Standard template library Programming Software Development by Keyonts … about vectors. And when I was debugging my project using vecors I peeked at the vector class member functions and non… Re: Physics ball JAVASCRIPT Programming Web Development by MattEvans … you keep track of headings: (which can be calculated from vecors, and vice versa) [code]** ball.x += xHeading; ball.y += yHeading… Re: problems with a code made in linux working in windows Programming Software Development by Paulville …; // errorhandler #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h> // linear algebra with vecors and matrices // global variables: double alpha=0.1; // mortality rate… Re: problems with a code made in linux working in windows Programming Software Development by Aia …; // errorhandler #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h> // linear algebra with vecors and matrices Those are part of the GNU Scientific Library… Re: problems with a code made in linux working in windows Programming Software Development by Paulville …; // errorhandler #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h> // linear algebra with vecors and matrices Those are part of the GNU Scientific Library… Re: Standard template library Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula [QUOTE=Keyonts]I was wondering how deep an average programmers knowledge has to be to be good with c++. Do most just take for granted that these templates work and dont ask questions.[/QUOTE]IMO, a good programmer must be trained to trust the interface. Design to the interface. Work with the interface. Sometimes knowing too much will do you more …