like to… Re: Help with parsing string hhmmss.sss without using time functions Programming Software Development by tesuji … converting by means of basic bit operations on "hhmmss.sss" for masking (e.g. '8' = 0x38 --> 0x38&… Re: Help with parsing string hhmmss.sss without using time functions Programming Software Development by kings_mitra Dear abhimanipal, I think you haven't properly read the initial post (and the subject line too), where it is clearly mentioned that the input is of the format [COLOR="Red"][B]hhmmss.sss[/B][/COLOR]... So, your code will certainly fail for that input...right ??? Please tell more ideas to put in this dev-pascal RPG game. Programming Game Development by needs_help … then begin textcolor(yellow); writeln('BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); writeln('BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); writeln('BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); textcolor(white); el:=lvl*3; boss:=true… AAA BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); writeln('MMM EEE GGG AAA BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); writeln('MMM EEE GGG AAA BBB OOO SSS SSS!'); textcolor(white); el… Please help with my c# Programming Software Development by funnym3 … double grosspayd; double netpayd; sssd = double.Parse(sss.Text); phdd = double.Parse(ph.Text); taxd…= dr["location"].ToString(); sss.Text = dr["sss"].ToString(); ph.Text = dr… Merging 2 functions Programming Software Development by Clockowl … "sss.hpp" using namespace std; using sss::node; using sss::valueiterator; using sss::childiterator; … } catch (int e) { it = values.insert(sss::value(name,string())); } return it->second; } node… } catch (int e) { it = children.insert(sss::child(name, node())); } return it->second; }[/code… Updating a record Programming Web Development by shielaolid …employeename' , Salary='$salary', Allottee='$allotteename' , Relation='$relation', sss='$sss' , ph='$philhealth', pagibig='$pagibig' ,tax='$tax', total…$row['Salary']; $allotteename= $row['Allottee']; $relation = $row['Relation']; $sss = $row['sss']; $ph = $row['philhealth']; $pagibig = $row['pagibig']; $tax = … Re: Merging 2 functions Programming Software Development by nucleon …; #include <string> #include <map> namespace sss { using namespace std; class node { public: multimap<string,…; (name, ReturnType())); } return it->second; } } int main() { sss::node n; std::string str; std::string& strRef… Templated function fails: no matching function for call to Programming Software Development by Clockowl … #include <string> #include <map> namespace sss { using namespace std; class node { public: multimap<string,…return it->second; } } return it->second; } }; } [/code] sss.cpp [code=cpp] #include <iostream> #include <fstream… Re: Templated function fails: no matching function for call to Programming Software Development by Clockowl …gt; #include <stdexcept> #ifndef SSSHPP #define SSSHPP namespace sss { using namespace std; class node { public: multimap<string,…quot;doesn't exist!"); } } }; } #endif // SSSHPP [/code] Call with: sss.cpp [code=cpp]string &node::getValue(const string &… Help with math module Programming Software Development by cadtel …working. [CODE]#This is TRIANGLE SOLVER!!! #solves triangles, in SSS, ASA, SSA, AAS, SAS #Written by Jared Miller, …("Form:\t") #SSS if type=="SSS": print("\nYou picked SSS. Type in each number, seperated…=[float(eval(i)) for i in nums] resultdict=SSS(nums[0],nums[1],nums[2]) resultdict["angles… Dynamic Adding of Elements - doesn't work Programming Web Development by GrinShady … = GrossPay*0.0;} var SSS = GrossPay*0.10; var NetPay = GrossPay-(SSS+Wtax)+Rank; //alert("Product… GrossPay; document.frm.WTAX.value = Wtax; document.frm.SSS.value = SSS; document.frm.NetPay.value = NetPay; } } </…<OPTION value="SSS Contribution Shown Here" name='SSS'>Textbox (SSS Contribution)</OPTION>… applet not initialized Programming Software Development by neknek …;Tax"); Checkbox chk2 = new Checkbox("SSS"); Checkbox chk3 = new Checkbox("PagIbig&… } if(ae.getSource() == btnC2) { tded = tax + sss + pagibig + med; txt11.setText(String.valueOf(tded)); } if(ae…quot;");//tax txt8.setText("");//sss txt9.setText("");//pagibig txt10.