Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …the langChain `HuggingFaceEmbeddings` class. You can then use any vector store index such as `FAISS` to store embedded chunks.…receives the user input and the context from the vector store index containing embedded documents. The script also…The next step is to create a retriever using the vector store object and pass the `retriever` and the `… Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … text_splitter.split_documents(docs) ``` ``` embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key = openai_key) vector = FAISS.from_documents(documents, embeddings) ``` ## Question Answering with YouTube Videos…model = 'gpt-4', temperature = 0.5 ) retriever = vector.as_retriever() ``` Next, we will create two chains. The first… Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Google Gemma From HuggingFace Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …]( and create a dataset containing vector embeddings for the text chunks. After that, we…### Creating Document embeddings The next step is to create vector embeddings for these chunks. You can use any embedding …upon the information we passed to it from our vector database. ## Conclusion RAG is a powerful technique… Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter() documents = text_splitter.split_documents(docs) vector = FAISS.from_documents(documents, embeddings) ``` ### Question …the `create_retrieval_chain()` class object. ``` retriever = vector.as_retriever() retrieval_chain = create_retrieval_chain(retriever, document_chain) … Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …the PDF document. We store the embeddings in a vector database. ``` embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key = openai_key) …text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter() documents = text_splitter.split_documents(docs) vector = FAISS.from_documents(documents, embeddings) ``` Subsequently, we create a … Re: Trying to animate sprite using DirectX9 Programming Software Development by Pavel_11 Hello, it is unneccessarily to use right movex or leftmovex , because it is to much variables. You should to use one variable movex to make it with minus or plus sign in your update function; by pressing left or right keys; because the one thing which is changable is a picture; I mean in global sense; variables like leftx, right x should be one… STL vector destruction Programming Software Development by sym …in order to avoid memory leak? Or, does the STL vector destructor gets called when "sub" gets deleted …sure, if I declared a vector like: std::vector<int> *v = new std::vector<int>(); then I…. Here is the code: struct Subscriber { int cmd; std::vector<int> vec; }; Subscriber *sub = new Subscriber();… STL vector - deleting the last element Programming Software Development by yesm …that requires me to store custom classes in an STL vector and do things like search, display, and delete …for the deletion: [code] vector<course> cache; //holds objects in memory vector<course>::iterator point;… //points at the vector //fill vector with data, etc etc … Re: stl::vector, which iterator is best...? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … pointer to the start of the array contained in the vector (with type char*), then the two loops translate to … += sizeof(Foo*); //assuming Foo* is the type contained in the vector. }; [/CODE] and: [CODE] int i = 0; for( i < … realize that you could use another container instead of a STL vector, and that new container might not be random-access, … Re: STL Vector In A Class Programming Software Development by mrnutty [URL=""]Read,Read,Read[/URL] Re: stl::vector, which iterator is best...? Programming Software Development by Narue … need random-access, i.e., you are just traversing the vector from start to finish, then, if you use the iterator… realize that you could use another container instead of a STL vector, and that new container might not be random-access, then… help:stl vector of user defined objects Programming Software Development by mpakala Hi Im trying to use the stl vector to implement a container. The container doesnot need any data … I don t think i can use vector. How can I implement this ? eg: vector<container*> ops; ops = new A… need to be a valid type to be used with stl vector? class container{ container(){}; ~container(){}; ?????? } Please let me know. thanks kiran Array or Vector? A look at the STL vector. Programming Software Development by vegaseat The Standard Template Library (STL) vector is tempting. The burden of dimensioning an array is removed, and there are many wonderful functions to explore. The learning curve is a little steep, it will make your head swell, but in the end it's all worthwhile. Take a look at some of the code that is supposed to make programming easier. Help with implementing the stack ADT using the STL vector class, C++ Programming Software Development by mibit Hi there, could anybody please do me a big favour and write a complete program in C++ with at least one example of using all interface functions of the specified below ADT ( Abstract Data Type) You should implement the stack ADT using the STL vector class. Thanks :) I hope to copy STL vector container, but element unit Programming Software Development by mikabark I will copy stl vector container A to B But not whole. If element of … Re: STL sort problem Programming Software Development by mzimmers …: [URL=""][/URL] I'd have thought… (which is not the same as the end of a vector). works. Re: STL sort problem Programming Software Development by arkoenig …: [URL=""][/URL] I'd have thought… (which is not the same as the end of a vector). [/QUOTE] Where does it claim that? I couldn't find… STL sort problem Programming Software Development by optimumph … array (data) into an STL vector, then apply STL’s sorting algorithm to the vector, and finally copy the vector back into the array. void… STLSort(int data[],int size) { vector Re: STL vector destruction Programming Software Development by sarehu No you don't. When a vector's destructor gets called, it calls the destructors of all its elements. Re: STL vector destruction Programming Software Development by sarehu For example, the behavior of the following two snippets is more or less the same, as far as destruction is concerned: [code] T* p = new T[3]; p[0] = x; p[1] = y; p[2] = z; delete[] p;[/code] [code] { std::vector<T> v; v.push_back(x); v.push_back(y); v.push_back(z); } [/code] Re: STL vector - deleting the last element Programming Software Development by yesm Hmmmm. The explicit keyword and the different syntax totally made me miss the fact that the line was a constructor ;) I was having trouble throwing extra parameters at the STL functions, so I had been using... erm... a global variable... That syntax helped me a ton! Thanks for the help, everyone! Now I just have to get File I/O working.... Re: STL vector - deleting the last element Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …;358382]I was having trouble throwing extra parameters at the STL functions, so I had been using... erm... a global variable… STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by wazzer225 …. I was under the impression that the size of vector is fixed as it just stores a pointer to an…std; int main() { vector< string > * u = (vector< string >*) malloc( sizeof(vector< string >)) ; *u = vector< string >(… is that malloc allocates memory to the size of a vector (which is 12 bytes) and then it is then … Re: STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by wazzer225 … this: [CODE]vector< string > * u = (vector< string >*) malloc( sizeof(vector< string >)) ; *u = vector< string &… me if i'm wrong calls the constructor of vector and puts in 10 string elements all intialised to …"test". and This: [CODE]vector< string > *u = new vector< string >(10,"test");… Re: STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo … this: [CODE]vector< string > * u = (vector< string >*) malloc( sizeof(vector< string >)) ; *u = vector< string …me if i'm wrong calls the constructor of vector and puts in 10 string elements all intialised to…"test". and This: [CODE]vector< string > *u = new vector< string >(10,"test"… Re: STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by wazzer225 [CODE]vector< string >(10,"test");[/CODE] Is one of the constructors of vector is it not? Can you tell me how its not being contructed? Thanks Re: STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by wazzer225 Ah ok the line [CODE]vector< string > *u = new vector< string >(10,"test");[/CODE] is constructing a tempory object then using the assignment operator to assign to the allocated memory in which the object is uninitialized. Thanks for your answer. Re: STL Vector and Malloc Programming Software Development by wazzer225 But in the above code I’m calling the constructor after I have used malloc: [CODE]*u = vector< string >(10,"test");[/CODE] Is it because malloc does not initialise all the bits in the memory it allocates? But i would'nt know why that would make a difference if the contructor is being called. Re: STL vector - deleting the last element Programming Software Development by vijayan121 … thought pop_back() will always remove the LAST element in a vector. The code still works, I'm just a tad confused… partition would have been faster (as the iterator for the vector can be used bidirectionally). i went along with the remove_if… Re: STL vector - deleting the last element Programming Software Development by yesm … thought pop_back() will always remove the LAST element in a vector. The code still works, I'm just a tad confused…