Can anyone tell me how to Insert,Delete,edit,update records in a DataGrid in ASP.NET? if u give the coding in VB , i can understand properly.

You can use the GridView which is the most recent version of the DataGrid control in ASP.NET.

You can make use of the GridView events RowCommand, RowDataBound, RowDeleting, RowEditing, RowUpdating which you can set in the GridView markup. See the below code markup.

<asp:GridView ID="gv_Lookup" runat="server" DataKeyNames="LookupCD"  
                AutoGenerateColumns="True"                 OnRowDataBound="gv_Lookup_RowDataBound" OnRowEditing="gv_Lookup_RowEditing" OnRowUpdating="gv_Lookup_RowUpdating" 
OnRowCommand="gv_Lookup_RowCommand" OnRowDeleting="gv_Lookup_RowDeleting" ShowFooter="True" 

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