TitleBar Programming Software Development by saurabh2007 I wanna create a titlebar in visual basic so everytime i create new form, it … TitleBar event in wxpython Programming Software Development by jcmeyer Is there any way to tell if a user clicks on the TitleBar of a frame? I tried to use wx.EVT_LEFT_UP(frame, self.OnLeftDown) but it does not seem to recognize a click on the TitleBar. Thank you for any suggestions. Re: TitleBar Programming Software Development by Jx_Man how about manifest file to make your program looks like your windows. Re: TitleBar Programming Software Development by saurabh2007 sorry but i dont think you get me my question is... ok i want to create a whole new different interface for my program. so you know in visual basic when you create a new program, the title bar comes in blue with the minimize, maximize, and the close button(windows XP)? i wanna change that i want every new form to appear in a new type of … Different Windows Themes (Titlebar heights) messing up the forms? Programming Software Development by janinesamson … in the same position, etc). If the height of the titlebar changes (e.g. Win Classic -> Win XP Style) everything… bit. With Delphi 7 however everything shifts downwards if the titlebar size increases pushing the bottom of the buttons off the… Custom titlebar in wxpython Programming Software Development by xtr.eme Anyone know how I can make a custom titlebar such as the one in windows media player 11 in wxpython? thanks, xtr.eme Re: dragging form without titlebar Programming Software Development by Jx_Man … clicked Const HTCAPTION = 2 'signed that mouse is working on titlebar. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X… If End If End Sub [/CODE] oh yeah, picture1 is titlebar and picture2 is like exit sign. ok. this all from… Re: dragging form without titlebar Programming Software Development by Sawamura u can use api function to solve this problem. i guest SendMessage function. this function will tell system that u clicked the titlebar. Re: Different Windows Themes (Titlebar heights) messing up the forms? Programming Software Development by LizR Delphi 7 is not themes aware due to its age, so, you may need to recaclulate component locations on change. Or upgrade to a version of delphi which has more theme awareness. Moving JPanels Programming Software Development by 117 … Color(255,255,255, 10)); titlebar.addMouseListener(this); titlebar.addMouseMotionListener(this); titlebar.setDoubleBuffered(true); titlebar.setOpaque(true); titlebar.setVisible(true); titlepane = new JPanel…()-btn[0].getWidth(),2,38,20); addComponent(titlebar, btn[2], titlebar.getWidth()-btn[2].getWidth()-btn[1].getWidth()-btn… Re: Resizability Programming Software Development by 117 titlebar = new JPanel(); titlebar.setSize(getWidth()-10, 25); titlebar.setBackground(Color.white); titlebar.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black)); titlebar.addMouseListener(this); titlebar.addMouseMotionListener(this); titlebar.setOpaque(true); titlebar…} } if (e.getSource() == titlebar) { xPos = getX() + e… configuring PyWizardPage Programming Software Development by mn_kthompson …(wx.VERTICAL) self.SetSizer(self.sizer) TitleBar = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Giant Banner of Words') TitleBar.SetFont(wx.Font(36, wx.SWISS…, wx.BOLD, wx.NORMAL)) self.sizer.Add(TitleBar, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, 5) self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self… How do i create multiple mouse events? Programming Web Development by NewOrder …document.cover.src='images/KanyLogo.jpg' MyWindow = window.open('', 'myAdWin', 'titlebar=0 status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, directories…document.cover.src='images/KanyLogo.jpg' ; MyWindow = window.open('', 'myAdWin', 'titlebar=0 status=0, toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, directories… Re: How to rename/hide the title of the popup window Programming Web Development by nishantdaniweb … address bar but it is still showing the url in titlebar. As per my understanding, I can't hide the… titlebar but we can change the url(title) in titlebar. Please guide me if I am… weird language.. Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by darkads … that is named in chinese characters, when it opens, the titlebar will nt show the chinese names.instead, boxes are seen… pls?? :cry: (i hav attached 2 pictures, one is the titlebar prob and the other is the windows media's) Re: weird language.. Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by petercoti … that is named in chinese characters, when it opens, the titlebar will nt show the chinese names.instead, boxes are seen… pls?? :cry: (i hav attached 2 pictures, one is the titlebar prob and the other is the windows media's)[/QUOTE… How to rename/hide the title of the popup window Programming Web Development by nishantdaniweb … see the url in title bar. If I add the titlebar=no in the var feature then also it is showing… the url in titlebar. Kindly help me. [code] function loadMainWindow() { var win = window.self… Re: How to rename/hide the title of the popup window Programming Web Development by nishantdaniweb … hide address bar, toolbar, statusbar except titlebar. Now I want to rename the tile of titlebar of popup window. Please tell me… div not show the query result Programming Web Development by atrailm … hotDog=isIE ? event.srcElement : e.target; while (hotDog.id!="titleBar"&&hotDog.tagName!=topDog){ hotDog=isIE ? hotDog.parentElement… : hotDog.parentNode; } if (hotDog.id=="titleBar"){ offsetx=isIE ? event.clientX : e.clientX; offsety=isIE ? event… Submiting form with custom prompt Programming Web Development by ivan3510 …:#ebebeb; font-family:Libersina; font-size:15px; color:#003510; } td.titlebar{ background-color:#aabbcc; color:#000066; font-family:Libersina; font-size…;<tr><td style='padding-left:5px;' class='titlebar'>" + prompttitle + "</td></tr>… displaing points problem Programming Web Development by infinitus … { background-color: #FFF; background-image: url(BlackLeather.jpg); color: #0F0; } #titleBar tr td font b { color: #0F0; } </style> <…; </tr></table> <table id="titleBar" width="100%" valign="top" align… strange error ... Programming Web Development by infinitus … { background-color: #FFF; background-image: url(BlackLeather.jpg); color: #0F0; } #titleBar tr td font b { color: #0F0; } </style> <…; </tr></table> <table id="titleBar" width="100%" valign="top" align… strange error ... Digital Media UI / UX Design by infinitus … { background-color: #FFF; background-image: url(BlackLeather.jpg); color: #0F0; } #titleBar tr td font b { color: #0F0; } </style> <…; </tr></table> <table id="titleBar" width="100%" valign="top" align… Eclipse Blues Programming Web Development by kunal_00731 …-title-Filters"> <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix"… By</span> <a class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" href="#" role="… Getting started with OAuth 2.0 Explicit Flow Programming Web Development by Dani … that will have the authorization code in the browser window titlebar. Additionally, in the document body, the end-user will be… within your application, you can retrieve the code from the titlebar and immediately close the browser without prompting the end-user… Issue with Js file and Css No conflicts tried and failed Programming Web Development by joseph.lyons.754 …; data-args="nav"></div>'}},overlays:{titleBar:{breakpoints:"mobile",position:Dt,width:Y,height:44…; data-args="nav"></div>' } }, overlays: { titleBar: { breakpoints: 'mobile', position: 'top-left', height: 44, width: '100%', html… How to Write a Sudoku GUI in Python/wxPython Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim … its integer value of -1). The third parameter is the titlebar text. The next line makes the frame visible. The last… a blank window with a title bar and the usual titlebar gadgets. You'll create an application object subclassed from wx… How to move tkinter window | override-redirect flag Programming by sasindu …() ## self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty() ## print("titlebar") ## nonety = True ## if event.x &… event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar: ## print("titlebar") ## nonety = True ## if event.x… Create a fully redesigned tkinter window Programming Software Development by sasindu …() ## self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty() ## print("titlebar") ## nonety = True ## if event.x &… event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar: ## print("titlebar") ## nonety = True ## if event.x… document.write to new window and into a 3 column table! Help Please! Programming Web Development by LowelG …;", "height=435,width=600,status,menubar,scrollbars,resizable,titlebar"); newWin.document.write("Team Roster" + "<…