190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie

Hi, I am currently taking care of a website that goes back to 1997 and mostly all programmed with Asp 2.0 and vbscript, while i keep the pages in Asp 2.0 when i have to update them, this week i had to implement some new pages, and since we are …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Ive been fiddling with trying to emulate classes in javascript - but currently getting an undefined error hen I click one of the vote buttons... Ive got two vote buttons, 'vote_positive' and 'vote_negative' and have cretaed two vote button objects... on construction they firstly assign a value to the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ErGa

Hello, I would like to create a small procedure that fetches the names of the columns of a table and uses them as a variable name. Let me explain. TableA Ref, FullName, FirstName, Age, ... 1, Jones, Charles, 32 2, Bridge, Dom, 26 3, Goodtime, Jack, 46 ... And I …

Member Avatar for aaloo

this is a part of my as2 code [AS]var total_pages:Number = myData.total_pages; var nextlink:Number = myData.next; next_.onRelease = function() { if(nextlink<=total_pages) { trace(total_pages); trace(nextlink); submitDataToTextfile1(nextlink); }[/AS] this is what i m sending from my php code [PHP] echo "&total_pages=$total_pages&"; echo "&next=$l&";[/PHP] here $total_pages=29 and $l=3 my problem is when i …

Member Avatar for jkthomas
Member Avatar for solid222

I am trying to solve this question (homework) that says the following : [QUOTE]Write a program that calls a function computeSphere that computes the volume and the surface area of a sphere with given radius. The function should not perform any I/O operations. [/QUOTE] the main problem is how can …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for aaloo

this is my php code [CODE]<?php $i=0; echo "t$i=pp&"; ?>[/CODE] and this is my as2 code [CODE] myData = new LoadVars() myData.load("http://localhost/exercise/0.php") myData.onLoad = function(succes){ if(succes){ a.text=myData.t$i; //this is not working } else trace ("Error loading data") } [/CODE] as you can see i want to send variable"t$i" from php …

Member Avatar for sufyan2011
Member Avatar for jaylb

Hi, I have javascript which counts seperately every time 2 seperate buttons are clicked, this then outputs the amount on the same page. This works, however I am now trying to add a third value to output on the page which is the total of the clicks which i would …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for mkab

Hello everyone. I am to program a simple shell in C for my project. So far my shell can execute simple commands and now I want to implement enviroment variables. I looked up on how to use the getenv, setenv, putenv. So far so good i've tried to use the …

Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello people, I designed this class: [CODE] package aiproject; /* * This class has the task to read the data stored in a file called "fichier.txt" * line by line. * The read lines will be put inside a List called lignesDeMonfichier * Also, this class counts the number of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for aaloo

this is my as3 code which is sending variables to php [code] var myData:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); myData.firstName = "Kirill"; myData.lastName = "Poletaev"; var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.php"); myRequest.data = myData; myRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; try { loader.load(myRequest); } catch (error:Error) { trace('Error: …

Member Avatar for aaloo
Member Avatar for Number1000

Hi guys, thanks for any help offered. I am attempting to ask a user for a height and width value - which need to be integers between 5 and 10 for each (height and width) I also need the user to select 3 different colours, out of a predetermined list …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for sacarias40

Hey guys, I am making a bot for a link sharing site. I am using the request external curl class and i have a dilemma that i think you guys could help with. Query Variables appended on the end of a url such as ?something=234 I do not know how …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey everyone, I have the following varaibles: $_POST['month'] $_POST['day'] $_POST['year'] I need them to be put into a string format such as '2012-02-15' (Year-Month-Day). Could someone please help me do this in php? I've tried a few times but can't connect them with the "-" successfully. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all, been dipping my toe into OOP and am getting on OK, but I'm hitting a bit of a wall with a current project. classes: db (a PDO extended class) User Timetable The db is just a few shorthand ways of running PDO The User is just for handling …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phfilly

Ola! I'm still kind of new with the whole assembly language and just need some help with this program i'm writing. What I want it to do is to ask a question -like for a number and then store that inserted number in a variable. And then test whether its …

Member Avatar for AceStryker
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi all, I need someone to help me out, I am trying to call a .php file with php variables - [code] include('Code.php?buyer='.$lastid.'&oid='.$oid.'&bid='.$bid.''); [/code] when i edit the url myself using values from the database it works like it should do. but when I am calling the php file using …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes
Member Avatar for Who me?

