wxMessageBox with an auto-close timer in wxPython Programming Software Development by imperialguy …] Here is a sample code in which I use a wxMessageBox: [code]import wx,os class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__… Re: wxMessageBox with an auto-close timer in wxPython Programming Software Development by woooee [QUOTE=;][/QUOTE] wx has a CallAfter method. It will require some implementation of multiprocessing/threads however you do it since you want to do two things at once: 1) wait for a button press, 2) keep track of the time that has passed. This programs waits for 5 seconds, simulating waiting for a button press, and after 5 seconds exits. [code]… Re: wxMessageBox with an auto-close timer in wxPython Programming Software Development by vegaseat The only wxPython widget that has a build-in timeout is wx.SplashScreen(). Your message however has be inside an image file. This can easily be done with a small wxPython program or any of the many image editors. Take a look at: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/128350/1560030#post1560030[/url] Any of the dialog … Re: Python : Message Dialog Box using wxpython Programming Software Development by richieking you need to put the ode that opens the file in try-except braces. Then open a wxMessagebox inside the catch(exeption) brace. Its been along time i worked with wx but the style and logic is the same on GUI's. try{ open file() } except(msg){ wxMessageBox(values,message,...) } Re: I don't understand some things Programming Software Development by XTRobot …(event)) { Close(TRUE); } void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxMessageBox(_T("This is a wxWindows Hello world sample"… Re: wxFileInputStream Programming Software Development by mevkurray …(awxsFileContents[eee]); } wxtfleOutFile.AddLine(wxEmptyString); wxtfleOutFile.AddLine(wxsNewEntryLine); wxtfleOutFile.Write(); wxMessageBox(_("Closing.")); [/code] thanks all for your time… Re: wxEdits / Editboxes Programming Software Development by winampis …& event) { wxString str; str << WxEdit1->GetValue(); wxMessageBox(str); } Thats all Easy peasy orange squeasy > Re: C++ textBox to String... Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo Taste of [URL="http://wxforum.shadonet.com/viewforum.php?f=1"]wxWidgets[/URL] [CODE=C++]wxTextCtrl* texfromuser = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); wxString testText = textfromuser->GetValue(); wxMessageBox(testText, wxT("User Text"));[/CODE] Re: how do I create & attach an event handler to a WIN7-style IFileSaveDialog Programming Software Development by edgar5 …) { saveFileDialogOptions -= FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT; result = saveFileDialog->SetOptions(saveFileDialogOptions); } } if (FAILED(result)) { wxMessageBox(_("Could not CoCreateInstance for file save dialog"…