Re: How can I create a meme generator using js canvas? Programming Web Development by jessicaboland … = canvas.getContext('2d'); // User input and rendering const userInput = 'Your Text Here'; ctx.fillText(userInput, x, y); // Initial text rendering // Mouse interaction… ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillText(userInput, x, y); }); Re: Using Or and And help with this segment Programming Software Development by Adak userinput[2] == userinput[2] ?? C'mon! ;) When you have a complex line of code, break it up into multiple lines of code, so each line of code is easier to understand, and debug. Need help making timer Programming Software Development by idislikemacs …: board[23] = ('x') board[25] = ('O') print_map() elif userinput == 'R': Reset() elif userinput == 'Q': Quit() else: print("User_Error: Please replace user… Pascal Replacement Ruin Programming Computer Science by prgmwitch …], USERINPUT[10], USERINPUT[11], USERINPUT[12]); PARAGRAPH := CONCAT(PARAGRAPH, USERINPUT[13], USERINPUT[14], USERINPUT[15], USERINPUT[16], USERINPUT[17], USERINPUT[18]); PARAGRAPH := CONCAT(PARAGRAPH, USERINPUT[19], USERINPUT[20], USERINPUT[21], USERINPUT[22], USERINPUT[23], USERINPUT Database saving problem and windows forms Programming Software Development by originaldaemon …;>userInput; }while(userInput != '1' && userInput != '2' && userInput != '3' && userInput != '4' && userInput != '5'); if (userInput == '1'){ addStation(); } if (userInput == '2… I need help to make this code to run please!! hsa.Console Programming by Zirely … 3!"); askData (); return; else if (userInput == 'e' || userInput == 'E' || userInput == 's' || userInput == 'S') return; d.println ((selection = (userInput - '0') - 1) + 1); d.print ("… Need Help with TicTacToe Java Program Programming Software Development by Eragah …) { while(!checkWin) { /*Quit Command*/ if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")){ System.out.println("Thanks…quot;); System.exit(0); } /*Input Locations*/ if(userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("X-NW")) { NW = &… Need help resolving errors for a simple program Programming Software Development by thejunkie … false; } public void AddRecord() throws Exception{ BufferedReader userInput=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String name; int…-1; } public void DeleteRecord() throws Exception{ BufferedReader userInput=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int tgt=0;… Re: Need help resolving errors for a simple program Programming Software Development by thejunkie …); } } public int menu() throws Exception{ BufferedReader userInput=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println…return false; } public void AddRecord() throws Exception{ BufferedReader userInput=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String name; int … Re: HELP: error c2059 syntax error 'constant' Programming Software Development by Gaiety …userInput3 == 'D'); { printf("%d / %d = %1d", sum = userInput / userInput2); while (userInput3 == 'Q'); { printf("%d % %d = %d…", sum = userInput % userInput2); while (userInput3 == 0 ); { printf("Please Type eithor: A… Program won't store integer from seperate file. Programming Software Development by the_preface …to buy? "); quantity = userInput.nextInt(); userInput.nextLine(); data.addQty(idNum, quantity…to sell? "); quantity = userInput.nextInt(); userInput.nextLine(); data.subQty(idNum, quantity);… Python - if/or statements Programming Software Development by layneb131 …X= 9 Y = 9 Z = 9 digit = "" UserInput = str(input("Enter a single letter, and I will… you what the correrponding digit on the telephone:")) if UserInput == A or B or C: digit = "2&…;The digit",digit,"corresponds to the letter", UserInput, "on the telephone.") else : print("… HELP: error c2059 syntax error 'constant' Programming Software Development by geoffy0404 …userInput3 == 'D'); { printf("%d / %d = %1d", sum = userInput / userInput2); while (userInput3 == 'Q'); { printf("%d % %d = %d…", sum = userInput % userInput2); while (userInput3 == 0 ); { printf("Please Type eithor: A… Searching an arraylist [HELP PLEASE] Programming Software Development by TheStig01 …Policy Holder Postcode"); postcode =; Validation = checkPostcode(postcode); …of NCB years"); ncbyears =; Validation = checkNcbyears(ncbyears);… Using Or and And help with this segment Programming Software Development by jodzjcm [CODE]while ((userinput[0]==userinput[1]||userinput[0]==userinput[2]||userinput[0]==userinput[3]||userinput[0]==userinput[4])&&(userinput[2]==userinput[1]||userinput[2]==userinput[2]||userinput[2]==userinput[3]||userinput[1]==userinput[3])) [/CODE… Dynamic allocation in C Programming Software Development by teachMyself …"); exit (1); } createACopy(storeOldInputHere,userInput,inputLength); //store the old Input here because… us a different location altogether. userInput = (char *) realloc(userInput,inputLength+2); //now after we… string to the newly allocated space again. userInput[inputLength] = inputChar; //append the new … Functions what am i doing wrong? Programming Software Development by thomasekugm …calcN,calcPNK; char * userInput; userInput = input(); eval = calculateEval(userInput); calcN = calculateN(userInput); calcPNK = calculatePNK(userInput); scanf("%*c"… "); fgets(userInput,bufSize,stdin); return userInput[bufSize]; } int calulateEval (char *){ char userInput [bufSize]; int varA… Sorting Sequential File Programming Software Development by triple_A … "{0,-20} {1,4}" Dim userInput(4, 1), strName_Score(4, 1) As String…5's score." strName_Score(i, 0) = InputBox(userInput(i, 0), "Input Name") strName_Score(i…, 1) = InputBox(userInput(i, 1), "Input Score") Next '… Re: Need Help with TicTacToe Java Program Programming Software Development by Eragah …; public class TicTacToeMain { public static void main(String args[]) { String userInput = ""; System.out.println("Looking at the Key…]public TicTacToeBoard(String input) { getBoard(input); } public void getBoard(String userInput) {[/code] now the program is stuck in a wiered repetitive… help math.min method Programming Software Development by codered152 …("Enter Quiz 5 score: "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); double quiz5 = Convert.toDouble(userInput); SimpleIO.prompt("Enter Quiz 6 score…: "); userInput = SimpleIO.readLine(); double quiz6 = Convert.toDouble(userInput); double lowest_Quiz=Math.min(Math.min(quiz1… Digital Circuit Simulator not working correctly Programming Software Development by sciwizeh …} } if ( ! found ) { selected = null ; boolean found2 = false ; for ( UserInput ui : inputs ) { if ( ui.contains ( e.getX ( ) , e.getY ( …( ! found2 ) { selected2 = null ; } } } public void doLogic ( ) { for ( UserInput ui : inputs ) { ui.fillList ( ) ; ui.changeInputs ( ) ; } for ( Gate gate… Connect 4 game: how do I set a user specified grid size? Programming Software Development by nessa203 …() elif userInput.isdigit(): userInput = int(userInput) print "You went in column", userInput if (userInput >… number!" player1Go(grid) else: grid[userInput-1][0] = "o" … Binary Search Help Programming Software Development by gabec94 ….out.println(array[j]); // } if (inArray(array, userinput) != -1) { System.out.println(userinput + " is in the array!"); System.out…quot;); } } public static int /*boolean*/ inArray(int[] array, int userinput) { int count = 0; int low = 0; int high =… Need help with beginners java program Programming Software Development by hardsoft123 …do everything else thePrecautionInstance.mainLoop(); } void mainLoop() { String userInput = ""; // used to store user input System…word int characterIndex = 0; while (characterIndex < userInput.length()) { char currentLetter = userInput.charAt(characterIndex); System.out.print(currentLetter); characterIndex++; //… cin not returning typed in value. Programming Software Development by mike12255 … letter (i at zero) and making it a capital userInput[i] = toupper(userInput[i]); //if it is not the first letter then… makes every character except the first one lower userInput[i] = tolower(userInput[i]); } } return (userInput); } //write the definition for the middleInital variable string… Phone Dialing Program Programming Software Development by Brandon_11 …if (userInput.Length == 8) { digit1 = userInput[0]; digit2 = userInput[1]; digit3 = userInput[2]; digit4 = userInput[4]; digit5 = userInput[5]; digit6 = userInput[6]; digit7 = userInput[7… Re: My first python program... Feedback please? Programming Software Development by revellution … constructing a', name, 'list!') def addNames(self): while True: self.userInput = input('Please type a name to add to the list….names), "\n") def delNames(self): while True: self.userInput = input('Type a name to delete off the list or… Re: My first python program... Feedback please? Programming Software Development by revellution … are done...') while True: userInput = input('...') if userInput in 'qQ': break elif userInput in self.items: self.items.remove(userInput) else: print() print('***That… Re: Functions what am i doing wrong? Programming Software Development by Aia …function. [CODE]char input (char *){ char userInput [bufSize]; printf("Enter one of the …Enter your option: "); fgets(userInput,bufSize,stdin); return userInput[bufSize]; }[/CODE] If input doesn'… char input (char *) { /* definition here */ } userInput = input();[/CODE]...are at odds of each other. I suggest… Re: Functions what am i doing wrong? Programming Software Development by Aia …quot;]/* missing an identifier */[/COLOR]){ int userInput; printf(" Please select form the …;Red"]/* missing pointer &userInput */[/COLOR]); return userInput; }[/CODE] However, let's …defined them to accept arguments. [CODE] switch(userInput){ case '1': int intFunction (void); break…