Music Library/Playlist Program - Help. Programming Software Development by swolll … genre; int playTime; int year; int starRating; char yesOrNo; public: Songs(); Songs(string…the song: "; else if(starRating < 1 || starRating > 5) cout <<…newSongInfo->setYear(year); newSongInfo->setStarRating(starRating); newSongInfo->setSongGenre(genre); library.push_back(… Last Bug to Fix - Vector Erase Problems Programming Software Development by swolll …. "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(1000,'\n'); } else if(starRating < 1 || starRating > 5) { cout << "Rating must be…->setPlayTime(playTime); newTunes->setYear(year); newTunes->setStarRating(starRating); newTunes->setSongGenre(genre); library.push_back(*newTunes); cout <<… star rating Programming Web Development by malatamil … value=' $id '> </ul> </div> starrating.css file /* CSS Document */ .star-rating, .star-rating a:hover…rating .current-rating{ z-index:1; background-position: left center; } starrating.js // JavaScript Document $(document).ready(function() { // get current rating … Organising retrieved data into a sortable table Programming Web Development by thegreatdanton …;/td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['starrating'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>… MS SQL Group by / Distinct Programming Databases by dan_ord ….DepartureDate, Offers.DeepLink, Offers.Adults, Offers.Children, Offers.HotelName, Offers.StarRating, Offers.HotelAddress, Offers.HotelPostcode, Offers.HotelTelephone, Offers.Url, Offers.BrochureInfo… Re: Seg Fault - Two Hours and Nothing. Programming Software Development by swolll …; // year = Year song was made (positive integer; >= 1900). int starRating; // starRating = Song star rating given by user (1-5). public: Songs… Re: Online polling script Programming Web Development by saikishore Hi... try to use this URL.. I hope its helpful to u.... [U][url][/url][/U] Re: Grrr... #$!@& hopping page! Programming Web Development by ppetree … tried finding the onclick() source and nothing appeared in the starrating.js (that was obvious to me - but I'm posting… Re: csv.DictReader + newline characters inside csv Programming Software Development by PaulStat …;, "NEWSERIES", "DEAFSIGNED", "BNW", "STARRATING", "CERTIFICATE", "GENRE", "DESCRIPTION"… starrating Programming Web Development by ytregnn [url][/url] Does anyone know how I could do a top 10 list within a table that has every second "table" in diferent colors with different pictures that will show up based up on the rating is an odd or even number (1=blue 2= grey, 3,=blue, ect.) Look at this … Re: starrating Programming Web Development by Dukane As you are iterating through the table, count rows. If the row number is odd, make it blue. If not, make it grey. Re: starrating Programming Web Development by ytregnn Hmm.. can it be so simple? To me, when I see the "toplist"-code I feel it could be alot harder (??). Re: starrating Programming Web Development by Dukane Whoops! I'm sorry I misread your problem. But the solution (to what I think you want to do) isn't too far off. As you are reading through the list of Top 10, divide the rating by 2. If the result comes out as an integer, the rating was EVEN. (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10). If the result has a fractional part the rating will be ODD (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 - these … Re: starrating Programming Web Development by ytregnn Hmm.. How can I do that - I'm not the best programmer.. ?? Re: starrating Programming Web Development by ytregnn Can someone help me ? Re: starrating Programming Web Development by MidiMagic Integer division: [code] a = Math.floor(b/2); [/code] Test for odd: [code] a = Math.floor(b/2); if(b - a*2 > .0001){ // code if b is odd } else{ // code if b is even }; [/code] Re: starrating Programming Web Development by ytregnn thank you, I'll see if I can make it right in someway- StarRating v.1.01 Programming Web Development by Graphix This script can be used for star ratings on for example forum or music sites. The scriptinformation is included within the script. ~G Re: Music Library/Playlist Program - Help. Programming Software Development by jonsca line 164 in songs.cpp library->push_back(*newSongInfo); line 171 in songs.cpp playlist->push_back(*newSongInfo); You needed to deref library and access member push_back so that needed to be changed into an arrow and since your newSongInfo was a pointer to song and your vectors held songs you needed to dereference that also. Same applies… Re: Last Bug to Fix - Vector Erase Problems Programming Software Development by Agni These are the 2 overloaded declarations of erase in vector: [code] iterator erase( iterator loc ); iterator erase( iterator start, iterator end ); [/code] Both of them take an iterator as argument and not int Re: Organising retrieved data into a sortable table Programming Web Development by HITMANOF44th what your going to want to do is make a forum for that table and when they click on the header name have it post to it self and then use those vars to sort it in the query Re: Organising retrieved data into a sortable table Programming Web Development by almostbob [url=][/url] Re: MS SQL Group by / Distinct Programming Databases by dan_ord Posted this a while back, still in need of some help if anyone can point me in the right direction Re: MS SQL Group by / Distinct Programming Databases by Brillig A couple ways to do this, but best done with a subquery. So the subquery would be something like (assuming offerIds are sequential and the higher is the most recent). (select ArrivalPointGroup.Name AS CountryName, MAX(offerID) from [whatevertable] group by ArrivalPointGroup) This would give you a result set of the most recent addition …