110 Topics

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Member Avatar for tony75

Hi double[] MyArray = new double[10]; I have 10 numbers and I get average of them. But how can print out how many of the numbers that are smaller than average, and how many of the numbers that are larger than average?

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for lulu79

Hi, I have 2 datagridview. 1 to show TANTOU, TOTAL SUM of DURATION and COUNT of event happened. Another 1 is to show TANTOU, AVERAGE of DURATION and COUNT of event happened. I have use LINQ function to get the result. But how can i combine it so that i …

Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu

I am trying to convert a listbox to an array so i got this line var modarray = listBox1.Items.Cast<String>().ToArray(); but then i also need to use an int array so i tried the following int[] arr = modarray.Cast<int>().ToArray(); but i get an error that suggests that is not possible to …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu

I am currently working in a Statistics Calculator which should display mean, standard deviation, median and mode. I have the graphical interface ![Sin_título](/attachments/large/4/Sin_título.png "Sin_título") This one has a text box where you get to write the list and by clicking the button it stores the fist value and goes to …

Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu
Member Avatar for mark.cueva1
Member Avatar for superchica08

Combining queue and stack link list? hello so here is my question i ave to connect a link lists together, one who behaves like a stack the other like a queue.the numbers used are 11 22 44 77 33 99 66. so the stack link list looks like this 66 …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for 03Mach1

So I am trying to write a program that will tell you the lowest grade and the highest grade out of the 3 wthat you put in and also tell you the current average you have in the class. I got the lowest and highest part taken care of but …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for icedome

Hi guys, Does anyone knows a way to, in .net websites, monitor how long does a user stays in your website, and how does a user stays in certain page of my website? I'm thinking of making frequent ajax calls, but I'm not sure on this. Any ideas? Cheers

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jwelsh

**The problem:** Our "thankyou" page (goal page) is not recording all of our conversions. For instance, our analytics account is showing 19 conversions for yesterday, but we actually had 34 conversions. **The situation and the Code:** Our thankyou page is being called dynamically from the checkout page through a jquery/ajax …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.yandex.ru/"]Yandex[/URL] is one of the leading Internet portals in Russia, and yes they do still use that terminology instead of search engine. The name itself, apparently, stands for Yet Another Indexer which is kind of apt as the company has just published the results of Yet Another iPad Survey. However, …

Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja
Member Avatar for rosechen

I have to wirte a code for monte carlo pi approximation for a menu driven calculator. here is my code but when i run it it shows me 1 instead of the pi value. can someone tel me what is wrong. double approximatepi(void) { double x,y,z,pi,randomnumber; double r,p,in; int tries; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jonny93

Hello again. I am trying to create a simple code that can compute the average of a set of numbers read in using a scanner. import java.util.Scanner; public class Average { public static void main(String[] args) { double number = 0; double total = 0; int count = 0; Scanner …

Member Avatar for delta_frost
Member Avatar for newprogrammer12

hi for my programming class we have to write an average calculator program in any langauge we want. I did mine in Java and im fairly new to programming. the problem with my code is how can I improve it to make sure user's incorrect input ruins program. for example …

Member Avatar for jackbauer24
Member Avatar for Perlie

Hi, I've got a problem to average lines which have same name. For exemple: > Strawberries 10 15 14 20 Pineapples 14 17 2 18 Apples 4 12 24 18 Strawberries 20 12 13 24 I would like to average values by fruit name. So, for pineapples, that easy, it's …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for jiggaman77777

I'm having a problem getting the number of integers greater than the average in my array to display. I keep getting "You have 1 number greater than the average when there are 5 that are greater. Pls help!!! This is the code I've devolped so far: #include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I need to calculate chi squared cdf from x->infinity with n=255 degrees of freedom. I cannot seem to get it to work. You can find formulae for chi squared distributions using google. Here is my non-functional approximation code: double riemannsum(double(*fnc)(double),double dx, double xmin, double xmax) { double ret=0; double x=xmin; …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The vanity pages to look how good and active you are compared to others is back from member's #Community Contributions part underlined links. Thank you Dani, now we know again how good we are! *P.S. How many activity points worth is giving a spammer infraction? ;)*

Member Avatar for txhornsfan

Hello all, I am having some trouble with my assembly code...still kind of new, but here it goes... The assignment is to desing an assembly program that uses a dialog box to prompt the user for a number. These numbers will be stored in an array. There will be an …

Member Avatar for txhornsfan
Member Avatar for Bowsan22

So ive been trying to get an average of this array needed, and I seem to be having trouble with it. So far, my current code just adds the numbers up, but doesnt really average them out at all: [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; public class Grades { public static void …

Member Avatar for Xinen
Member Avatar for FraidaL

I wrote this code for an assignment that asked to create a program that calculates and displays the average of any amount of real numbers. The program is supposed to ask the user how many numbers they want to enter and then use a loop to ask the user to …

Member Avatar for FraidaL
Member Avatar for anurag awasthi
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for LogicalOutlier

This program determines the grade average, raised grade average, of individual students and all students. The program takes scanner input. In the scanner, the number of students, the number of grades for each student, and the grades of each student are entered. Ultimately, I need to print out each student's …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for topdos

hi i am new here and i registered because i couldn't find the answer in google search my problem is that i could not find max and min of two arrays and the average too [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int array1[]={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; …

Member Avatar for topdos
Member Avatar for harde

The program should calculate the average of the values stored in the [B]rates[/B] array. It then should display the average rate on the screen. Display the average with two decimal places. Complete the program using the [B]for [/B]statement. Save and then run the program. Complete the program and also have …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for dolfan55aj

I'm working in the confines of a binary search tree and an AVL tree, doing some operations to find different statistics for these trees when given large random values. For instance some of my functions include finding the average leaf node depth, find the shallowest leaf node, etc. My question …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for arick1234

I have an array [x,y] where the values of x is ascending and the y values are random. I would like to sum all of the y values together when the x values are within a certain range. I can't show you any code as i dont even know where …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for pudge343

Need some guidance with this program. Never had experience with sentinels so I'm not sure where to start to calculate the multiple grade inputs. [B]Requirements:[/B] [LIST] [*]Sentinel needs to be used to indicate when there are no more students to process [*]Will read data about a student one at a …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for sanonite

Hello everyone, my assignment is to calculate each student's test average and final letter grade from a class of 20 students with 3 tests. The scores for each test are located in the text files that I am attaching. I have worked on this code for some time now, but …

Member Avatar for sanonite
Member Avatar for grh1107

Hey, Im having trouble writing a function that will take a limited running average from a file. the running average works just fine, its just when i try to limit the input, i just come out to inf. could it possibly be that im using a static double for the …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Otter992

the question asked me make a program that would find opens an read a txt file and calculate or display the following. - the number of numbers - sum of all the numbers in the file (running total) -average of numbers in file the .txt file just has 100,200,300,400,500,600,700 each …

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The End.