Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa …stmt = con->createStatement(); auto start_time0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // SQL query stmt->…<< endl; } auto end_time1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds1 = end_time1 … Re: C++ programming error Programming by rproffitt …/language/escape Example follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "furey, edward \"sphere… std::endl vs newline Programming Software Development by Tycellent std::endl vs \n Are any particular one which should be used at specific times? I understand endl flushes the stream (although i'm not 100% what this means) while \n is simply a newline. Re: std::string question! Programming Software Development by pseudorandom21 std::string is a C++ class (or maybe a typedef'd … access operator ([b] . [/b] ). i.e., [code] std::string input; std::cin >> input; std::cout << "Size =" <…;< input.size() << std::endl; input.clear(); std::cout << "Size =" << input… Re: std::ofstream fs(string Vriable) Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew `std::string` are different from `C-style` strings (null terminated sequences of characters). For your example, use the `.c_str()` function from the `string` class to get the `C-style` string. std::ofstream Myfile(mystring.c_str()); [Click Here]( to get more info. std::remove has differing syntax in VIsual Studio Programming Software Development by Hazardous_Byte … of a vector based on it's contents: using namespace std; . . . vector<int> v; v.push_back(4); v.push_back…(5); v.push_back(6); v.push_back(7); v.erase(std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), 6), v.end()); This USUALLY… Re: std::remove has differing syntax in VIsual Studio Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …. And you might also want to remove the `using namespace std;` statement. This remove function that you are getting is [this… Re: std::endl vs newline Programming Software Development by rubberman A newline in a string is just some more data to send, whereas std::endl will send a newline and then flush the output. You can also use std::flush to flush the output in those cases where you don't want a newline (input prompts for example). IE: `cout << "Enter code:" << std::flush;` Re: std::endl vs newline Programming Software Development by deceptikon … output statement and the stream must be flushed with `std::endl` or `std::flush` are surprisingly rare, mostly due to tied streams… std::vector access violation on push_back Programming Software Development by sciwizeh …include <fstream> std::string parse::stringFromFile(std::string filename){ std::ostringstream oss; std::ifstream file(filename); if(…SymbolNode { public: SymbolRootNode(); void add(std::string s); std::string ancestry() const; std::string nextSymbol(PushbackPtr r, int first… Re: std::vector access violation on push_back Programming Software Development by sciwizeh …The Token constructor looks like this: TokenType ttype; std::string sval; double nval; Token() : ttype(…sval(""),nval(0){} Token(TokenType tt, std::string s, double d) : ttype(tt),sval(… just: TokenType type() const {return ttype;} std::string strval()const {return sval;} As far … std::copy a std::vector of std::pair to std::cout Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula …it != wavs.end(); ++it ) { string temp(*it); std::pair<string, string> entry; entry.first = ….second = temp; renamer.push_back(entry); } std::copy(wavs.begin(), wavs.end(), ostream_iterator<string…>(cout, "\n")); std::copy(phrases.begin(), phrases.end(), ostream_iterator<… Re: std::copy a std::vector of std::pair to std::cout Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula …that something is wrong with user-defined functionality and std, or whether it's that the standard library does… not provide an operator<< for std::pair<>. [/QUOTE] [url]…;int const, int> is from std std::ostream is from std inside the std::ostream_iterator, where operator<< is called… std::tuple and boost::tuple don't support rvalue reference? Programming Software Development by stereomatching … something like this [code] std::tuple<std::string> kkk() { std::string temp = "temp"; return std::make_tuple( std::move(temp) ); } [/code] This…(strMove) ); [/code] This one is okay [code] std::shared_ptr<std::string> strShared(new std::string("wawawa")); boost::tuple<… std::map help!! Programming Software Development by glenwill101 …gt;, Object*>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char>, Object*>…gt;, Object>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char>, Object>… Object*, std::less<std::basic_string<char> >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<… std::map with char* Programming Software Development by monkey_king …c, I know it's generally a bad idea but std::strings are to slow. [CODE=c++] #include<iostream…=strtok(NULL," \t"); } return asso; } void cleanup(std::map<const char*,int,cmp_str> &asso….begin(),asso.end()); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ std::map <const char*, int,cmp_str> asso = build(); … Re: std::tuple and boost::tuple don't support rvalue reference? Programming Software Development by vijayan121 … > tuple<TYPES...