97 Topics

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Member Avatar for crownedzero

I'm working on a static method that I want to use to query mysql; I'd like the option of handing a char in but I'm only seeing string or int, what if I want to use a wildcard? '_' or an int '1', anyone have a clever solution?

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for giturman810

Heello, I was having problems with this php script. I am trying to echo a statement on a contact form depending on the data entered, but when I hit submit, I get a blank page. I belive the error is something small, but I can;t put my finger on it. …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for vicky30312

I cant figure out why my second switch stament is not working. Can you please help? I am still new at this still. // Project 8.4. Guesses the number the user enters between 1-100. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; char H,L,Y,N; int UsersNum, YesNo, HighLow, Re_Use; int n …

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Member Avatar for Khav

Greetings, I have two tables named 'copyright' and 'logs'. Table : copyright Field : Copyr_md5 Table : logs Field : md5checksum Problem 1 Say i have a value stored in `$md5check` in php , now i want to check if the value stored in `$md5check` is found in field `Copyr_md5`.If …

Member Avatar for Khav
Member Avatar for Jenniferting

Hi guys, so im required to write a programme that will make a table, along with the values and all and im also required to mark "X" at the minimum value of total time A+B (exactly beside the minimum value in the table). I tried using if statement but it …

Member Avatar for Jenniferting
Member Avatar for xIXZeroIXx

hello everyone, im having a headache with this error im getting, im trying to read a number from a file but inside a Switch(case) statement but im getting alot of erros only inside the case and i cant figure out why if my open file code is correct (as far …

Member Avatar for xIXZeroIXx
Member Avatar for pangit

Hi! I am new in vb.net and use it in our game programming. I don't know if this is the same in what they do. Here's the code. Thanks! :) Dim jeepEnemyGallery As New jeepGallery Me.y = CInt(Int((8 * Rnd(1)) + 1)) Select Case y Case 1 To 2 jeepEnemy …

Member Avatar for pangit
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I'm sure the update statement is well-written but for some reason Oracle sql command line is refusing to execute it. UPDATE myTable SET country = 'Aus' WHERE username = '"martin"'; // I know you can see single quote and double-quote as well. Well, names were inserted into the …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for iamjose

Im creating a little practice commend line application that has to ask for passwords.This is a section of the code that is suppose to run if the user puts spaces in a password. It works fine up to that point but then no matter what the user inputs it always …

Member Avatar for iamjose
Member Avatar for JukesK

if i have roughly 25 identical tables is it possible to do the following SELECT tm_name, `tablename` as Activity from t1, t2 ,t3 where date = curdate or would it be better to add another column to the table thats hidden from the users and automatically populate with the tablename.

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

hey there, Here's my complete code for a delete button that deletes a record in a Heirachical Flex Grid. Dim rsTour As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim strSQL As String cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Luckshan Tours & Travels.mdb;" & _ "Persist …

Member Avatar for Skate Bart
Member Avatar for JellybeanFB

"UPDATE P SET Stock = T.Stock FROM prices P INNER JOIN #prices " + "T ON P.Avg = T.Avg AND P.Colour = T.Colour;" + " " + "INSERT INTO prices(Avg, Colour, Stock) SELECT T.Avg, T.Colour, T.Stock FROM #prices T " + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM prices P WHERE …

Member Avatar for taskman
Member Avatar for mancode1007

halo guys, I having problem executing the SQL statement in the visual studio but when in the MySQL it work fine. Here are my code. Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT @row:= @row + 1 AS rowNum, std.* FROM Student std ,(SELECT @row:= 0) r) AS t …

Member Avatar for wen_cai
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

lets say i have a i have a char array char left_var[] //-33x-4x+x this char left_var array has the value of "-33x- 4x+ x" and result should be "-33-4+1" and store in another array called in another word iam trying to get rid of x's and if there is only …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for pattilupwned

