158 Topics

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Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

i make this project what i unable to use file handling[CODE] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<bios.h> #include<ctype.h> int menu(int,char a[25],char b[25],char c[25],char d[25],char e[25],char sl1[2],char sl2[2],char title[40],char under[2]); void lbyl(char a[50]); void main_menu(); void student_menu(); void mark_menu(); int records=0; void lbyl(char a[50]) { int l,i; l=strlen(a); …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for jamesvick

i want to implement this feature : if i have a following sentence : {my name is james vick and iam a {member|user|visitor} on this {forum|website|site} and iam loving it | iam admin and iam a {supervisor|admin|moderator} on this {forum|website|site} and iam loving it} on a click of button i …

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Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[B][I][U]Introduction[/U][/I][/B] Hey guys today I am writing a tutorial on Lists and tuples in Python.... So lets get started... [B][I][U] Layout:- [/U][/I][/B] 1.What are data sturctures? 2.What are tuples? 3.What are lists? 4.inbuilt functions on lists and tupples [B][I][I][U] What are Data structure?[/U][/I][/I][/B] Anybody familiar with programming or Actually Computers. …

Member Avatar for redyugi
Member Avatar for mommabear

Hello again. For the current lab, we're working with strings and pointers. I'm trying to keep this one simple and get one step working right before I move on to the next. However, if I have subsequent issues with this lab, I'll just use this same thread rather and make …

Member Avatar for mommabear
Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer

Two litle functions to help on text slice and spliting. The code comments say it all. [CODE]# Slicer takes as arguments a tuple containing the string before, # the string after and the string to truncate. It returns the string # between the two given strings Slicer = lambda((b, a, …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for Rez11

I am trying to replace "the" with "that". My original sentence is "the ball is under the car". I can successfully change the first "the". But when I try to change the second "the" string1 ends up being "that ball us under that".So it cuts off the world "car". What …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was having some confusions about string and NULLs. So, I read this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread77987.html"]thread[/URL] on this very forum. But, I could not understand somethings... Firstly, Is NULL an integer value 0, or something else? Secondly, [CODE]if(strlen(str)==0)[/CODE] this shows that the string is null or it shows that the first character …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ylin333

How do you access a database from a C++ or Windows API program? :-/ I would like to be able to get data from a database as strings or something. I want to use a database so that it is easily changed from MS Access or something similar. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for ylin333
Member Avatar for atechnikality

I'm a student and taking an intro to C class and would appreciate some help! I've got a file with 10 words that I've loaded into a 2D array. I've written code that will generate a random number between 0 and 9 to select a string from the array. I'm …

Member Avatar for atechnikality
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

I write this program to cheak user name and password enter by the use is same then the user is able to login, for this i declare a pointer array to store some user name and password (like sin up by user),and then the user enter her user name and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for firoz3321

Sir, i'm new here searched the forums and web. I'm a beginner and dont know C very well. The Question actually is this: [QUOTE]Write a C function called DistinctWords that counts the distinct words in its input string and prints them in the descending order of number of its occurrence. …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for binarydisco

Hey all, I'm new to programming in MASM 8086 Assembly language. How do you ask the user to input a string of word like "Hello Daniweb" in MASM 8086 assembly language and once the user enters it, it display it on the command window. I appreciate the code :D PS: …

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hey people, first all let me apologise if this in the wrong section I couldnt find a seciton for office or just excel. So i figured windows software was my second safest bet, he hopes lol. I'm having a problem with excel. I'm trying to write a function that will …

Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle
Member Avatar for mtliendo

I'll start off by saying that not only am I new to Python but programming in general. But the problem is that whenever I have the user put in a number, then have the user put in another number, I can't get the two x,y variables to add up. the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for GL.Za

Hi I need to write a sql script to split a string in two or more parts. e.g. I have a string: "tag: key1, key2, key3" I would like to use the ":" as a seperator and thus end up with two strings: "tag" and "key1, key2, key3" Is this …

Member Avatar for GL.Za
Member Avatar for Anex

I am facing some problems trying to understand the difference in handling strings when they are declared as a char array and when they are declared with a pointer pointing to them. In the following code snippets, I have a few doubts. 1.While code 1 works correctly, code 2 crashes …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for niemo

Dear all, As the title says: How can I get the most frequent string (that occurred the most) in an array of strings ?

