41 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mocabilly

Hi all, We use a .hta vbscript from a fileserver, but after office 2007 has been intalled, the script does not read/write from/to a .mdb file on that same fileserver. The script does work, if it started from a desktop instead of the fileserver. (reading/writing the same .mdb file on …

Member Avatar for harsh01ajmera

How to create a website which i want to create by using a vb srcipt and also i want to make a use of java script in this.pls help me out..give me suggestions regarding this.

Member Avatar for madelinekim
Member Avatar for BCBTP

I am not really good at HTML, (I assume this is HTML, at least, I do C++ mainly). I found this thing called "passwordreset.htm" and I got a little curious(this is on a school computer). I decided to open it, and I found something that looks like a password reset …

Member Avatar for BCBTP
Member Avatar for Mocabilly

Hi all, I wrote a .hta script (with vbscript - no jscript, in it) and put it on a fileserver. The people who use this script, start the script by clicking on a shortcut on their Desktop that leads to the .hta script on the fileserver. The .hta script reads …

Member Avatar for atrueresistance

Alright, I'm having a problem with a scheduled task not running. At first it wouldn't run the vbs, so I created a bat to run it and then it would work, but only when the user is logged in. I went into the local security policy and made sure my …

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Member Avatar for avocado_juice

Hi, Does anyone know on how to convert vb.net to excel. I am new in this company and they are using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for their database. FYI, they are using stored procedure as well. Thank you

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Member Avatar for darkelflemurian

Hello everyone: I have the following issue, i have and old computer and i need to erase pics and all that, but that computer has several folders and some are hidden, and is very time consuming checking where are those folders. I would like a VBS to erase all the …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for lance7tour

Am trying to get this code to work where the user enters n rock,paper,or scissors and the computer randomly picks as well, it then states what each choose, once u click ok it tells who won the match but my code once it shows the 1st winner result have to …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for jcb0806

Using VbScript:: I have a list of several different prices and I'm trying to figure out how to round these 5 decimals adding zeros if necessary. For example: I want 2.84 3.1 4.896 to look like 2.84000 3.10000 4.89600 Can somebody please help me? Thanks!

Member Avatar for jcb0806
Member Avatar for jimbennett57

I'm a newbie to SOAP, and have been searching for an answer with no luck. Hopefully someone can help me out here. I have a VB script which successfully retrieves a SOAP response (xmlhttp.responseText). I can see the response with WScript.Echo, save it in a variable or can save it …

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Member Avatar for tgreer

First, sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't find a VBScript forum on Daniweb (which I find surprising). I'm working with binary data in several different projects. Below is an example of code that works to retrieve a static map image (PNG) from Google: [CODE]strFileURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?markers=2200+S+Western+Ave+Lisle+IL&zoom=14&size=400x400&sensor=false" Set objXMLHTTP …

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The End.