20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for moozyedogawa

Bagaimana caranya ganti nilai hex dari file dat dalam file bin di vbnet dengan menggunakan satu tombol, tolong beri saya coding dan jawaban karena saya memerlukannya :). coba lihat contoh di gambar English translation: How do I change the hex value of the dat file in the bin file in …

Member Avatar for moozyedogawa
Member Avatar for xile27

I would like to do is to read CSV file begin to display to datagridview. show all the rows in the CSV but only the columns between START and END. This code below is for import all data from csv to datagridview. If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then Try Dim fi …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Trle94

So example i have Box1, Box2, ..., Box5. All are Textboxes Its in row for serial key, if you dont understand i can make screen. Is there anyway i could Copy/Paste all data from all boxes in format like Box1 - Box2 - Box3 etc? and in same way paste …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for dhatsah

Quick question, the answer is eluding me on the internet. Which is unusual. When we reference and call a sub/function from a class is it automatically started on a new thread or will it join the main thread? Cheers in advance.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Start4me

I need to make one statement to select either of the items in listbox and show the same label, regardless of which item is selected. I've tried someting like If Me.ListBox1.SelectedItem = "R115" Or "Bay, Charles" Then Label1.Text = "Address Information Avaliable" End If But it doesn't work. The code …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for jalmeida

Hi, im developing a software in vb 2012 with a access 2010 local db, but for some reason i canĀ“t remove records from the database. the following code breaks on line 6. i cant find the problem. the dataset is transmissoes and the the table is utilizador_avancado. can anyone help, …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for laxminarayan23

i am creating a software for using acceess database but not configuratuion please help me

Member Avatar for themaj
Member Avatar for lulu79

hi, I have a Gridview like below: ![Gv3](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL0d2My5KUEc%3D/283 "align-left") What I want is: 1) User can click at **LINE** column, for example user click at **M23** and it will redirect to other page. 2) At the other page, it will display something like this: **Please insert countermeasure for M23** where …

Member Avatar for DeepKiran
Member Avatar for dhatsah

Hi there, I am trying to create a simple client/server application. Very basic - Client connects to server, client sends message to server - server receives message and broadcasts to any other connected clients. As I say - it is supposed to be simple and for the purpose of self …

Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to create a database. After creating the Table [Design], I've went to the Table [Data] to add items to the database, ran the program to check if the database items show up, they do. Then I stopped debugging, went back to the table to add more information to …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for boy2534

Hi,i have some error for some help when i try to run this code below i got this error "Syntax error in UPDATE statement." at .ExecuteNonQuery() and i try to solve it for an hours but i can't , Anyone please help me !! and i use System.Data.Oledb ( sorry …

Member Avatar for boy2534
Member Avatar for Sanket_2

My company has Desktop application developed in vb.net using devexpress controls. Back End database is MySQL. Company is in retailing and have 2 retail stores in in same city. Both stores always stay busy and customers are always in waiting at the counter. Basically, it is desktop based CRM application …

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for missy_mi

Hello, i have created a vb project and have publish it. There is no problem in running the vb.exe in my laptop but when, i try installing the vb.exe in my friends laptop the are error, error signiture (event type : clr20r3). I tried installing visual studio in my friends …

Member Avatar for xile27
Member Avatar for missy_mi

HI, I am saving my form to word document. But the result, looks too simple. How do i insert table or insert image or maybe,could change the font style and so on??.. if you can give links or tutorials..anything that could help me..i would appreciate it so much. Thank you …

Member Avatar for missy_mi
Member Avatar for kRod

I have a question about the string.intersect method. I am not getting the results I expect. Dim lstChars1() As Char = "hello dolly" 'TextBox1.Text.ToCharArray Dim lstchars2() As Char = "help melanie" 'TextBox2.Text.ToCharArray Dim lst1 As New List(Of String) Dim lst2 As New List(Of String) For Each c In lstChars1 lst1.Add(c.ToString) …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

Hello as the title says itself. "Help", yeah correct by pressing "F1" key the Help form p[op up, same Form want to create in VB.Net, I google out then I find only that this can be done by importing any HTML File, Create the HTML File and link your Form …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Trle94

Hey there, so i have small problem, my application has mainForm and settingsForm, so is there only possible way to get settingsForm to be started only on first time user starts application so he can configure correct configs and then after it any other starting of application user gets mainForm …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Yanny_1

Hi! Anyone can help me about my problem on HOW TO UPDATE TABLE USING THE CONTENTS FROM ANOTHER TABLE? Thank you in advance for those who can help me. Anyway, I'm using VB.Net 2010 I hope you guys can help

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw Is it possible to disable the autorun or autoplay feature on windows using VB.NET, I want to disable this feature automatically if it is enabled on a computer. Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I went through many websites and did not find any converter that could purely convert C# syntax to VB syntax. However there are many converters available on the Internet but personally I don't think they are pure converters. Requesting all to please suggest some online tools/converters to achieve …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for junallan.sampiano

Hello Guys, Please help me how to pass a variable to a multiple projects in VB.NET like on VB6. The variables are user ID, user Name, Server Name and server database. In VB6 it can be used on multiple projects while on VB.Net is I don't have any idea. I …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for elie.karkafy

http://code.daypilot.org/60174/timesheet-for-asp-net-c-vb-net-sql-server similar as this one but with windows forms

Member Avatar for christan

Greetings. I'm having a rough time solving this problem. this is my global dec Dim btns As Button() = New Button() {Button1, Button2} and this is my eventhandler Dim btnName As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button) Dim i As Integer btns(i) = New Button For i = 0 To btns.Length Step …

Member Avatar for hainguyen81
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to create a program, where a user can use the textbox to search for information, and as soon the user begins to type, any matching results will show autofill. I was able to do that, but I also want to make partial word match: words are found that …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for ignnniter

Hello, i have 2 textbox. and i need to compare those 2 strings to get the number of same letters/characters. Example: Hack Cake Total same letters/characters = 3 [ C.K.A ] How can i do that? Thanks! :(

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for decoder.mira

str1 = "select distinct [Sched_Code] as [No.], [Course], [Year], [Section], [Batch]," & _ " [Subject],[subject_desc],[units], [Time], [Day], [Room], [Instructor], [Schoolyr] as [S.Y.], [Semester] as [Sem] from tblSchedule, tblcurriculum where tblschedule.subject=tblcurriculum.subjects" Dim dt As New DataTable dt = ConnectDatabase(str1) rpt.SetDataSource(dt) CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt help, i cant see content of my data …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Sratu

hi!, guys I want to make a daily time record in crystal report but I did not know how to do?, can you help me please?

Member Avatar for olegb

I have an interesting challenge and was hoping one of the gurus can assist. I have a program running on a client machine that I need to "trigger". The program is written in VB.NET. What is the easiest way I can generate a "trigger" to that client machine? Couple of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ibpet11

Hello all, I seek assistance in this challenges I have at the moment. I have an application that currently connect to a SQL Database well on my PC and sure it will do same if I deploy it to a PC that has SQL server install on it. Now I …

Member Avatar for ibpet11
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm trying to copy a chosen file to a directory under 'C:\example' directory folder, I have a textbox to store the address (path) to the selected file, a OpenFileDialog to enable the user to browse to the file to copy and also a FolderBrowserDialog which let the user …

Member Avatar for Mr.M

The End.