Taskkill frontend problems Programming Software Development by eviocg This progran is a frontend for the windows "taskkill". If i type the output directly into a command …;Force? Y/N"; cin >>force; command= "taskkill"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (computer == "c") { computer == "c"… Re: Using Taskkill with a Non-admin Account Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cuzintone taskkill will attempt to kill all WINWORD.EXE processes whether they … eq %USERNAME%" so that the line reads as follows taskkill /f /IM WINWORD.EXE /fi "username eq %USERNAME%"… system("TASKKILL") help Programming Software Development by licktress … wish to end, but the problem is, the system("TASKKILL") function won't accept variables. for example: [CODE]string…" << endl; cin >> cProcess; system("TASKKILL " cProcess "/t"); //or something similar? [/CODE] Anyone… Re: system("TASKKILL") help Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon The system() function does not accept but one string parameter, so you have to make the command all one big string. [code] string command; command = "TASKKILL " + cProcess + "/t"; // or something like that system(command.c_str()); [/code] Using Taskkill with a Non-admin Account Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by LaxLoafer I need to kill a process from the command line: taskkill /f /IM WINWORD.EXE The command works just fine when … Re: Using Taskkill with a Non-admin Account Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by LaxLoafer … current user, the account from which I wish to call taskkill. Re: Taskkill frontend problems Programming Software Development by marco93 Never use system() on Win32 Use Win32 api (TP and others) Re: Taskkill frontend problems Programming Software Development by mitrmkar [QUOTE=marco93;828334]Never use system() on Win32 Use Win32 api (TP and others)[/QUOTE] What on earth "TP and others" means? Re: system("TASKKILL") help Programming Software Development by kvprajapati You can use execv also. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; int main() { char *args[3]; args[0]="sample.txt" ; args[1]=NULL; printf("This is before execv \n"); execv("c:\\windows\\notepad.exe", args); return 0; } [/code] Read more about … Re: system("TASKKILL") help Programming Software Development by JasonHippy [QUOTE=adatapost;945216]You can use execv also. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; int main() { char *args[3]; args[0]="sample.txt" ; args[1]=NULL; printf("This is before execv \n"); execv("c:\\windows\\notepad.exe", args); return 0; } … Re: system("TASKKILL") help Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>I don't think any of the windows compilers ship with unistd.h do they? cygwin has it and all the other *nix header files. That can be configured with g++ and Code::Blocks. The Microsoft compilers do not support it. This! Is! Firefox!! Community Center by Aeonix …Mem Usage ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ ~~ SNIP ~~ C:\Windows\system32>taskkill /f /im Flash* SUCCESS: The process "FlashPlayerPlugin_18_0_0_232.exe"…PID 2056 has been terminated. C:\Windows\system32>taskkill /f /im firefox.exe SUCCESS: The process "… HijackThis Log - Need Help! Hardware and Software Information Security by joelmichalec … 0 tasklist.com 02/14/2006 02:59 PM 0 taskkill.com 02/14/2006 02:59 PM 0 regedit.com… 0 tasklist.com 02/14/2006 02:59 PM 0 taskkill.com 02/14/2006 02:59 PM 0 regedit.com… 14 2006 2:59:06p ..SH. 0 0.00 K taskkill.com Tue Feb 14 2006 2:59:06p ..SH. 0… Quotation Confusion Programming Software Development by Mikecool509 …path[/I]" I got one of my other commands, taskkill to work by typing the following: [code]System.Diagnostics.…Process.Start("taskkill.exe", "-im " & processText.Text & …, I can't get the tasklist to work. The taskkill.exe must be in one set of quotation, and then… Re: Strcat and CMD Programming Software Development by Puddles …=cikara21;1071274]this might work.. [code] strcpy(str, "taskkill /f /im "); //adding a space character after an …(str, task3); [/code][/QUOTE] The syntax of the taskkill line has been changed to your value, however, the problem…quot; for the string and a space after the taskkill line, I have changed nothing else with the original… Re: Need just a push/little help.. Programming Software Development by triumphost …started(); quit = true; system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe"); cout<&… != "brandon") { system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe"); cout<<&… Run as administrator ?! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by skatamatic … works fine, here it is: @echo off REM ************** KILL AERO *********** taskkill /IM Dwm.exe echo DWM Closing main memory timeout /T… 2 /nobreak taskkill /IM Dwm.exe echo DWM Closed pause (i'm not… Crazy-Weird-Makes no sense? Programming Software Development by u8sand … simple thing: start notepad.exe but when i got to: taskkill /IM notepad.exe it crashed?!! So i tryed other things…, if i do taskkill for anything EXEPT notepad.exe it works and doesent crash… scheduled tasks puzzle Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by knowledgehog When I type [CODE]c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im somename.exe /t[/CODE] in the run box … /ru confused /rp bigheadache /tn sametask /tr c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im somename.exe /t[/CODE] I run into all… Re: scheduled tasks puzzle Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by knowledgehog … /ru confused /rp bigheadache /tn sametask /tr c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im somename.exe /t should be typed as: [QUOTE… confused /rp bigheadache /tn sametask /tr "c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im somename.exe /t"[/QUOTE] because whatever comes… Strcat and CMD Programming Software Development by Puddles … "ERROR: Invalid syntax. Value expected for '/im'. Type "TASKKILL /?" for usage." I have already done several manual…"; cin.getline (task3, 30); cin.get (); strcpy(str, "taskkill /f /im"); strcat(str, task3); cout << "… Re: Strcat and CMD Programming Software Development by Clinton Portis After briefly looking at your code.. maybe all it needs is just a space in between commands: [CODE] //this strcpy(str, "taskkill /f /im"); //might work if it was like this: strcpy(str, " taskkill /f /im");[/CODE] Re: Strcat and CMD Programming Software Development by Puddles … a space in between commands: [CODE] //this strcpy(str, "taskkill /f /im"); //might work if it was like this…: strcpy(str, " taskkill /f /im");[/CODE][/QUOTE] I just tried this, unfortunately… Kill process with space in name Programming Software Development by allen2663 … psi As New ProcessStartInfo psi.UseShellExecute = True psi.FileName = "taskkill.exe" psi.Arguments = "/F /IM notepad.exe"… psi As New ProcessStartInfo psi.UseShellExecute = True psi.FileName = "taskkill.exe" psi.Arguments = "/F /IM movie sleuth.exe… killing a process in python Programming Software Development by ddndd … a process so in python i used os.system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe/T" and os.popen("…;taskkill /IM notepad.exe /f") neither have worked since the … Re: killing a process in python Programming Software Development by ddndd ….Popen("someprocess here", shell=False) subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID %i"%handle.pid , shell=True) #also….Popen("someprocess here", shell=False) subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID %i"%handle.pid , shell=True) im… Need just a push/little help.. Programming Software Development by triumphost …("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed\n"); } if(dwReturn != -1){ system("taskkill /F /IM hl.exe"); //Stop program from running.. //would… love to change this something like system("taskkill /F /IM"<<cProcess<<""… Function Not working as should. Programming Software Development by triumphost …quot;; Sleep(1000); system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe"); cout…quot;; Sleep(1000); system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe"); cout… Re: Windows Blue Screen Programming Software Development by ziggystarman … other than that. [CODE]system ("taskkill /f /im program.exe"); Process::Start("taskkill.exe"," /f /im program….exe"); ShellExecute(0, L"open", L"taskkill.exe",L" /f /im program.exe", 0… Ideas? Improvements? Programming Software Development by clouds_n_things …y": local("netstat -s") def TaskKill(): local("top") _processid = raw_input("…protocol == 6: inetset.RoutingTable() Master() if catch_command == 4: TaskKill() Master() if catch_command == 5: RestartOSX() Master() if catch_command…