1,599 Topics

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Member Avatar for aparna_18

Hi all, I am working on Xalan-J XSLT processor.I have implemented the javascript extension function but in runtime it is showing TransformerException. Please help me on this. I am using `jdk1.6` and included `xalan.jar,xercesImpl.jar,xml-apis.jar;serializer.jar;bsf.jar;js.jar;xsltc.jar` into my classpath. Hereby, I am attaching the code what I have written <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet …

Member Avatar for aparna_18
Member Avatar for teh_man

[COLOR=black]Hey all i am trying to make an XML file but I'm getting an error. The error is [/COLOR][COLOR=black]The XML page cannot be displayed [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the [/COLOR][URL="http://javascript<b></b>:location.reload()"][U][COLOR=black]Refresh[/COLOR][/U][/URL][COLOR=black] button, or try again later. [/COLOR] [COLOR=black]A name contained …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hi, everyone! At work, I'm having problems to run a XPath using the selectNodeList() method from Xalan. The XPath I want to execute is: //pam:message//prism:coverDate The error message I have is: The prefix 'pam' is not declared. expression = '//pam:message//prism:startingPage' Remaining tokens are: ('/' '/'). I have searched on the …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for RobertGaut

Given the following XML: [ICODE]<FlowDocument> <Run FontStyle="Italic" FontWeight="Bold">test</Run> </FlowDocument>[/ICODE] How could I get this result?: [ICODE]<body> <em><strong>test</strong></em> </body>[/ICODE] Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for sunilkswain

My input xml/xmi file contains special characters like &lt;&gt,space and &quot; .When i am applying XSLT transform on it these as coming as it is or in some different format like &lt->&lt,&gt->&gt and &quote ->&#34.I nees those to come as coresponding symbols like <,> or ". For space i used …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for dollycharm

What is the difference between a well-formed XML document and a 'valid' XML document? What are some ways to determine if an xml document is well-formed and/or valid? (looking for websites and/or software)

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for a_n_n_a_m

hi! i'm relatively new to xpath and im trying to include a search facility in my website which searched through my xml file. the format of the xml file is as follows: [CODE=xml] <years> <year> <life> <title>...title...</title> <full>...full text... </full> </life> </year> ..... </years> [/CODE] i need to retrieve all …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for demonic_death

I have this xml snippet: <book id="bk102"> <author name= "Smith, john" > <title>Test book</title> <genre>Other</genre> <price>30.00</price> <publish_date>2003-10-01</publish_date> </author> </book> and I am writing an xpath parser this way: //book[@id='bk102']//book[@genre ='Other']//book[price=30.00] I know that I can get it by using just the first query, ( //book[@id='bk102'] ) but what if I …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kurdo

Hi, can anyone let me to know if it is possible to use or operator while searching for something in an xml document. contains(@text,'x') works perfecly, but how if I want to pefrom something like contains(@text,'x','Y') Thanks for taking time to reply to this post. Amin

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for dollycharm

[code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <monthly> <heading>Monthly Specials at the Jazz Warehouse</heading> <body>Here are some of the latest specials from the Jazz Warehouse. Please note that all Miles Davis and John Coltrane CDs will be on sale for the month of March.</body> <line>______________________________________________________________________</line> <jazz> <subheading>Kind of Blue</subheading> <author>Miles Davis</author> <price>US: $11.99 …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for jtb19nh

I would like to learn html. I need book recommendations. I need a beginner book I only know very basic stuff. Thanks for the help

Member Avatar for uxgeoff
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

I need an xml and HTML based search engine that I can use in my .net application(offline). Help Me ?????

