151 Topics

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Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi, I have a listbox that is bound to a textblock as target and also has an xml file as source. My problem now is the correct syntax for inserting another listbox in between the listbox and the xml file. My code is shown below... <Window x:Class="newTestApp.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi all, I am new to XAML however I have an understanding of XML. I am trying to bind a button to an XML file such that when the button is clicked, it the xml element is displayed within a listbox. Then I want the listbox selected item to be …

Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi all, I am attempting data binding in WPF. I have a class Recipe and another called RecipeService. There seems a problem with the RecipeService class in terms of compatibility with the Recipe class as when I add its type to the ObjectDataProvider in the XAML file, I get an …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for imolorhe

Please, How do I properly add a Winsock Control in WPF for purpose of LAN applications? I tried adding the Winsock control dynamically but then the event functions are not available then. Note: Using WindowsFormHost does not show in my WPF application. Help please!

Member Avatar for jdsurgeon
Member Avatar for tarwara

Hi I have a list view in WPF with C#. In which i want headers of every column alignment to be left. eg name class etc headings. I have another query that I have wpf form in which i have a textbox in which i will input a number and …

Member Avatar for swinefish

Hello all I'm having a major problem with instantiating objects across threads in WPF. For example, if I have the following: [icode]Line l = new Line[/icode] I get the following error: 'InvalidOperationException: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.' While I understand that in general, …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi, I am a beginner, and trying to call an image inside a form. So basically, I have done a simple WPF application in which if I press a button, I will managed to show an image in my main form. So, the code is below : [CODE]private void btnAddMore_Click(object …

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How do you insert a child node in a TreeView Control in WPF C#? I have a TreeView control that I have created in XAML in a WPF program using C#. After adding a couple nodes at the root level, I have written code that loops through the tree structure …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi all, I am trying to build a ui application with thread for tcp server. I managed to build the tcp server itself using console (giving a welcome message when I telnet it), but when I copy the exact source code in WPF , I can not telnet it. The …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata
Member Avatar for hotchkissChris

Hi, I'm reasonably new to C# and even newer to WPF projects in C#, i'm having a lot of trouble getting to grips with how to use the template property and its doing m head in. Firstly an explanation of what I am trying to achieve: I am working on …

Member Avatar for hotchkissChris
Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi All, I am new in programming, and currently learning from some samples. From a[URL="http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/sthangaraju/tcpclientserverst11182005014316am/tcpclientserverst.aspx"] page[/URL], I tried to implement a TCP client server with the following page in WPF (visual studio 2008) [CODE]using System; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; public class serv { public static void Main() { …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata
Member Avatar for ineale

I have a program that will use the following code to draw the nodes i need (ellipses), but it won't draw the paths(lines). The only thing i could think of is that it might not be calling properly through two classes. [CODE]protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { base.OnRender(drawingContext); DrawingGroup dGroup …

Member Avatar for ineale

I have a window1.xaml file that has a canvas created in xaml. I have used xaml to define the canvas so that i can later add a map from Expression Design to it. I have a function in an outside class file, PathNode.cs, that should draw an ellipse to the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for toadzky

I have a ListBox using an ItemTemplate. Here is the XAML: [CODE] <ListBox Name="list_Sensors" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Grid.Column="0" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <GroupBox Header="Part Number/Description" Grid.Column="0" Margin="5" Width="200"> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=PartNumber}" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/> <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontSize="8" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}"> <Binding Path="Manufacturer" /> …

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Member Avatar for toadzky

I am writing a flat-file database app using SQLite. That part works just fine, but the GUI not so much. The issues are arising in the bindings. I have a list of accounts displayed in a datagrid. The datagrid has its ItemsSource set to a List<Accounts> collection. That works fine. …

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi everyone, I'm using WPF to make a nice UI for a completely automated system (to the point where there are no interactive controls what-so-ever) that downloads media from the net and learns from it. I've got a class that I've created which acts as an entry point to the …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for sedalnas

[B]Hi, i'm new to WPF so i didn't understand the controls that does not exist in WinForms ,so i need some help that explain the usage of that controls and gives some examples to those controls ... thanks [/B]

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I have an Ellipse on a Canvas and I'm doing a Hit Testing on it. Every time I click the stroke of the Ellipse, the test pass. If I click in the middle of the Ellipse, the test fails. This is good ! After I fill the ellipse like …

Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, Consider this code: [CODE]Ellipse myCircle = new Ellipse(); myCircle.Width = 400; myCircle.Height = 400; myCircle.Stroke = Brushes.PeachPuff; myCircle.StrokeThickness = 25; myCircle.ToolTip = "Bold Circle"; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle, 0); canvas.Children.Add(myCircle); Ellipse myCircle2 = new Ellipse(); myCircle2.Width = 400; myCircle2.Height = 400; myCircle2.Stroke = Brushes.Black; myCircle2.StrokeThickness = 1; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle2, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle2, …

Member Avatar for moroshko
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I added a Rectangle to a Canvas like this: [CODE]Canvas.SetTop(myRectangle, 150); Canvas.SetLeft(myRectangle, 80); canvas.Children.Add(myRectangle);[/CODE] Now I want to move the rectangle to other place, say (100, 100). What is the best way to do this ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for moroshko
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hi, I put several shapes (like Ellipse and Rectangle) on a Canvas. Now, I want user to be able to drag & drop these shapes. Is there some predefined functionality that I can use, or I should implement the drag & drop myself using the mouse events ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for moroshko

Hello ! Could you please point me to a good C# tutorial for drawing 2d graphics like Ellipse and Rectangle (that inherit from Shape) on a Canvas using WPF ? I'm also interested later to click on shapes and identify which shape was clicked, and also to drag and drop …

Member Avatar for jamesonh20
Member Avatar for mr.white

Dear forum members, I'm working on an accounting software, which I was planing to do using C#. Now that I see there is WPF that I can use instead of WinForms, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. [LIST=1] [*]For an account software, which I would like …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for hardeepbhullar

Hello To All, I want to implement peer-to-peer video streaming in my WPF project. Plz help me by referring any web site or sample code which i can use in my project. Thanks in Advance With Best Regards Hardeep Singh Bhullar [email]er.hardeepbhullar@gmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for hardeepbhullar
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

I have a php website which i want to run in C# wpf webbrowser control. I have a validated a username and password for the site by connecting to it's database using .net. Now i want the functionality to take username and password and submit the post form to php …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for hardindp

Help please... I have a WPF window that contains several WPF user controls. I am using VB express. How can I reference the controls in a UserControl from the main window? Thanks

Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi, Can I choose in VS 2008 items from toolbox to load? For example I want user only to see button, textbox, checkbox, listbox, radiobutton controls and 3 custom control created by me - only these controls, nothing more. Is there possibility to do that? If so, explain me how …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Virtualization tools company Xenocode today is set to begin shipping an update to Postbuild 2008 for .NET, which enables developers to deploy .NET applications to systems that do not have the .NET framework installed or have a mismatched version. The update adds support for .NET 3.0 and 3.5, Visual Studio …

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Member Avatar for scru

As a programmer who until [B]very[/B] quite recently chose C#.NET as his main language, WPF was thrust upon me like an anvil in your favorite 90s cartoon. There was no avoiding it... And for that, I'm glad -- mostly. The Windows Presentation Foundation is a UI subsystem of the Microsoft …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Windows Workflow Foundation, Microsoft's framework for managing workflow, is reportedly ahead of schedule and could well be available for Windows Vista next year, rather than not ready until Longhorn Server is released in 2007 as previously believed. WWF will also be made available for Windows XP Service Pack 2 and …


The End.