955 Topics

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Member Avatar for NA

hi everyone i need help in my query which is that: 1.which country name i selected from my dropdown list 2.when i select any country_name its show more info in new page.php like (this selected name show more information about country_name e.g. its captical, and cities through database in new …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for alexandru1111ful

I have a form and I need to connect the form with another page wich contains a table, afer pressing the submit button (form page), should redirect me the other page with the table,and there I shoul have a new row with the data I've completed. The pages are in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Zxander

Hello ! I have a task from my university that bothers me and I definately need some help. I have to create a web app in which i can add locations from the world map by taking the coordinates and make route between two selected locations from the added. Also …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for naheedkassam

Dear all, I have a scenario, where I have a single table with all my users listed in them. Each user also has a field indicating the user they report to. UserID UserDisplayName UserReportsTo ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 8 Anthony Karimi 3 9 naheed kassam 8 1 Administrator 1 3 Ramakrishna …

Member Avatar for naheedkassam
Member Avatar for Anni_2

Whenever i execute this, only the last row of the loop gets inserted even if i click on the first row or any row. What i need is: if i click register, the entire selected row must store in another table Whats wrong here? Please help me.. <table class="table table-striped …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Mugiwara

I want to see the penalties updating, but it's only see after you click the return button and wait for one day again that it will show the penalty. <?php $user_query=mysqli_query($dbcon, "select * from borrow LEFT JOIN member ON borrow.member_id = member.member_id LEFT JOIN borrowdetails ON borrow.borrow_id = borrowdetails.borrow_id LEFT …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lim_2

HI,everyone , I m stum in this question for long time, could somebody help me out, my output is success ,but the arrange in table is wrong. below is my code.. <?php $no_pensyarah=$_SESSION['no_pengguna']; $tahunsemasa =date('Y'); include '../includes/dbconnect.php'; $sql_rekod = "SELECT a.*,b.nama_subjek,c.nama_kursus FROM info_subjek_pensyarah as a, subjek as b,kursus as c …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for Haji Sameon

Hi, Im new to data table, im using DataTables 1.10.5 and i try to put center my pagination since it looks kinda messy on my table. Here is my code : Html: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="display example" id="example2" width="90%"> <thead align="center"> <th>a</th> <th>b </th> <th>c</th> <th>d</th> <th>e</th> <th>f</th> <th>g</th> …

Member Avatar for Haji Sameon
Member Avatar for Van_5

**USE SELECT...WHERE FOR TEXT FIELDS IMPOSSIBLE** I use SELECT search with WHERE fieldsname by VARCHAR imposible. But good use with INT fields. Why's that. Please tell me about it . My code as : <?php mysqli_select_db($connect ,'simple_login'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM table where username= hai ' ; $retval = …

Member Avatar for Van_5
Member Avatar for Eric_20

Hello everyone! Basically a user is able to select one or multiple rows using checkboxes in a GridView and then a delete button which deletes selected rows. The problem is, the code behind for deleting works until I started using UpdatePanel. It just broke and I have no idea what …

Member Avatar for tonym001
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I have a table with nutrient data(in Dutch) it looks like this ![Nutrient_table.png](/attachments/small/1/ea03b9085fe045894414a3101f2d6b4b.png "align-left") My DB design skills are very low, I only know Mr. Codd is lurking 'round the corner somwhere. Could anyone give me some hints on how to set up my tables or should I just usr …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for tarun_6

If a table contains field's like name,age tuition fee,bus fee,year, 1,2 When I tried to update 1 year details it is updating but when I try to update the entire fields it's not updating in form of jsp page

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Xin_1

I am a beginner practicing how to create tables on SQL Here is what I've done: Create Table PO (Order_id int primary key, order_date date, customer varchar(1000)); Create table PO_Line_Item (Order_id int not null, Line_number int not null, Product varchar (30), Unit_Price decimal (10,2), Qty decimal (10,2), Tax decimal(10,2)); When …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Mhecha

