Re: Which Crypto Services You Use ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Just stumbled across this topic and remembered how much I regret not getting into bitcoins back in the day. I had a really super powerful workstation at the time that could have mined them for next to nothing. The Rise of AI Scams: Deciphering Reality in a World of Deepfakes Community Center by Johannes C. …: The importance of verifying the identity of individuals in significant transactions cannot be overstated, with face-to-face communication or the… Re: Introduction to Ecommerce Software Development Programming Software Development by Emanuil23 I've been using Magento for many luthas now and I'm happy with the result. Re: Which Crypto Services You Use ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by wennus I have mined crypto and have made my initial cost back many times over. I went into it with the mindset of not expecting any return and have been pleasantly surprised. This was a few years back and timing was a factor. I'm not sure I would do it again at this point. As for crypto services/exchanges, in the EU Binance is the biggest and in the US … Re: MSSQL transections Programming Databases by darkagn Transactions are very important in SQL. They provide a way of … for the sale. I hope this helps you understand where transactions are useful. Re: Database Design help for stores Programming Databases by SheSaidImaPregy Transactions and Shipping is based off of that you are selling the products to the owner, who in return sells the products somewhere else. If you are the owner and just run the carts, then you don't necessarily need them, no. If it contains anyone else besides you, yes you do! Transactions managment in PHP. how to? Programming Web Development by hbmarar … not come at all. Scene 2. How do we manage transactions in PHP like in Java. It would be great if… Re: transactions vs stored procedures Programming Databases by McLaren … stop executing :/ At first when I didn't know about transactions, I thought I can get that effect with stored procedure… for it to rollbback. So I guess I will use transactions, it will be simpler in my small applications. Multiple transactions Programming Software Development by AllenB … will not allow multiple transactions. Specifically transactions[4], transactions[5], and transactions[6]. In theory, …;, transaction.getAccount()); //these records are transactions without accounts while(inTransaction.hasNext()){ transaction.setAccount… System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' threw an exception Programming Software Development by Shodow ….Diagnostics.TraceSource.Initialize() at System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.get_Switch() at System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace..cctor() InnerException: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException BareMessage="Unrecognized… Think Time Code for Visual C# Web Test Transactions Programming Software Development by ZS2002 Hi, I have wrapped Web Test requests in transactions, example: this.BeginTransaction("00_002_ClickSignInButton"); …quot;00_002_ClickSignInButton"); Normally, in Loadrunner, the transactions think times are coded at the end of the…this think time to be set after each transactions. Is this possible? This is my first … Asynchronous transactions with xml https post Programming Software Development by lazynewt … can help. I basically have a few thousand transactions 7,000 - 10,000 transactions to process over a short time. The flow… ideas or can reccomend a better way to process these transactions i would really appreciate it. Thanks. problem in cash transactions Programming Web Development by heshanm Hi all, I want to perform cash transactions such as cash deposits and cash withdrawals in… index: account_balance in C:\wamp\www\MySite\php files\transactions.php on line 14 [CODE] if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1…] Undefined index: to_account_number in C:\wamp\www\MySite\php files\transactions.php on line 19 [CODE] $query = "INSERT… Which transactions are deadlocked? Programming Databases by Abdullah_54 … is running into problems, as many transactions are waiting for locks held by other transactions. Here is what each transaction is waiting… · T4 is waiting on T1 · T8 is not waiting Which transactions are deadlocked? How to use multiple inserts with transactions in mysql Programming Web Development by tomjohnson … the middle of developing a site that needs to use transactions. I have several different tables that comprise a single insert… form. Table A, B and C all require transactions. From what I understand, mysql_query does not support multiple queries… Re: Asynchronous transactions with xml https post Programming Software Development by lazynewt … use the threadpool to fire off a few hundred/thousand transactions at a time. Can anyone please help? Thanks. Re: Help need in deleting transactions Programming Web Development by diafol … just delete the faulty transaction, it will delete ALL transactions for that account. I can't see what the… WHERE account_number='$account_number'"; Why are you selecting all transactions? You don't do anything with it. tran_id is…. You need to extract that 'amount' from the transactions table and place it in a variable before using it… Re: Which transactions are deadlocked? Programming Databases by Dani When that happens, I just kill the rogue transactions causing the deadlocks because odds are the person already closed their web browser because the page was taking too long to load. But I agree, this looks like you are just trying to trick us into doing your homework for you. Re: Database Capability - # of Transactions Programming Databases by Ramy Mahrous ok, what engine you prefer? 1- Performs 100000 transactions per second which in total SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE AND INSERT commands play in table of 1000000 records. 2- Performs 1000 transactions per second which in total SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE AND INSERT commands play in table of 10000000000 records. ?? Re: Database Capability - # of Transactions Programming Databases by ericstenson … database I would rather have... so tell me... How many transactions per second could Database #2 handle if it only had… the better database for their needs. SO, WE CAN CONCLUDE, TRANSACTIONS PER SECOND IS A FAIR FACTOR... WHEN WE HAVE A… Re: MySQL transactions Programming Databases by Dani … using CodeIgniter's trans_start() and trans_complete() functions instead of implementing transactions natively with MySQLi. Also, I'd like to point out… to the same table at the same time across different transactions. All I'm trying to preserve is that if a… Re: Codeigniter Transactions Programming Databases by rproffitt … released sooner. In other cases, the deadlock rises because two transactions touch the same sets of data, either in one or… you would have lock wait instead of deadlock when the transactions happen concurrently. From… Database Capability - # of Transactions Programming Databases by ericstenson … it. Doesn't SQL have some really high number of transactions per second, such that in any mid-level application the… Re: Database Capability - # of Transactions Programming Databases by Ramy Mahrous Nothing called [B]transactions per second[/B] rather it depends on data capacity sent\received to\from server\application Re: Database Capability - # of Transactions Programming Databases by ericstenson Try Google. I am sure you will find a term called "Transactions Per Second". query to select a range of transactions from mutiple tables respect to date??? Programming Software Development by ITech … grid shud be within that range(i e only those transactions shud be seen).can anyone tell me how to do… query to select a range of transactions from mutiple tables respect to date?? Programming Software Development by ITech … grid shud be within that range(i e only those transactions shud be seen).can anyone tell me how to do… Re: query to select a range of transactions from mutiple tables respect to date?? Programming Software Development by manoshailu … grid shud be within that range(i e only those transactions shud be seen).can anyone tell me how to do… Making transactions on behalf of other businesses Digital Media Digital Marketing by ksolaro … this: 1. Are there legal or tax implications to making transactions on behalf of small businesses like this? 2. Is there… problem arise in reverse transactions Programming Web Development by heshanm Hi guys, In my projects i handle cash transactions. Whenever user enters transaction details it stored in the transaction_table. …