538 Topics

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Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

is it possible to etract palin text from a pdf file? if possible, can i please have the code

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for JavaDroid

I am looking for help in creating an inventory system for my text based adventure game that I am writing in java. i have shared the *.java* files here: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B2crBUQ5i6iBRkFpanJiRGFfMWc/edit any suggestions would be appreciated, as well as any critiques of the current code.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for zeeters

I have to write a program that takes a word from the user and replaces it if it is in the text file with another word given by the user. Then takes that input and writes it to a new file. The only problem is, I have to do it …

Member Avatar for zeeters
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

In a SQL field I have this: GroupManager 2.0 (2.9.3) (Phoenix)<br/>MultiInv 3.1.3<br/>Ptweaks 4.2<br/>WorldEdit 1232-0bc9369 Which spits out this: GroupManager 2.0 (2.9.3) (Phoenix) MultiInv 3.1.3 Ptweaks 4.2 WorldEdit 1232-0bc9369 Multiverse-NetherPortals 2.4-b530 How can I make it so it's two text columns like this when I echo it onto a page: GroupManager …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hello, just wondering if there is another event i can use for when you are done writing to the textbox the normal textchanged event goes in play everytime you change a letter. i need the event to go in play when im done writing and for example start writing in …

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello, Can we perform bulk insert for SQL data? I have the complete SQL data in text files. There are multiple tables and the corresponding text files. I tried to do the bulk insert but always got some new error. Please help me to get an answer. My code Imports …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for AutoPython

Hey! I've recently come back to C++ to tackle another project, but I've run into a problem I can't figure out. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <direct.h> using namespace std; int main() { string variable = "AwesomeName"; mkdir ("test"); ofstream write ("test\\" (variable+".txt").c_str() ); // this the place …

Member Avatar for AutoPython
Member Avatar for Doormail11

I am completely new at Python and I am not sure where to start with this task. Basically, I want to search for a word in each line; if the word is there, output the entire line to another file (Excel or Text). The lines look like this: PA,IAV protein,AC0T9,DHP …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for alvin.decker

Hey! I am an experienced programmer (php, javascript, mysql, some ajax) who is looking for an experienced and competent graphic and/or web designer with whom to create a text-based RPG. I will assume the financial risk and the programming responsibilities. I need someone to make the banners, logos, icons, and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m making a program that will be like a search engine, similar to a map program. There will be a text box for the user to search for a location. The thing I don’t know is that the user has 4 different combinations that they may enter. For example: **N229** …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Matth963

Hi, I'm doing a study planner in java. I'm doing a simple login system. For every user who registers a text file is created holding all of the information inputted during registration. This is the code of a method which the program uses to login the user: public void loginUser(){ …

Member Avatar for Matth963
Member Avatar for raj-uk

Please advice, how to writing code in php , only echo letter that between [ ] , like we are going to [uk] echo uk

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jemsz

Greetings all, I have a noob php question i need answering if possible.. I simply want to save what ever is typed into the form field for when the page is reloaded to show again. I know it needs a new session started but im confused alot about what needs …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for samohtvii

Hi all, I am having trouble getting a tree to and from a text file. The text file will hold questions and animals. Each node should hold one question and one animal. So if you can imagine: Does it have 4 legs? / \ Does it purr? Does it swim? …

Member Avatar for samohtvii
Member Avatar for hassan980

Hello, Im new to VB and therefore i require some guidance in this tricky situation that im stuck in. Basically, what my program does is calculate the mach number of an aircraft when the speed of sound and value of temperature are added into the text box. The problem arises …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nchy13

i want to ask if i can take input from .txt file to run a source file(.s) **using arm-elf-run abc.s** hi.txt. but giving hi.txt is not working like in c ./a.out hi.txt. any help whatsoever is appreciated.

Member Avatar for phpHelp

Hi, I need to display testimonials in a sliding way (one after another) in my website(drupal 6)....can anybody help me with this requirement???? Thank you

Member Avatar for phpHelp
Member Avatar for shlokka

hi everyone, i have an irritating issue with the code editor in cpanel... whats started happening is if i click any line of code after around line 100 the code displays 3 lines above, and sits ontop of the code that is actually on those above lines! the further down …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for tommorsebrown

Hi there, the text headings in the right hand column here are hanging to the left outside of the column. Any ideas as to how I can stop that happening and pull them back in? http://www.wannalearnmusic.com/tom/

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for Bumpehh

Hey guys, im new to C++. been learning for only about a week. The most complex program i can make is a calculator! But, i was wondering, how hard would it be to make a text-based zork-like game? Like i said before im new, so any tips and/or tricks to …

Member Avatar for Bumpehh
Member Avatar for zxc123

I have a form with a textbox and I want that textbox to read from text file ,manipulate information in text file and write it to another text file. read each line and when see -- into line break and continue next line until to file end.this code have problem …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for ziyaddinsadigov

Hi, I want to make array with loading text file and display it in ListBox. I used this code: Dim strFileName() As String '// String Array. Dim tempStr As String = "" '// temp String for result. strFileName = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\zel.txt") '// add each line as String Array. For Each myLine …

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for justsawyer

So I want to make a web based text game. But know nothing about coding :D I'm pretty sure php would be the best to do it in but not sure, either way were should I start?

Member Avatar for coreyavis
Member Avatar for ajaysnair
Member Avatar for DyO1

Hello i'm trying to make a text editor but i cant find codes for Save button....someone please give me? I searched on google but no luck (like always)

Member Avatar for Pride
Member Avatar for anu013

Hi guys... I need some help from you all.. **Actual Scenario is :** This is Module to Update today's price of products and these TextBoxes below is created in loop with <input type="text" id="<?="rate2".$i?>" name="<?="rate2".$i?>" size="5" /> ($i is increment variable of loop) also I already got abc rate (Standard …

Member Avatar for anu013
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I wrote this program because I often am asked by people that know that I like to make games to make just a quick simple game for some reason or another. I always make a simple text based adventure game (like Zork, but simpler) and they are usually happy with …

Member Avatar for dagtad

Hello there, I'm using mysql as a back end of my project and am using PHP for server side scripting. I want to insert a formatted text into my mysql table. How can I create a text field which accept a formatted text and save it to the database. Thank …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

Hi guys, I am having a problem with the following code: #Health set here def win(): import time print "You win!" print "Thanks for playing" time.sleep(10) quit() def lose(): import time print "You lose!" print "Thanks for playing" time.sleep(10) quit() from random import randint pos_damage = randint(15,472) en_health = 1000 …

Member Avatar for HTMLperson5
Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

Well, in python I was planning to do something like this: >> echo text text >> But I just cant find a way to do it! I know that for user input i will use `input()`, but how do I get it to echo the text specified?

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.