19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I have a timer that in every 600 interval access the database and the database I'm using is MS Access database. The problem I have is that with this being said, the MS Access database has a limitation of 64 connections on each thread so this 600 interval …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lmalave

Hi all, 1. My **DataGridview** is populated and displays the data correctly. No Problem here. 2. I use the **Up/Down Key** to navigate in the *DataGridview* and the rows get highlighted when I pass over them. No problem here. ***This is what I would like to code if posible:*** 3. …

Member Avatar for lmalave
Member Avatar for hhaannyy

hello every one this my code to fill my combobox with the name of clients and i but the connection string in a module to let my prog workimg in any pc in the group But the problem here in the combobox says can not make the connection, I know …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for santosh.pandey.1293575

hi to all, i have an menustrip in the form MAIN i want to load menustripitems as per the user permission given in the tbluser database table which load during form load event in datagridview DataAdapter1 = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tbluser WHERE userID = '" & txtuserid.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for Alan0610
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I can't seem to append multiple files into one text file. Unfortunately it's creating the first file but is not creating or appending the additional files into the first file. My code looks like this: getRestranName = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folderName) Dim counter As Integer = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(folderName).Count fileCount = Convert.ToInt32(counter) fileCount = …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for hhaannyy

hello every one i made a Simple sales program by vb with tables sql I have worked and use the following to connect with data con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename= C:\Users\hany_\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\hanysql\hanysql\Database5.mdf;Integrated Security=True" Now, after the completion of the program I want to know what is the way to run …

Member Avatar for hhaannyy
Member Avatar for Smith5646

As I dig deeper into the capabilities of Visual Studio, I have seen that you can have multiple projects in a single solution. I must be missing something because I can't come up with a reason to ever do this? My guess is that I don't understand the benefit. So, …

Member Avatar for Bryan Anthony
Member Avatar for hhaannyy

cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO temp_balance ( debit, credit, accname ) SELECT Sum(temp_sheet.debit) AS debit, Sum(temp_sheet.credit) AS credit, IIf (debit < credit ,'loss','profit') AS expr1 FROM temp_sheet group by temp_sheet.debit,temp_sheet.credit ;", con) there an error i dont know the error incorrect syntax near ' )

Member Avatar for hhaannyy
Member Avatar for kberrianjr

I have a problem that I am really having a hard time with. I have a textbox in my form that I am trying to add into autocomplete so when I get back into that form I can just type the first letter and have it populate. I have a …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

I want to insert a table cell into a table from another table by select method and after, to display an error in text prompted from the user was not found. Can someone tell what's the problem with my codes? My codes are as follows: Dim Item As String = …

Member Avatar for tshukela.george
Member Avatar for powerade661

Hey guys, does anyone know how to do this? Here is my current code that will not work. I have tried everything that I know how to make this work to no avail. This is under form1_load. Any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi everyone! Long story short; I got a Secugen Hamster IV finger print device. I want to use it in my hospital application to be used in identification of patients at the hosptl. However, I do not find this device to be useful in that they they dont' have current …

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for wael meto

bonjour tous les monds, how can i Refresh ComboBox After Adding New Values via a Seperate Form in vbnet any ideas mercie en avance ;

Member Avatar for Alan_10
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi, Having a real trouble getting a form to launch, which has previously worked. I have a series of buttons set up on a menu screen, each button launches a different form in the same project. For each 'click' event there are two lines of code: a DIM statement to …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for kberrianjr

I have been searching all over for a way to open a text file that was created using vb.net on one form and open that same text file and place the contents into a list view. The text file will have a description, a part number, and a quantity, this …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I have a MS Access database that has 9 columns what I want to do is to retrieve all data from a database only on 5 columns. I think I have to use the `select * from data` but I don't know how to select the columns I …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for mac-mac

Can you guys help me how to make this happen? I want to have a row validation for adding of items. I have a datagridview named **datagridview1** with columns **dgvTxtItemCode, dgvTxtItemDesc** and so on. I want to add a validation wherein whenever inputted the same itemcode or item desc a …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Ghast

Hello. I wanted to remove a key in registry using only VB.NET code and i do not know how. Can you please help me ?

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for sashiksu

Hey I need help from danniweb . I try some codes according to my knowledge to make this code. I load some valuse to data grid view from mysql table. Think there are 10 records loaded to data grid view. Then just I want to make 10 records to generate …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for Sneaky Pete

Hello everyone, I've looked in several forums but can't find an answer. In excel I want to place a picture in a cell, that's no problem. Then, I want to display that picture in the header with VBA code. I know vba can link to a directory to display a …

Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm just trying to connect vb.net application to my cpanel web host space's mysql database. I got some idea from internet and tryied. But It doesn't work for me. If you know about this help me. I think it was great help for others too. my whole code is this …

Member Avatar for Marlon_3
Member Avatar for warlock72

Hi Ive got 3 listboxs In Listbox 1 I have a list of names, listbox2 a list of days. These lists have been put into arrays _names & _days. What Im trying to do is join the 2 lists with a delimiter of "-" then display the joined lists in …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for emilsanchez

hi i currently facing this prblem" the connection was not closed. the connection's current state is open" how to solve it Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmOrderSummary Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim selected_Row As Integer Dim selected_ID As String Dim order_id, food_id, orderdate, quantity, food_name As String Const CONNECTION_STR As String …

Member Avatar for richh
Member Avatar for Abdelaziz_1

imports system.data.sqlclient mysqlconn = New SqlConnection mysqlconn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + txtServerName.Text + ";initial catalog=" + txtdatabasename.Text + ";initial catalog=" + txtshardacc.Text + ";user id=" + textusername.Text + ";password=" + txtpassword.Text Dim queryresult As Integer Try mysqlconn.Open() command = New SqlCommand("select COUNT (*) as numRows from _Char Where CharName16='" & …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Japhet_1

How to make picturebox from form to picturebox rdlc reportviewer vb.net Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms Public Class BCPrint Private Sub BCPrint_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PNJKDCDataSet.tbl_Pat_Image' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.tbl_Pat_ImageTableAdapter.Fill(Me.PNJKDCDataSet.tbl_Pat_Image) 'TODO: This line of …

Member Avatar for sashiksu

I'm new to vb and therefor I can't find where is the error while I'm making reports. I coded My report button like this : Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet1 adapter.SelectCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select * from mcs.custormer", Form1.mysqlcon) adapter.Fill(ds.Tables(0)) ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Local ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I'm trying to read a text file. This text file has a multiply lines and what I want is that I want to separate each line or should I say I want to split each line (chop it) so that I will be able to assign these fields …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Paul Brains

Hi friends, Please I am writing an app that is meant to work like WhatsApp. When a user type some text, he clicks a send button. The clicking sends the text to a central database. There is a timer that is checking for unread messages and display them in a …

Member Avatar for Abhiram_1
Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Japhet_1

At the bottom is my code and I want to save data on my joined table. Please advise or edit the codes. Thanks :D 'VB.net Public Class RadTechLP Private Sub RadTechLP_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PNJKDataSet.Procedure1' table. You …

Member Avatar for tdrosiadis

The End.