… using binascii Programming Software Development by mruane …ooo+++ -------++++SS++++++++++++++++++++++++SSS++++++++ ---+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +o…o-----o---o----+++oooo--o++ ++-----+++SS++++++++++++SSS+SSS+SSS++++++++SS+++ +++SS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ""… Re: Merging 2 functions Programming Software Development by Clockowl …node::value(const string name, int index) { using sss::value; valueiterator it = values.find(name); if (it… node::child(const string name, int index) { using sss::child; childiterator it = children.find(name); if (it …node::type(const string name, int index) {\ using sss::type;\ myIterator it = plural.find(name);\ if (it… How can I combine this one? (TURBO C++) Programming Software Development by networkmancer …gp*.12;}else { printf("No tax");} totald=sss+med+love+tax; netpay=gp-totald;main();break; case 3…break; case 5: float rate,day,gp,netpay,totald,sss,med,love;int age; float basic,cola,tax;char …gp*.12;}else { printf("No tax");} totald=sss+med+love+tax; netpay=gp-totald;main(); case 3:printf… run the program in 3 cases Programming Software Development by nnayram ….NewLine + "* Tax: Php 214.70" + Environment.NewLine + "* SSS: Php 21.47"); Console.WriteLine("Net Income: Php….NewLine + "* Tax: Php 214.70" + Environment.NewLine + "* SSS: Php 21.47"); Console.WriteLine("Net Income: Php… Simple Payroll (Debugging) c++ Programming Software Development by Otani …,address; float regpay, regov, RD, RDOT, meal; float SSS, PH, PI, Union, other, SSSsal, Loan, Hloan, …>> meal; cout <<"SSS: "; cin >>SSS; cout << "PhilHealth: "…quot; <<other <<endl; TD =(SSS+PH+PI+Union+other); TE = (regpay+regov+RD+… Re: Help with math module Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …degrees. For example the part [icode]if type == "SSS"[/icode] should look like [code=python] if type==&…quot;SSS": print("\nYou picked SSS. Type in each number, seperated by …() nums=[float(eval(i)) for i in nums] resultdict=SSS(nums[0],nums[1],nums[2]) # LINE SUPPRESSED print(&… Re: Help with math module Programming Software Development by cadtel …; ).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=6) #Radio buttons SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, SSA self.tri_form=StringVar() self.tri_form.set…input_2_entry.get()) input_3=float(self.input_3_entry.get()) if form=="SSS": a,b,c=input_1, input_2, input_3 A,B=… Re: Simple Payroll (Debugging) c++ Programming Software Development by Otani …address; float regpay, regov, RD, RDOT, meal; float SSS, PH, PI, Union, other, SSSsal, Loan, Hloan,… <<"\nSSS:"; cin >>SSS; cout << "\nPhilHealth: "; cin…Deductions:"; cin >>other; TD =(SSS+PH+PI+Union+other);//Total Deduction TE = (regpay… Re: Please help with my c# Programming Software Development by Santanu Das … empln=@a,empfn=@b,empmn=@c,nodp=@d,rpd=@e,sss=@f,`**ph@l,tax@h,total@i,grosspay@j,netpay… Re: Please help with my c# Programming Software Development by funnym3 i dont understand what do you mean, but this is just the code i wrote: cmd = new MySqlCommand("update empdata set empln=@a,empfn=@b,empmn=@c,nodp=@d,rpd=@e,sss=@f,ph@l,tax@h,total@i,grosspay@j,netpay@k where emp_id=@g", conn); I'll try to figure out. I'll update you later. thank you very much. Re: Please help with my c# Programming Software Development by Santanu Das … empln=@a,empfn=@b,empmn=@c,nodp=@d,`rpd=@e,sss=@f,ph@l,tax@h,total@i,grosspay@j,netpay… Re: Please help with my c# Programming Software Development by funnym3 @ Reverend Jim, thank your for fixing my thread. @Santanu, oh I didn't notice the rpd=@e,sss=@f,ph@l,tax@h,total@i,grosspay@j,netpay@k.. there's a "=" missing I have fixed it now. I tried to run the application, the edit and delete button is now working. thank you very much! checkbox output Programming Web Development by nick1981 … leave empty. $open_template = $thisdir_ABS."templates/"; $close_template = $thisdir_ABS."templates/sss.close.php"; $survey_heading_page = $thisdir_ABS."templates…;Powered by <A HREF=\"\">Super Simple Survey</A></font…