arrow with thickness Programming Software Development by teo236 …, 9*scale-thickness+1); arrow.addPoint(10*scale-thickness+1, 9*scale-thickness+1); arrow.addPoint(10*scale-thickness+1, 29*scale-thickness+1); arrow….addPoint(4*scale+thickness-1, 29*scale-thickness+1); arrow… Line2D Thickness Programming Software Development by FALL3N hey, so I know if I use the drawLine() method, then I could change the line stroke/thickness with setStroke, but how do I change the thickness of a Line2D? Re: Line2D Thickness Programming Software Development by DavidKroukamp > change the thickness of a Line2D Hmm this shoud help: import javax.swing.*; … Defining 'Thickness' Of Line/Label Programming Software Development by frank33 … groupbox the drawn line is TOO THIN, with an apparent thickness of 1. What is the easiest way to correct this… Re: Defining 'Thickness' Of Line/Label Programming Software Development by frank33 … would be two parralel lines of the same length and thickness. However for some reason neither my boss nor I understand… how to allow the user to select different pen thickness for the lines Programming Software Development by jasbun how to allow the user to select different pen thickness for the lines, eg. triangle, circle, square? Hey check out my prog. It has an error can u find it? Programming Software Development by buggytoast …modelNo;} public void setThickness(double thickness) {this.thickness = thickness;} public double getThickness() {return thickness;} public void setWidth(double width… if (item.modelNo == modelNo && item.thickness == thickness && item.width == width &&… Source Code that don't work? Programming Software Development by buggytoast …modelNo;} public void setThickness(double thickness) {this.thickness = thickness;} public double getThickness() {return thickness;} public void setWidth(double width… if (item.modelNo == modelNo && item.thickness == thickness && item.width == width &&… TextBox Programming Software Development by maverick420 …() { return baseThickness; } public void setBaseThickness(double thickness) { if (thickness < super.getThickness() || thickness > super.getThickness() + 3) baseThickness = super…s Bases: "); orderBase = new MonumentBase (quantity, width, thickness, height, baseThickness, baseDiameter); base = true; break; case 7:… 1 Error, program won't run. Programming Software Development by StarZ …(testObj.getRadius() == super.getRadius() && testObj.getThickness() == thickness) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } /**… radius " + super.getRadius() + " and thickness " + thickness + "."; return(diskString); } } [/code] The… Allegro 4.2.2 problems Programming Software Development by kylelyk … *bmp, int x, int y, int x_, int y_,int thickness, int color){ int dx = x - x_; int dy = y - y_…[4 * 2]; v[0] = x - thickness * dy / d; v[1] = y + thickness * dx / d; v[2] = x + thickness * dy / d; v[3] = y… Re: Allegro 4.2.2 problems Programming Software Development by kylelyk … *bmp, int x, int y, int x_, int y_,int thickness, int color){ int dx = x - x_; int dy = y - y_…[4 * 2]; v[0] = x - thickness * dy / d; v[1] = y + thickness * dx / d; v[2] = x + thickness * dy / d; v[3] = y… Re: Allegro 4.2.2 problems Programming Software Development by kylelyk … *bmp, int x, int y, int x_, int y_,int thickness, int color){ int dx = x - x_; int dy = y - y_…[4 * 2]; v[0] = x - thickness * dy / d; v[1] = y + thickness * dx / d; v[2] = x + thickness * dy / d; v[3] = y… Draw with mouse Programming Software Development by kylelyk … *bmp, int x, int y, int x_, int y_,int thickness, int color){ int dx = x - x_; int dy = y - y_…[4 * 2]; v[0] = x - thickness * dy / d; v[1] = y + thickness * dx / d; v[2] = x + thickness * dy / d; v[3] = y… Confused with algorithm Programming Software Development by Se7Olutionyg … of hole edgeDiameter, // diameter of outer edge thickness, // thickness of washer density, // density of material used quantity…a flat washer. unitWeight = rimArea * thickness * density ; unitWeightstockmetal = areastockmetal * thickness * density ; // Compute the weight… polymorphism in Java Programming Software Development by maverick420 … { Monument newMonument = new Monument (quatity, width, thickness, height); rocksArray[numOrders] = newMonument; } else {… ")); MonumentBase newMonumentBase = new MonumentBase (quatity, width, thickness, height, baseThickness, baseDiameter); rocksArray[numOrders] = newMonumentBase; }… Re: polymorphism in Java Programming Software Development by maverick420 …ERROR_VALUE); } public void setThickness(double inputThickness) { thickness = ((inputThickness >= DEFAULT_THICKNESS && …return quantityOrdered; } public double getThickness() { return thickness; } public double getWidth() { return width;… Oracle query doesnt work when i click submit Programming Databases by chris.immanuel …gt;BASEPLATE</th> <th>THICKNESS</th> <th>QTY …quot;; echo "<td>$row[THICKNESS]</td>"; echo "<… Need help with xslt Programming Software Development by techza …; <xsl:when test="$Code1='Thickness'"><xsl:value-of select…gt; <xsl:when test="$code_agg='Thickness'">1526</xsl:when>… Select range of XML File Programming Software Development by RebelCom …displayValue="High Activity" color="FF0000" thickness="1" isTrendZone="0"><…="Low Activity" color="009999" thickness="1" isTrendZone="0"><…displayValue="High Activity" color="FF0000" thickness="1" isTrendZone="0"><… How to create counter clock using jQuery Knob Programming Web Development by vizz …fgColor="#fff" data-skin="tron" data-thickness=".1" value=""> <input…="#fff" data-skin="tron" data-thickness=".1" value=""> <input…fgColor="#fff" data-skin="tron" data-thickness=".1" value=""> **How to… Re: Help w/a simple js calculator please... Programming Web Development by Airshow …formula's wrong! Volume will increase as both area and thickness increase, therefore the formula must be of the form […ICODE]volume = area * thickness * k[/ICODE], where k is a constant that give the… in cu yds. The formula is thus : [CODE]area * thickness / 324[/CODE] Little to do with Javascript but hope this… how to extract a particular word from a file in c# Programming Software Development by malinij …quot;xs:string"/> <xs:element name="thickness" type="xs:int"/> </xs:… the substitution Group name(shape) and also copy that linecolor,thickness lines to under [code] <xs:complexType …quot;xs:string"/> <xs:element name="thickness" type="xs:int"/> <xs:… Databasedesign problem price list system Programming Databases by heinzel … so on Article group: D-Box (properties: Thickness) article: D-box small Config 1: thickness = 30mm In this configuration the D-box… price per unit = 0,1089 And so on Config 2: Thickness = 50mm In this configuration the D-box small pricing is… Aero glass renders but other areas are black. Programming Software Development by nblackburn …WmDwmcompositionchanged) return IntPtr.Zero; ExtendGlass(this, new Thickness(0,0,120,0)); handled = true;…Zero; } public static void ExtendGlass(Window window, Thickness thikness) { try { var isGlassEnabled = 0… Re: Help with using arrays in java and being about to use indivdual numbers in this array Programming Software Development by jingham … a detector and each detector has a radius and a thickness. and in my main code i need to be able… time threw it use the first set of Radius and thickness and then on the second loop it use the next… Haha! Nearly done! Programming Software Development by MiloTN …i-- ); //================================================================================================================================================ // calculate the displacement thickness using the Trapezium rule for (count=1…]/buffer[i-1]))); printf("boundary layer thickness = %f\n", sum); // … Month & year data from mysql Programming Web Development by trashed …[ 'chart_grid_h' ] = array ( 'alpha'=>10, 'color'=>"000000", 'thickness'=>1, 'type'=>"solid" ); $chart[ 'chart_grid_v' ] = array… ( 'alpha'=>10, 'color'=>"000000", 'thickness'=>1, 'type'=>"solid" ); $chart[ 'chart_pref' ] = array… Java Object - Mammal Programming Software Development by janamrob …Leg implements Limb { String length,legs,Leftleg,Rightleg; String thickness; String direction; public Leg(String Left_Right) { this.Leftleg=…Arms implements Limb { String length,arms, Lefthand,Righthand; String thickness,direction; Limb limbs; public Arms(String Left_Right) { this… Help w/a simple js calculator please... Programming Web Development by Syakoban … number of square feet of ground, at a user entered thickness. So, some user entered number of square feet/324/user… entered thickness= answer. Would there be anything anyone knows of that I…