OK friends, so I need your advice. I'm reprogramming another web app that was originally written in .Net 1.1. The page I am working on looks like simple GridView with select, update and delete enabled. But it isn't so simple. In the code I have 10, yes 10 calls to the database. 5 sets of 2 nested DataReaders. All of this data is read and used in calculations, then to populate said table one cell at a time.


Table MyTable = new Table();
MyTable.BorderWidth = 1;
MyTable.BorderColor = Color.Gray;
TableRow rowx = new TableRow();
TableRow row3 = new TableRow();
TableCell cell3 = new TableCell();
cell3.ColumnSpan = 11;          

IDataReader reader = this.Database.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM SomeView where SomeViewID in (select id from SomeTable where SomeDate = '" + this.SelectedDate + "')");
DataReaderMapper mapper = new DataReaderMapper(reader);

GridItems RemItems = new GridItems();
GridItem ritem = new GridItem();

while (mapper.Read())
    ritem = new GridItem();
    ritem.CustID = (long)mapper.GetDecimal("CustID");
    ritem.InvoiceID = (long)mapper.GetDecimal("InvoiceID");
    ritem.AvailTot = (mapper.IsDBNull("Amt1")?0:(float)mapper.GetDecimal("Amt1")); //Total Avail
    ritem.ReqAmt = (mapper.IsDBNull("TotReq")?0:(float)mapper.GetDecimal("TotReq")); //Total Requested
    ritem.Remaining =(mapper.IsDBNull("Remaining")?0:(float)mapper.GetDecimal("Remaining"));


And then we have some code to populate this table...

Table MyTable = new Table();
MyTable.BorderWidth = 1;
MyTable.BorderColor = Color.Gray;
TableRow rowx = new TableRow();
TableRow row3 = new TableRow();
TableCell cell3 = new TableCell();
cell3.ColumnSpan = 11;

Table MyTablex = new Table();
rowx = new TableRow();
TableCell cellx = new TableCell();
cellx = new TableCell();
cellx.CssClass = "RedCell";
cellx.Text ="--";

... You get the idea

So my question is... given that the SQL Stored Procedures and Views are already written. They are also somewhat complicated. Should I take the same approach? Should I try to use a GridView? Should I quit and look for another job?

Wouldn't it be possible to create a new view/SP that returns the data in the format you need, so you can attach it to a gridview in one go?

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