19,729 Topics

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-My code sutomatically adds a hyphen at certain positions in the string, but I am unable to delete the second hyphen if I want to edit what I've typed in before that. Is there a way to fix this? Private Sub txtISBN_KeyPress(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtISBN.KeyPress If …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for jamia406

hi my all dear respected i am student and want to learn vb.net please guide me in it and then i also make any in this envornment as

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Member Avatar for jontennyeah

hello. I have a 1 button namely "Increment" in form 1 and a textbox in form 2 I use this code to increment by and hide the form Dim i As Integer = 0 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load form2.TextBox1.Text = CStr(i) End Sub Private …

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Member Avatar for yvrej17

Hi, I need a little help here. I'm Using vs 2005 with ms access 2003 database and finding myself how to get rid of this error "Syntax Error on UPDATE Statement" can you take a look at my codes below and tell me what's wrong? Thank you. Public Class Transactions …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for bprosic

Please, I need help. I have an aplication in Visual Basic 2010 and database created in Access 2003. It's very simple database, it has two tables named 'doctors' and 'patients'. I want to itegrate databse into VB. I used Wizzard to integrate. Now I have Binding Navigator (with buttons Next, …

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Member Avatar for khair.ullah

hi i want to Maintain login and logout time details for each user and store those details into my database... (each time the user loggedin) and when the user Exit the application it store logout time in database what is the efficient way to do this.. need ur suggetsions..

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Member Avatar for sky.light.7311

when user login it will check if user exist in database or not what is wrong with this code Dim a As New System.Data.DataView Dim b As New System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments Dim usname As String Dim password As String SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = " select usname , password from userinfo " a = SqlDataSource1.Select(b) …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for bprosic

I have 2 datagridview (later- dgView), textboxes and some buttons. Everything is bounded and connected with MS Access db. The tables in db are related!! 1st dgView contains Name and Surname table. 2nd dgView contains Details. Now, how can I disable a delete button when datagrid is empty. I'm using …

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Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hey folks I'm using a listview to show an array of images that get taken from a webcam. I want them ordered on the bottom of the screen and be selectable for saving, so I'm using a listbox. Everything works okay, but when I add items to the listbox and …

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Member Avatar for 1mmortal

Sorry to pester everyone with my lack of knowledge, but any help on this matter would be appreciated, thanks: So, having looked around various forums and threads i found that mouse simulation and mouse clicking can be achieved through VB.NET; more specifically, i found this code: Dim pointer As New …

Member Avatar for SaaDwTk

Can someone tell me if it's possible to import a folder to mine project, and use a code to extract it from the resources to the computer? Exaplanation: - I import a folder called "New Folder" to my project - Inside this "New Folder" there's a lot of another files …

Member Avatar for jemz

Hi,I have problem on my code,it will not insert to the database can you pease help me on this.Thank you in advance. Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Public Class Form1 Private m_con As New SqlConnection Private m_DA As SqlDataAdapter Private m_CB As SqlCommandBuilder Private m_dataTable As New DataTable Private m_rowPosition As …

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Member Avatar for ayan2

i created a crystal reprot in vs 2010, i hav about 18 fields but page can not hold all of them in 1 page, how to solve this issue kindly tell me as soon..

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for kenomote

Hey guys i need some help on how to Subtract the Dates i used a readline for sotring the number of fines per day on a txt file....now i wanted to know how do you subtrack the date the book borrowed and the date it was returned then multiplying the …

Member Avatar for Stuugie

Hi all, I have a procedure that compares release dates to file download dates. I have a download folder that is added to a string Dim strFilePath = "\EconomicDBTemp\DownloadedCSVs\" I've removed the directory but the folder DownloadedCSVs is where I need to search each csv file. However, I am unsure …

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Member Avatar for HBovenkamp

