119 Topics

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Member Avatar for dpswt

Hello everyone. My question is how can we save the items on listctrl so everytime someone opens the application, the items previously added are there. I'm trying to accomplish this with wx.Config, but I can't seem to find a good way to read the config so it accomplishes what I …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for dpswt

Hey guys, I'm new here and my question is what to use (if it exists) and possibly how to simulate a "notebook" where instead of Tabs I would like to do it with buttons (wx.Button). Being more specific, what I would like to do is to make the same functionality …

Member Avatar for dpswt
Member Avatar for dunwitch

I'm trying to get a SQLite3 DB to populate a wx.ListCrtl. I can get it to print to stdout/stderr without any problem. I just can't seem to figure out how to display the data in the DataWindow/DataList? I'm still learning programing/python so any advice would be appreciated. After two days …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for duomaximus

Good day, Hi, I'm trying to develop mapping feature for a tool. It has a wx.ScrolledWindow that contains wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapTextButton as map nodes. When the number of map nodes reached around 50+ the scrolling becomes too slow. Any ideas on how to improve the performance of the scrolling when there are …

Member Avatar for duomaximus
Member Avatar for Lala2010

I have written a Python program that takes information from the user at the command line, and then saves this data in a PostgreSQL database. Now I want to wrap a GUI around my program. I am just starting with wxPython and have completed a few tutorials, but still can't …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have a Frame called ChangeDirPanel and an other one called MyFrame, the last one is the top-lvl window and has a function called file_show_dir which updates a listbox in that same window. (both frames have their own class, is it better to have the same class?) I want to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for itsbrad212

I am making a twitter client in python and wxpython. As of now, my static text is not printing. How can I change this code so it will print out what I want it to? [CODE]import wx import twitter class main(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id, "Twitter Client", size=(700,400)) panel=wx.Panel(self) menubar = …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for cascade3891

Hello Python community, I've just finished building an app with Python and I'd like to share my experiences and get some feedback. This was from scratch (no code templates) all the way to compile and distribution on a Windows environment. Now all my colleagues at work are using the app …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for revathskumar

I have two frames one parent and child. the parent will invoke the child. The program should not allow the user to access the parent until the user closes the child How can i achive it? Need a solution without hiding the parent

Member Avatar for revathskumar
Member Avatar for revathskumar

hello friends I need to create a child window. but when i am triggering the same event mutiple window is creating. How can i check whether a the window is already visible or not? How can i focus on the same if it exists?

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for TheNational22

I have a little program that goes to news aggregater's, gets the hrefs, and returns in a window. I want to have multiple windows open if multiple sites are choosen, right now, it will only go to the first one in a list, and completes perfectly. I assume I am …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Namibnat

Is there a way to incorporate a spell checker within a wxPython gui? I would like to be able to check the spelling of wx.TextCtrl values before they get posted to a sqlite3 database. I would imagine that the spell checker would be very os specific, but for me it …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for Namibnat

Hi there, I would like to be able to change a button during the runtime of a gui. I can change the value no problem (set Label) but I need to change the size of the button as well. I have managed to change it with SetSize((120, 30)) but then …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for MSV22

Hi I am new to this forum so please excuse me if am not following the etiquette. I am a beginner in wxpython. For a project I need to create a color palette. Please check and tell me what I am doing wrong. Any help,suggestion,code snippet is welcome. [code] import …

Member Avatar for MSV22
Member Avatar for mn_kthompson

For those of you that are familiar with wx... I'm just dipping my toe into the world of wxPython and I've been trying to put together a very simple Wizard app. Right now I have code that is working properly, but I'd like to know how I can change the …

Member Avatar for mn_kthompson
Member Avatar for pmav99

Hi everyone. I have a problem with a GUI application i have written with wxPython when i run it under windows. The strange thing is that the code runs exactly as expected in Linux... What the code does: It calculates the area of bars of reinforcement and it checks if …

Member Avatar for ahspats

i want to write a simple app which does nothing else except that you can drag an image in a window(simply clicking somewhere on the screen and moving mouse while holding the left button down). The problem is that my image moves only once and only a little bit and …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey All, I am working on a Java project for school. To make my project better, I wanted to integrate Python into it... like what I wanted to do is: [LIST] [*]You run the Python program [*]You get two options: [*] a) View source code [*] b) View output [*](Output …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, is there a trick in wxPython to skin application to look like this one? What are pros and cons if any? Take a look [URL="http://www.fileguru.com/images/b/audio_recording_studio_multimedia_sound_tools-5778.gif"]Here[/URL] Cheers :)

Member Avatar for JustAnotherJoe

Correction: The subject line was supposed to have said BAR CHARTS, not bar codes. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I'd like to know if something already exists that will get going me in the right direction. I have a program that, among other things, ftp's files to multiple computers in …

Member Avatar for JustAnotherJoe
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey All, I have some code here, the problem is in line 82-83: [code='python'] import smtplib import wx window=wx.App() class pymailer(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self,None,-1,"Py-mailer",size=(500,700)) try: self.s=smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com",587) self.s.starttls() except: wx.MessageBox("Error 001: Could not connect to the internet, please try again later.","Internet Connection Error") self.panel=wx.Panel(self,-1) menubar=wx.MenuBar() filem=wx.Menu() filem.Append(201,"Quit") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.Quit,id=201) viewm=wx.Menu() viewm.Append(202,"About") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,self.About,id=202) …

Member Avatar for pythopian
Member Avatar for Megabyte89

OK I have a search script that suppose to search for information in my database. The problem I having is that I want the user to be able to enter a last name to search. The only part that is giving me problems is this part, I'm stuck on this …

Member Avatar for strider1066
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey All, I have made a program called "Pymailer", I have even made a GUI version... now what I want to do is to convert it to .exe format... how do I do it? I googled for some info, but in vain!

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I have made a small program called 'Py-mailer' which allows you to login with your Gmail credentials and send text-only messages to anyone. I uploaded it on SourceForge( [url]http://www.tinyurl.com/m4ans4[/url]). The next step I had to take was to make a GUI for it. So, I started with wxPython: …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I was just making a tiny program, where I need the user to enter numbers. My question is, how do get numbers? I tried: [code='python'] self.panel=wx.Panel(None,-1) self.n=wx.TextCtrl(self.panel,-1,"Number") self.get=int(self.n.GetValue()) [/code] -but that didn't work... so how do I do it?

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for JustAnotherJoe

For weeks I've been using the same code without any problems. I call SIGNAL within a thread and it's working like a charm. Then I bring the same module home to the same environment (Ubuntu Jaunty, Python 2.6) and now I'm getting this error: ValueError: signal only works in main …

Member Avatar for JustAnotherJoe
Member Avatar for jeffsmessus

I am new to programing and am impressed with the ease of python/wxpython. I have written useful wx programs to enter data into MySQL databases, but am stuck on making a useful wxpython MySQL query progam. I have had success writing query apps in python. I'm hoping to find a …

Member Avatar for jeffsmessus
Member Avatar for tweak

I'm trying to figure out how to create a custom dialog I can get the dialog to pop up when I click on the corresponding menu item but I cannot figure out how to add buttons, static text ect... Any help would be great. [CODE] def OnAdd(db): dia = wx.Dialog(None, …

Member Avatar for winmic
Member Avatar for tweak

Well I'm new to wxpython and in trying to learn I started making a small Phone Book program but now I'm stuck need some help on a few things. First thing is when I click on my New Contact in my menu I want a new frame to appear with …


The End.