109 Topics

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Member Avatar for Drakarus

Problem 1: I was wondering if it's possible to add for example the struct below into a binary tree: [CODE=c] struct Appoint { string place; string title; int hour, minute; int durationHr, durationMin; }; [/CODE] I want the above struct to be sorted in the binary tree by hour and …

Member Avatar for Drakarus
Member Avatar for newworldcoder

I am very new to development and have been sinking my teeth into C#. I have an application that was written in C++ which is out of my depth, and I was wondering if someone could explain how I would recreate this in c#. The application sends message to linux …

Member Avatar for sundip
Member Avatar for garyengle

I can't seem to pass a struct address to a function. My program "stops working" when it gets to the scanf statement of the getReady function. [CODE]/**************************************************** Author: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: This code will explore passing a data structure address to a function. ****************************************************/ #include <stdio> #include <stdlib> //prototypes: struct things{ …

Member Avatar for garyengle
Member Avatar for Jamesbch

Hello everyone, I find C not very flexible this time because I know there is an easy way to assign field values to a struct like this : [CODE]Struct mine = { field1, field2, ... };[/CODE] but in my case "mine" is contained in a bigger struct. So I have …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for kaydee123

Hello, I defined a list in a class and want to do a class containing get/set functions. How can I set or get a data struct (list element) that has variables of different type and each variable is taken separably as an input from the user (I do the input …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for adaniel058

I have a problem where I need to be able to create an array using the data from the text file. The first line of the file is the array size and the following values need to be put into structs. There may be more than one array per txt …

Member Avatar for adaniel058
Member Avatar for mloC

I was wondering how one would go about creating a structure that cannot be used by itself, i.e. only through a wrapper class. My question is what would be the syntax for this construct? I'm currently on a personal project to make simple tests from old tests, all the questions …

Member Avatar for mloC
Member Avatar for Tym326

Hi all, I have recently decided to implement struct framework with my current project. All are good except there a number of pages that uses , the particular page forwarding statement stopped working. The pages that used are all part of the "body" of the tiles. Say I have a …

Member Avatar for alllucky7s

So this is my problem: as the title suggests, I have a Labyrinth class that contains two binary trees made of two different kinds of structs that represent different kinds of rooms. The names are in spanish, so Arbol means tree, Laberinto is the labyrinth class and Sala1 and Sala2 …

Member Avatar for alllucky7s
Member Avatar for ilkeamasya

Hello, there. I'm trying to write a program which reads student information from keyboard and does some calculations. I've just started it and I dont know much about this "Struct" topic. As far as I know, I've tried to do something and here is the result. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #define N …

Member Avatar for ilkeamasya
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

Hi I am making an mp3 database at the moment and i have run into some difficulty when passing down the array to a function. I can do it when i create the array globally as obviously this means i dont have to pass it down, but i want to …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for som3aman

Hey guys, Im trying to make a program that guesses the name of an animal in the users head by asking him or her a bunch of questions. The questions, answers, and line number for yes/no are inlcuded in the file animals.txt as follows: Q Does it have feathers? 2 …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for ace8957

Hello everyone I have been trying to learn the greater mysteries of linked lists and have come across an error that is inexplicable to me at my current level of understanding. I have written a program that attempts to form a linked list to store student information in the form …

Member Avatar for ace8957
Member Avatar for iru

Gentlefolk, Using C# in VS 2005. I have a struct (some components deleted for simplicity) : [code] public struct CoOrdData { public int[] coOrdMaxArray; // = new int[3]; // XYZ co-ord maximum .. .. } [/code] This is used in the following objects: [code] public CoOrdData GraphData = new CoOrdData(); …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for thisismyuname

Hallo, I must develop a Client application using (Qt) C++. The server application was developed by somebody. I need to register with the Server application to get data from it. I have problems here. Can anybody please let me know how to proceed. In order to register with the server, …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for Rombosia

Hi, I have a C++ dll with a header having the following struct: [CODE] struct TData { DWORD m_Command; BYTE m_Option; char m_Message[300]; }; [/CODE] The dll also has a callback function MessageReceived that takes TData as a parameter. The function fills in the m_Message with some data and returns. …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for cyborg22

:) Hello experts, Im taking a C++ class and i was asked to Write a program that uses a structure named MovieData to store the following information about a movie: Title Director Year Released Running Time (in minutes) I've come down to making it compile, but, when it couts the …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for gauravkr

#ifndef _READFILE_H_ #define _READFILE_H_ #include<string> #include<vector> #include<map> using namespace std; class Readfile{ private: string str; vector <string> goArray; vector <string> strArray; vector <string> phyIntArray; vector <string> subArray; vector <string> proArray; /* member function */ void processString(string str); void processGoId(string); void processPhysicalInt(string); // void processMetabolicInt(string); public: typedef struct Info{ string uniprotID; …

Member Avatar for gauravkr
Member Avatar for karthik.u

Hey guys need some help with this. I m kinda new to c++. I m trying to insert a structure into a set. and when i compile this i m a gettin an error. i guess i need to add a comparator function please let me how do i do …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn

The End.