> std::make_tuple( TYPES&&... args ) ; returns std::tuple<TYPES...>( std::forward<TYPES...>(args…...) ) ; with std::reference_wrapper<T> unwrapped… Re: std::copy and operator<< overload for ostream Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …algorithm> #include <iterator> using namespace std; // create a type to hold a "doubled…<-- print the doubled value. } int main() { std::vector<int> myVector = {34,54,43,2…(auto it = myVector.begin(); it != myVector.end(); ++it) std::cout << (*it) * 2 << "… Re: std::map help!! Programming Software Development by Moschops You're trying to make an iterator that deals with maps like this: `std::map<string, Object>` but your actual map looks like this:`std::map<string, Object*>` As an aside, one of the very useful things brought to us by C++11 is the auto keyword allowing you to make iterators something like this: `auto itr=_c.begin();` Re: std::map help!! Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 You just forgot the `*` next to the type `Object` in your for-loop. It should be: for( std::map<string, Object* >::iterator itr=_c.begin(); itr < _c.end(); itr++) std::string::size_type and typedef Programming Software Development by Sarkurd … a book but i don't understand `std::string::size_type` and some other data types specially …;<< std::endl; std::string result=""; //std::string::size_type n; int n; while (std::cin >&…if (n < hexdigits.size()) result += hexdigits[n]; std::cout << "Your hex number is: "… Re: std::string::size_type and typedef Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …(as one should!) like `std::unique_ptr` or `std::shared_ptr`, you still need to …T> class vector { public: typedef std::size_t size_type; size_type size() const; size_type … void resize(size_type new_sz); ... // If std::size_t was used everywhere, then changing it would… Re: std::sort Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 … of a problem to make this work. [code] std::vector<string> Sorting; std::string One = "-20.45,ab"…Three = "-3.52,c"; std::string Four = "03.55,defg"; std::string Five = "-12.44,es"…;; std::string Six = "12.44,ffdasd"… Re: std::sort Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … to make this work. [code] std::vector<string> Sorting; std::string One = "-20.45,…"03.55,defg"; std::string Five = "-12.44,es"; std::string Six = "12.44… Sorting.push_back(Four); Sorting.push_back(Five); Sorting.push_back(Six); std::sort( Sorting.rbegin(), Sorting.rend() ); [/code][/QUOTE] … Re: std::sort Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … f2) ? true : false; } int main() { std::vector<string> Sorting; std::string One = "-20.45,ab"…Sorting.push_back(Four); Sorting.push_back(Five); Sorting.push_back(Six); std::sort( Sorting.begin(), Sorting.end(), compare_on_asscending_value ); for(int….php?t=121049&highlight=std%3A%3Asort"]here[/URL]. Re: std::sort Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 …be [I]seened [/I]by the std::sort inside my buttoncontrol. Thank you... [code] std::string a = "1.1…"; std::string b = "22.2"; std::string c = "-…1.1"; std::string d = "-22.2"; std::vector<string>… Re: std::map with char* Programming Software Development by ArkM …-strings to preallocated buffers chain (or even into std::string with a proper capacity) including terminating zero… 2. Allocate large buffer fo process file (use std::filebuf and putsetbuf member to assign large preallocated buffer…usually are much more faster (that's proved ;))... std::string is not a bottleneck, see points above (… std::cout and wstring Programming Software Development by Kashaku … btw, I've also heard something about std::wcout, but that didnt work for me either…CPerson { int *PAge; std::wstring *PName; public: CPerson (int, std::wstring); int ShowAge(); std::wstring ShowName(); }; CPerson::…main () { CPerson BPerson(5, TEXT("Hello")); std::cout << BPerson.ShowAge() << BPerson… std::map insert crashes Programming Software Development by Dman01 … entitymanager, though I just copied it. He used std::map to collect all entities as pointers which are…,0.0)); } [/CODE] Whats not working : [CODE]typedef std::map<int, BaseGameEntity*> EntityMap; EntityMap m_EntityMap; //... void…virtual methods but not well enough with std::maps, though I know std::vector well, which is kinda the …