19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for dimasalang

hey..i'm developing an application..something like a custom desktop..now what i want to do is to disable alt-tab, ctrl-alt-del etc . i tried to set the registry value of "CoolSwitch" to disable alt tab, but i get an error..i think i need to run my application as admin to write in …

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Member Avatar for bklynman01

I'm having trouble getting some data from a combobox. I have a series of comboboxes that populate as you make selections from the boxes. Each combobox is using data that is pulled from a SQL database into a dataset. This all works. When I get to the last box, I …

Member Avatar for CodeWord
Member Avatar for craymel02

hi guys... can you help me on my little program.. i still cant think a way to get my database from the datagrid in form2 and display it on form3.. my little program is like a schedule that you'll edit your students class hour,subject and teacher.. then after that when …

Member Avatar for CodeWord
Member Avatar for dipopo

Hello Guys, Please who can point me in the right direction with regards to auto generating a ruleset text string from a list of url's. I get a list of URL's in the format: example.com/firstplace/secondplace.jpg " " " " etc I would like to be able to read the url's …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for EddieN1

I have a DataGridView control and I want to know if the user has changed any data in the row when they leave one row and go to another row. Here's what I've done... In the Form Class I defined a Before and After row image as follows: Dim rwBefRow …

Member Avatar for EddieN1
Member Avatar for vn412

hi, I' ve a small project with few forms. i want to design a menu a one form so that when user clicks on the menu item respective form loads in project. thanks

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto
Member Avatar for gr8fasushi

Hi everyone, novice here. I'm having some major issues trying to figure out what's going wrong with my code. The general problem is that I can't get the foreign key in one of my child tables to populate the primary key from the parent table. I have a parent table …

Member Avatar for gr8fasushi
Member Avatar for nicole200718

I have to create an application that will display all the odd and even numbers between the input values of number 1 and number 2. Display the output in a lstOdd and lstEven listbox. I have no clue I need help please? [CODE] Option Strict On Option Explicit On Public …

Member Avatar for Ranx
Member Avatar for johmolan

I have a problem copying rows in a table. My code is: [CODE]Public Sub Ordreupdate() Dim conn2 As OleDbConnection conn2 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source =|Datadirectory|\Kalkyle1.mdb") Dim dtbl As New DataTable Dim dt As New DataTable dtbl = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre") dt = dtbl.Clone Dim copyRows1 As DataRow Dim copyRows() As DataRow …

Member Avatar for johmolan
Member Avatar for Commando123
Member Avatar for eiallen
Member Avatar for dougancil

I have the following code: [code] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Main Protected WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView Dim instForm2 As New Exceptions Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startpayrollButton.Click Dim ssql As String = "select MAX(payrolldate) AS [payrolldate], " & _ "dateadd(dd, ((datediff(dd, '17530107', MAX(payrolldate))/7)*7)+7, '17530107') …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I need help in numbering rows in datagrid. I have a column that should number 1,2,3 so on when adding a new row. When I delete a row, those numbers should re-number still to 1,2,3. So when I delete row 2, the row that's been added as 3 should …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for CrankyMero

Hello Everyone Im having kind of trouble looking for this info, but i created a POS program that when i install it, it install under Local Settings\Apps\2.0\blabla So what i want to know if how can i make my system install like any other program, "Under Program Files/POSystem/" like so …

Member Avatar for CrankyMero
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I am using crystal report for displaying reports. I want to display group by customers in report that i am displaying using group by funtion but i also want subtotal of that group by customers. I want to display received amt date, received amt and balance amout between …

Member Avatar for ahmedtohamy
Member Avatar for BleepyE

I know that title was complicated, i wasnt really sure what to call it. Basically at the moment I have the code which opens values that are after words in a text file. [I](Thanks to Unhnd_Exception)[/I] I have a text file, which lists all the stocks of all the fruit …

Member Avatar for BleepyE
Member Avatar for pgollnic

I am having to use a DATAGRID instead of DataGridView because I want to merge 2 datasets into 1 using a keyed field to tie the two together(the merge of datasets). ds1.Tables[0].TableName="Header" ds1.Tables[1].TableName="Detail" y = ds1.Tables("Header").Columns.Indexof(KeyPart2parmfield) z = ds1.Tables("Detail").Columns.Indexof(ConCatParm) table1Column = ds1.Tables("Header").Columns(y) table2Column = ds1.Tables("Detail").Columns(z) relation = *New DataRelation("Click for …

Member Avatar for TechNewbie23

Hey everyone! Im hoping to find someone that can help me with a problem that I cant seem to resolve and it's driving me crazy! Basically I am trying to create a child management system for a nurse using vb.net and SQL as my backend db The application consists of …

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Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi All, I have checkedlistbox on my windows form which is binded to datasource, I do check the items in checkedlistbox based on some criteria, When user uncheck some items I want to save the records, but in Checked Items collection still I’m getting items as checked, which are unchecked. …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for smd5049

Hello, I'm new to vb.net. I have successfully run a simple sql query in vb.net and basically wanted to know how I can export the results from the query to a .txt file? All I really know is that I should be using StreamWriter. Does anyone have suggestions for sending, …

Member Avatar for Satyam Kr. Jha
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

ok... i know a lot of you are probably tired of me asking questions but i am trying to learn and i am asking about stuff i dont know, not just to get you to do the whole program for me. this question is if there is a list of …

Member Avatar for Jim2011
Member Avatar for JD69

Is there a program where i can launch a website, click on a button or textfield and it will give me the getElementByID? I searched around for this and i have found nothing? Why doesn't this exist? I am writing a program that will enter information into a copiers web …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for emily1989

Hi there, I am new to VB.Net, i have cracked my brain to figure out on how to use if else statements in form1 to call button.click from another class. Please help me! :( THANK YOU SO MUCH! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! :)

Member Avatar for Ranx
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hello, I'm a newbie in VB.Net. I'm creating an application using VB.Net. I have a loggin form which has a username and a password textboxes. I have the following code which is working, which I believe is actually validating the username and password. My hicccup now that I need help …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for gr8fasushi

I'm having some problems trying to input records into a relational database. The design is really simple but I'm running into a wall when it comes to having the foreign key from my child table autopopulate the primary key from the parent table. I've made the connections in Access and …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kristinesanchez

good evening everyone.. im a student and currently taking my thesis...im having a problem with creating a excel file with vb... the thing is I need to open the excel file inside the form in vb.net... Anyone please need help...

Member Avatar for bklynman01
Member Avatar for tim8w

I need a RegularExpression that can convert a string from a fraction or decimal like "1/2" or "0.5" to a decimal "0.5". It needs to handle both cases. Input can be either fractional or decimal, output must be decimal...

Member Avatar for tim8w
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

I have a form on my vb 6.0, i need to change the appearance. In the sense that, i can change its transparency or opacity of the way how the form looks. Is there any way possible i can do that ?

Member Avatar for Jollyyy100
Member Avatar for rosstafarian

Hey Guys, I am trying to create a little project for my college course. I have been trying in vain over the past few days to sort out some errors i have and alot of google pages have brought me here where i have gained alot of knowledge so i …

Member Avatar for rosstafarian
Member Avatar for bnasreddinov

[code] Private Sub btn_next_begining_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_next_begining.Click Dim rulesforclass As privileges rulesforclass.Show() End Sub [/code] Please help how Can I call privileges.vb from the btn_next_begining???????

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Member Avatar for rookanga

Im trying to get a sales percentage program to work and im having trouble on the last part. My homework is to get the original price from the customer and then take the sales percentage off and show how much it is. Then after the first percentage is off take …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.