Member Avatar for EricTetz
Member Avatar for barevhayerable

Hello everybody, is there somebody that can help?? I'm having string (my example in string 55+22)that must be inputed by keyboard .. the first part I've done to put 55 to another array 2(with strtok function) Now that I was tries for many hours to put 22 to an other …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for livestrong2431

Hello. I'm just starting out in C++ and am trying to figure out how to split a users string input into individual words and then put each word into a slot in an array. I think it's going rather well, but I'm running into some problems, and it would be …

Member Avatar for livestrong2431
Member Avatar for drummy

Greetings community, I've exhausted all ideas and patience and turn to the community at large for help. I have data formatted as an ASCII text file with easting, northing, and depth fields. I've attempted an arrayList with some success, but there has to be a better and more efficient approach. …

Member Avatar for drummy
Member Avatar for pinknblu

It's saying I have 6 errors. Need help, please..or a push into the right direction. Thank-you. :) [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cctype> using namespace std; int Len_String(char *); int CountCapitals(char *); int CountVowels(char *); int main() { char msg[] = "Strayer - what a University !"; char msg2[] = "Programming is …

Member Avatar for pinknblu
Member Avatar for Yggdrasil

During a university project, I had to print some int arrays to the screen, and I wanted to do it with printf. So I decided to include a function that converts an integer array into a string type, and passes the string out to the calling function. But the function …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for QuantumMechanic

I am hoping someone here can help me with a little bit of trouble using the execve() call. I have some code that needs to call an external script under CNL (Compute Node Linux, [I]i.e.[/I] - Cray XT4/XT5). CNL is [B]extremely[/B] lean and is missing enough libraries to make using …

Member Avatar for QuantumMechanic
Member Avatar for Ryujin

Greetings! I'm trying to make [URL="http://faculty.kutztown.edu/rjensen/charcoun.htm"]this tool[/URL] for some fellow librarians who answer questions via text messaging. As you see beneath that page's text box, the catch is that the PC-to-SMS client treats the forward slash as [I]two[/I] characters. I'd like if possible for the JavaScript character counter to recognize …

Member Avatar for Ryujin
Member Avatar for acemaster3

1. Manipulate dynamic pointers and arrays of pointers 2. Use sorts, strings, searches and string functions. Procedure: 1. Your new software engineering group is hired for its first paying project to develop a console application to demonstrate a possible user interface for a next generation MP3 player. 2. Your C++ …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Don_k

Hi guys here is what I aim to do : Create a program which 1. reads in a string of less than 25 characters from the user 2. prints out the string followed by its reverse i.e. if the user enters "hello", the program should print "helloolleh". I can do …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Don_k

My aim is to create a program that: 1. reads in a string of less than 255 characters from the user into a variable called array1 2. copies array1 into a variable called array2, converting each element of array1 to UPPER CASE 3. prints out the contents of array2 I …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for eternaloptimist

/* i have forgotten how to do the setw for the output (ex. Find Holland, Beth: 5)...getting all of the numbers to line up. also, i need to know how to modify this program so it reads in 20 strings from a file. i want to name the file names.dat. …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for a7med sh

Can any 1 help me or give me a tip i know that i have some mistakes what I want to do is : - Read the input until eof keeping track of each letter that occurs in the input as well as the number of occurrences of that letter. …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for DanceInstructor

If I have a long string of text in say a table cell, how can I make it break so it doesn't cause horizontal scrolling? Thanks :)

Member Avatar for joecap5

The End.