How can I use a variable to create another variable so that the output is not the content of the new variable but the php code for the new variable? For example: If variable $a = "house" and the name of the final variable is $b, then how do I …

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Member Avatar for jakizak

I am having trouble returning things from this function. Below is the function. [CODE] function switchframeAQUA(v) { if (v == "0") { document.getElementById("picframe").src = "/frames/cod-liver-oil_pic.html"; document.getElementById("blurbframe").src = "/frames/cod-liver-oil_blurb.html"; } else if (v == "1") { document.getElementById("picframe").src = "/frames/fish-oil_pic.html"; document.getElementById("blurbframe").src = "/frames/fish-oil_blurb.html"; } else if (v == "2") { } else …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Who me?

Hi, I am new to PHP and need help with my code to create files and folders based on variable values. Here's the setup: 1. I have approximately 100 categories. I've assigned a variable to each category. E.g. [LIST] [*]Variable 1 (as in $c1) contains category one's name. [*]Variable 2 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for videoscape

i can't get my head around how i am suposed todo this really i am stuck i have looked on tons of forums mostly this forum and what i would like to do is if a person goes on this link play?p=rLoYvtMNlO then it will load the data from that …

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Member Avatar for stupendousomega

I need a way to concurrently create variables with a loop. Like... Instead of int my_var_1 = 1; int my_var_2 = 1; int my_var_3 = 1; Because the user may need thousands of variables, and I don't want there to be a limit. So I was wondering if there was …

Member Avatar for dionisov
Member Avatar for paulnamroud

Hello, I would like to know how to: - Save an image into a Session Variables - Get the image from the Session Variable and display it on the web page. Here's the example on how to get the image from the DB: string v_customer_code = "PAUL"; SqlConnection v_connection = …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for l0ns008

I'm a NEWBIE and I have been stuck on this for days. I have one table that has the following rows: rid = Referral ID category = Category subcategory = Subcategory rbusiness = Referred Business Name rcontact = Referred Contact Name etc.. I have created the form (referral_input.php) that allows …

Member Avatar for l0ns008
Member Avatar for deliezer

Hi I am trying to write something that compiles and runs correctly on both Linux and Windows. I am running bash in Ubuntu on Linux, and I try to set environment variables in the makefile just before the compile lines. I then write something in the code like [CODE] int …

Member Avatar for deliezer
Member Avatar for petrakid

I am trying to write a script that will update my database(s) without the user having to click any buttons. I also want the update to occur whenever a field is modified in the form. So here is an example form [CODE] <form> <input type="text" name="fieldone" value="currentvalfromdb" onChange="updateDB()" /> <select …

Member Avatar for petrakid
Member Avatar for Alternativeguy

Hey All I have made this upload script but everytime I tried to execute it, it fails and gives me this error. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21701&stc=1&d=1311399235"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21701&stc=1&d=1311399235[/URL] This is my code in the Upload.php File: [CODE] <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='Upload_File.php' method='POST'> Please choose a file: <input name='myfile' type='file' /><br /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Upload' /> …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for Purrenhage

I am needing help in understanding how to declare variables properly. I am needing to write as program that calculates the commission for a sales person. I keep getting a error listed below. I thought I declared the salestextbox, costtextbox as integers correctly to use them in the calculation. I …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Aardwolf

How would I do this in 1 line [code] $name = $firstName + " " + $lastName; //output: 0 [/code] the problem is what I think it is, is that its trying to add like mathematics. whilst I want the '+ " " +' to become a space in between …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for bipies

Is it possible? I have a php file (and iframe) wich recives a variable from it's main page, then it makes some conversions to this variable to create an URL that should be included in a flv player, I must use html to include the player but I don't know …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for johnbo100

Hi all, I've pulled most of my hair out over the last few days and need some help. Description: I am creating a db application with dreamweaver and using php and mysql server behaviour. My database consists of losts of many to many tables that are necessary. I have created …

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The End.