Member Avatar for vertig

Hi all, I am looking for the correct Xpath expression to add several new elements into a given sequence of elements. For example, If my sequence is the following list of books [url]http://www.w3schools.com/Xpath/books.xml[/url] With which operator / function could I add to this list of books an additional book ? …

Member Avatar for 6echo

Good day to you all, Here is what I am trying to do: I am using an XSL transformation to change my input.xml in output.xml. output.xml contains a set of rearranged tags from input.xml One of the tag in input.xml is <id>value</id> I would like the xsl to generate the …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for musman007

Hey all, I have requirement, on the basis of indicator = 'TL' I have to pick CoverageName and Limit and add the amounts of similiar coverages. Is there any way I could do that. Here's xml: <Policy> <Vehicle id="v1"> <Coverage> <CoverageName>ABC</CoverageName> <CoverageLimit>Upto 50,000</CoverageLimit> <CoverageAmount>100</CoverageAmount> <Indicator>TL</Indicator> </Coverage> <Coverage> <CoverageName>EFG</CoverageName> <CoverageLimit>Upto 50,000</CoverageLimit> …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for carobee

Hi, How to include slash in XML tag. for eg if the tag is 'Location/Country', how do we write it <Location/Country>Earth<Location/Country> thnks in advance

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for magicfun

Hello, I am trying to get my xml to format just the way I need it. A little background. I am using a flash piece which has 'site news' displaying with an xml document. I then have another button below the flash piece that says "view all news items", which …

Member Avatar for magicfun
Member Avatar for PeOpLesChAmP

Hi, I'm new to XSLT and i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction with the problem below... I have the following XML: [code] <list level="1"> <item>1</item> <list level="2"> <item>1</item> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> </list> <item>2</item> </list> [/code] I would like to extract the nested list and insert it …

Member Avatar for davegreig1978

Hello all, I am quite new with XML and XSLT, have been making good progress with tutorials and forums. I am transforming a XML file into HTML but I cannot figure out how to transform the pieces that make up my mixed complexType. I have searched and searched and come …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

Compared to javascript's power, i think xslt is so weak. i prefer parsing xml document to whatever html representation using javascript and i cant see any use of using xslt for that matter. What do you think?

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for scott_rider

I want to get the table node where its decendent node="Nohup Files". What I have so far is table/descendant::font[self::text()="Nohup Files"] table/tr/td/b/font[self::text()="Nohup Files"] but neither works. <table> <tr> <td><b><font>Nohup Files</font></b></td> </tr> </table>

Member Avatar for scott_rider
Member Avatar for rachael13

Requirement-"The stylesheet should be modified not to add DUCK(product type) if there exists one with the same action(product action)". ie how can i write validation in XSLT to add a DUCK if and only if the product action is different. In the xml given below the action of two products …

Member Avatar for alamelu
Member Avatar for manugm_1987

Hello everyone , I am new to this xslt, can anyone please help me out solving my problem. Its very urgent, as i am doing my final year engeneering project. And my project is based on this xslt My problem is to convert html created by MSWORD to clean html …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i start to w3shools xsl tutorial and created one xml and xsl file and linked them together, after running the xml file i got the following error: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for rat1973

I wish to filter records during an xsl transformation. I know basic filtering is quite simple, however, I wish it to be conditional based on data from the original source xml data. My source data will have several updates for the same record in it. Each update will be identified …

Member Avatar for rat1973
Member Avatar for rat1973

I wish to perform a sort of an XML document, and have the output be in the same structure as the existing document. The reason for doing this, is I need the resulting document to be transformed into a new document. My source XML is: [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Msg …

Member Avatar for rat1973
Member Avatar for rat1973

I really need help in copying the root node. I have been spending far too much time on this, and I can't beleive that it should be that difficult. I can't use 'copy-of', as that will copy all the children as well. I need to copy the root node, and …

Member Avatar for rat1973
Member Avatar for aparna_18

Hi, I want to replace the C# code into XSLT.In that list object is there,how can I create it into XSLT. C# code: public void listAdd(string param0, string param1) { System.Collections.ArrayList listValues = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); listValues.Add(param0); listValues.Add(param1); } The above code should be replaced in XSLT using XPath functions.Please help …

Member Avatar for rahulrborkar

Folks, I am using xsl and xml for Report generation. In XSL I have created a table which has 6 columns and say 7 rows, in 6th column of each row I want to display multiple rows again. For this I am thinking of passing new line character after particular …

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Member Avatar for sastwhc

Hi all i have some infopath forms ,all dynamic xml files for input data and recode them in a Dbank, on my box Infopath installed but i prefer the cilent side [ end users] can view and use the forms without infopath,actually IE shows it as a tree form and …

Member Avatar for zhghl

The End.