Am trying to create edit-form but there are some problem which I cant determine by my self. I cant echo inserted record and updating. <?php include("db_con.php"); $edit_reg_no = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'edit_customer_detail', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['default' => NULL]]); if(isset($_POST['update'])){ $update_reg_no = $edit_reg_no; //getting the text data from the fields $d_fname = $_POST["d_fname"]; …

Member Avatar for Mhecha
Member Avatar for Somali_1

I want to make a member login system which every member has its own database, when a user is registered successfully i want to create his special database. please help me the database creation code if you can Thank you Ali-Yare Mohamed

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Antony Rayan

Hi, I am new to this concept. I donot know how to make certain coulmns to be readonly , but when uploading it into server , I have to access that column value, I used this comment but it is not working. Here $avst is my excel file object. $avst->getActiveSheet()->protectCells('A5:D5', …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Maurres

Hi good day guys.. i am doing a POS in Microsoft access for my thesis.. the problem .. i create a button and i want to enter a data to the list box.. if you click the menu button it will automatically add the item on list box.. and i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mhecha

**I can't update inserted data via GUI, Its working well on inserting records before I modify it, and when am trying to modify in order to update inserted data its not update as I expect to happen. I can display inserted data well by echo them to GUI Below is …

Member Avatar for Mhecha
Member Avatar for Krunal_3

Hello, I have implemented pagination in MVC application. when first time page loads, it works properly, when I click on paging then it makes AJAX call and bind the data in my HTML table from json response. but after AJAX call, pagination is working. once AJAX call fires, then pagination …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for ruby_2

Please guy am new to php am writing a project now.....but I want to be sure how to merge a user to another user with same amount or figure (project idea ponzi scheme like mmm)

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Mark_65

Hey guys I am looking for a delete javascript function that will work with this code here. I have tried a few that I have found online. They work however they only seem to delete the first row. If you add rows none of those can be deleted there after. …

Member Avatar for abubaker_2
Member Avatar for Mark_65

The following code will allow me to add a table row line and I can add the starting amount with the first amount input into the first row, but if I add a row and enter in an amount I want it to add or subtract that as well. Thanks …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Mamadou_2

hi every body, i want to add row in my table html using javascript but i use methode append(), when i refresh my page, the row disappears and I want it to remain in the table. please help for me. thank

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Carlo_1

Hi this is my last try before I give up on Forums. I have been asking this question many times, searched the whole Internet and found no answer so far. Can somebody tell me how to insert data in a TablePress table from a form on a webpage(yes like a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saad_8

HI, I have recently upgraded my mysql database to version 5.1.72 community log. I am having an issue that all my select queries are showing the columns as NULL if there is no entry added for a specific column. For exmaple I have a table table_employee and the employee name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Nadosh

hello, i have one table in sql server and i made a form to editing this table from. so when i click edit in the table .. it takes me to the editing form with the chosen id .. what i need is to show all other feildes in the …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I have an existing table in an Access DB that I want my user to be able to copy by pressing a button. When the user presses the button, they should be prompted for what is to be the name of the table. The program should then copy the existing …

Member Avatar for JohnTheGrateful
Member Avatar for Isidoros_1

Hello, I built a website on my personal server and everything work fine. But when I uploaded it on the production server there is a problem with the database - the character encoding is wrong so the text is unreadable (users submit greek words). The collation of the tables is …

Member Avatar for kalxas
Member Avatar for Rajeshwari_1

Please help me out. I have a table with one row. I can add rows to it by clicking add button which adds rows through javascript code. I have 3 dropdown columns and one textfield and one more textfield which is not editable. So i need total of last column. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbee_jv

Hello all, I have an spring MVC app, that connects to my backend MySQL DB. I have my data source configured properly in my spring bean config XML file, as follow: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" /> <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3406/mydb" /> <property name="username" value="root" /> <property name="password" value="passwd" /> …

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The End.