Good day, I keep running into a very persistent "Could not fine installable ISAM" error when trying to connect to an Excel sheet (office 2010) by opening an OledbConnection Here's my connection string: Dim strCon As String strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;ACE OLEDB:Database Password=" & strEnter & ";Data Source= " & strExcel …

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Member Avatar for TheQuestor

I need some help here. I am writing a little desktop app that monitors my ToDo database and whilst it works great when run once, it kind of freaks out when I run it from a timer. As in all the labels start repeating. Below is the entire code. Imports …

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Member Avatar for kenomote

Hey guys its me again...im having some problems modifying the data in the DataGridView The error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where UserID='3'' at line 1 and it highlight this …

Member Avatar for kenomote
Member Avatar for kenomote

Hey guys i need some help on how to create a connection of a relationship between two forms...for example I have a DataGridView on another form....with a search button.. if i click the search button another window will pop out with a text box lable "Look For:" and a combobox …

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Member Avatar for kenomote

Hey guys im having problem with the registration form that i created the error shows after i tried some error handling if the username already exists this is the error message: `{"Invalid attempt to Read when reader is closed."}` and this is the error highlight `While mydr.Read()` Heres my code …

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Member Avatar for mmayputt

Friend Sub Inventory_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Connect to database dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" dbSource = "Data Source= C:/Inventory.mdb" con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource 'Open database connection con.Open() MsgBox("Inventory is opened now") 'Import the data on tables sql = "SELECT * FROM Brands" sql1 = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for TheQuestor
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

I have problem with making my program works on windows startup. Here's the code: Sub RunAtStartup(ByVal PutAtStartup As Boolean, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Path As String) Dim StartupPath As String = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" Dim myKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey myKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(StartupPath, True) If PutAtStartup = True Then Try myKey.SetValue(Name, Path) Catch …

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Member Avatar for magord86

If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it. I have a listbox of all the US states and an array of the capital of all the states. What I'm trying to do is when the state is selected and the button is clicked, then …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mr Gates

Here's an example, but Visual basic gives me an error when trying to run it. Say I wanted to ask the user for their name, then display it like: "Hello there" strName By the way, my CDs finally came Friday, so I have VB .NET, but this was done in …

Member Avatar for akgs
Member Avatar for TheQuestor

Imports System.IO Imports System.Net.Sockets Imports System.Text Imports System.Net.Security Public Class Form1 Dim PopHost As String = "my mail server" Dim UserName As String = "my user name" Dim Password As String = "my password" Dim PortNm As Integer = "110" Dim POP3 As New TcpClient Dim Read_Stream As StreamReader Dim …

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Member Avatar for istore221

hay pros i have a problam..i need to create a line report based on a stored proc everythings working fine..but in original result set i have a 44 records ..in my line chart i have all the bars but not labels.. my quary returns ArtistName and number of albums ex.. …

Member Avatar for Mgundo

iam coding a program to store textbox data into an array, iam using bounds inorder not to erase the previous data. and it is saying it needs an end of statement. Please help. Thanks. This is the code: ReDim Preserve strArrMonth (LBound (strArrMonth)) to UBound(strArrMonth)+1) strArrMonth (UBound(strArrMonth)) = textBox.Text

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Dilah J

'Inline Code Example HereHello i'm having this error message when adding to multiple table: '"The DataAdapter.SelectCommand property needs to be initialized." 'I need to have my data saved into both table(tblStudentInfo, tblPayment) when btnFinish clicked. Please 'help, i'm working on this for days and haven't had any luck. 'For reference …

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Member Avatar for lakn.comnsense

I have a RTF textbox that contains multiline text. I would like to extract the text only from this box to put in an e-mail. I know that RTFBox.Text will return the plain text but it seems that it strips out the CRLF's as well and I need to keep …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tedy.jd

I was doing xaml with vb coding in vb 2010 I create a datagrid and linked itemssource with table adapter, and also I modify a columns to checkbox datagrid columns. Problem now is I checked the checkbox value in the columns in datagrid but through button check the data grid …

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The End.