Hello, I am writing code that mimics the game Mastermind. The computer randomly comes up with a code based on the "colors" RGBOY. The user has ten guesses to guess what the code is. Right now my code displays the secret code at the beginning just so I can test …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for dakerao

Hello all I have a bunch of aggregate elements within my array. This array is for vertex positions in OpenGL. and I need to make a switch without having to bind more data to OpenGL. To do this I must put an if statement within the array or a booleon …

Member Avatar for MandrewP
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

In my datagrid my sql statement uses a have clause to get set information and i am having countless errors My code is as shown below, were am i going wrong ` con.Open() cmd.Connection = con Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT MONTH(Head.SalesDate) AS Month, Detail.ProductID, Detail.Qty, SUM (Detail.Qty) AS TotalSold, …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

Hey below is a table i created ProductId ----- Qty ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 2 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 2 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- Wat i am trying to do is get my sql statement select and display my …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! how are you all , hope all of you are in great state of health and peace , well i have some questions , 1- WHAT IS MSSQL TRANSACTIONS . 2- where we use it. 3- Advantages /Disadvantages 4- Any imp information or point which you think it …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for chirag_mittal

Hello, I was given a question a few few days back to write a program that lets a user enter a value for an angle and quadrant in which the angle lies is printed using switch statement. I was able to make this program using if-else very easily but making …

Member Avatar for chirag_mittal
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi there I was wondering if their is anyone who can convert this statement from 'INSERT' to 'UPDATE' as I cannot seem to do is. Code can be seen below: [CODE]public static void COUNT2( ) { try { ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("INSERT INTO TABLE2 (VIDEOID,VIDEONAME,DIRECTOR,RATING,PLAYCOUNT) SELECT VIDEOID,VIDEONAME,DIRECTOR,RATING,PLAYCOUNT FROM TABLE1" ); …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10

I need everything to come out as a double rather than an int. I dont know how to do this other than creating lots of variables! Is there a way i can convert? my counter is causing the problem but i dont think theres another way to do it.The program …

Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10
Member Avatar for timothy0726

myqry = "UPDATE tblReceive SET " myqry = myqry + " ProductName = '" & txtProd.Text & "'," myqry = myqry + "' Quantity= " & txtQuan.Text & "'," myqry = myqry + " Quantity Unit= '" & ComboBox3.SelectedItem & "'," myqry = myqry + " Category = '" & …

Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic
Member Avatar for rugged1529

need help here's code I'm almost finish I'm trying to find out how can i search down to the student who is taking at least two database classes here's the code [code] drop table student; create table student (student_id varchar(10) primary key not null, student_name varchar(10), major varchar(20), gpa decimal(10,1)); …

Member Avatar for babyDBA
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I've been looking to secure a site that has many queries involved. I've always known about mysql real escape string for a while but recently i ran across prepared statements. I had a few questions about them. Is it a good idea to use both? is this over kill? When …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for suhaildawood

I am having some trouble with this code. I want have an onclick function on a div and I want to call this function. Only the 'if' section of the code works. If the #about opacity is anything other than 0.47, it still executes the 'if' code, but not the …

Member Avatar for suhaildawood
Member Avatar for monica23

hi everyone, i need to print error message if ID is greater than 1 and log user in if username is correct and display error message if the username is wrong. the code print error message if id is greater than 1 and it authenticates user if correct username is …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for monica23

Good day everyone, i need to print error message if id or row[0] is greater than 1 and a welcome message if name is correct and error message if the name is not correct. what my code does is that it prints out error message if id or row[0] is …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

My problem is that when I try to gather the parts of an array, the part of my code that decides what to keep seems to be making a mistake, though I can't fathom how it is making that mistake. My code is posted below. You should see the parts …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Mehnad

here is my entire code. now, the only problem I have stumbled upon is in the last method, getRow, where i have to extract a row from an array of string. could anyone please help me with this, i've been stuck for hours, not knowing why it calls "missing return …

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The End.