16 Topics

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Member Avatar for Darth Vader

Hello, I use the webkitbrowser which is simular to the webbrowser. Now on a website, I want to programatically insert a string into a textBox. This I have succeeded to do like this: webKitBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("txtbox1").SetAttribute("value", "hello"); After this I will need to programatically click a button that will check that "hello" …

Member Avatar for asarchit65

I want to make a web browser based on webkit in c#. For that i have two options, cefglue and awesomium. But i don't know which one is better out of them? I want to know awesomium or cefglue - which one is better for embedding in C# app? Please …

Member Avatar for ACRDepos

Hello everyone again, I'm trying to do some web studies here and of course, digging deeper into responsive web design. Recently I came across this web page: http://kumanimedia.com/portfolio You will notice when you rescale your browser window, the boxes fluxuate based on it's size. On that, I inspected the element …

Member Avatar for GrazerC0de
Member Avatar for aVar++

I have the way I want my site to look in chrome and I wanted to make it also look the same in mozilla therefore I replaced the webkit's with moz in the CSS. However the #mySection div is alot smaller in width in moz than chrome. There are screenshots …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello Since I can't get something to work, as a temp fix, Im going to do something else but I need this to only happen if it is a Webkit based browser (Safari, Chrome, Android, etc...). How can I detect this? Thank you

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for lorenzocalzaretti

Hi everybody, I'd like to know if there is a way to zoom a page in the webkitbrowser control in vb net. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hello everyone..i've vs2010 in my system..and i'm trying to build a simple web browser using webkit..could anyone please tell me what do i need to install to be able to work on vs2010?? and a simple demo code about how to use the webkit sdk..i've searched a lot on google..but …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for elneco

Im on chrome 16.0.912.21 beta and my transitions are not working. One thing i noticed is that when there is no full url on the link href, the transition works. When there IS a full url the transition stops working...i don't get it. check out this link: [url]http://elneco.biz/idk/[/url] any help …

Member Avatar for niconico96

Hello everyone. I'm an expert html5/css3 designer, but when it comes to javascript, I don't know anything... I need some javascript code that detects a browser engine (webkit, gecko, etc.) and redirects based on that. I need webkit and gecko to redirect to home.php and all others to redirect to …

Member Avatar for niconico96
Member Avatar for GatorAlli

I'm using Python, PyQt4, and QtWebKit to load a web page into a bare-bones browser to examine the data. However, there is a small issue. I'm trying to get the contents and src of every iframe on the loaded page. I'm using [B][I]webView.page().mainFrame().childFrames()[/I][/B] to get the frames. To problem is, …

Member Avatar for wynnejohnson

Beginning a project developing a web browser for Mac OS X. Planning on offering a Universal Binary (for PPC and Intel support), 64-bit build, and using WebKit as the layout engine. Am looking for suggestions on featureset, as well as ideas for improving the JavaScriptCore framework and rendering engine. The …

Member Avatar for wynnejohnson

Beginning a project developing a web browser for Mac OS X. Planning on offering a Universal Binary (for PPC and Intel support), 64-bit build, and using WebKit as the layout engine. Am looking for suggestions on featureset, as well as ideas for improving the JavaScriptCore framework and rendering engine. The …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

A lot of rumors began circulating about the possibility of a new Kindle on the horizon after the popular Kindle DX seemed to suddenly be sold out on Amazon's web site some time ago leading to the speculation that Amazon had a new version in the works. Wednesday those suspicions …

Member Avatar for iThaos

Hi everyone. I've run into another problem :( I have 3 JS files I want to include in my page. The first one is defined statically in the html file. The other two are loaded into the DOM using the following function: [CODE] function loadJsFile(pathToFile){ var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var …

Member Avatar for iThaos
Member Avatar for jonow

I am using [URL="http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/"]XSPF Web Music Player[/URL] slim, and whenever I put it into a web page and play it using Google Chrome or Safari the song starts playing twice. When i press the pause button one instance of the song keeps playing while the other keep going without any …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for EddieC

Bravo to Google for daring to compete in the two-party system of the world's desktop browser market. And kudos for bucking the status quo to design a "modern platform for Web pages and applications," as its [release statement](http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/why.html?hl=en) read. But there's also skepticism out there about Google's bravado, and about …

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The End.