There is code in the project I am working on that increments. Basically the user selects from a drop down list and than there is a button that increments the number for that option, to record how many times they've done something. Now I need to write code to decrement incase they press the increment to many times. The team member that has done the increment side has used a stored proc. The code they have placed behind the increment is

   protected void lbIncrementOccur_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                pnlValidation.Visible = false;

                //build object to insert occurrance
                Advert a = new Advert();

                a.AdvertTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAdvertType.SelectedValue);
                a.AdvertAppRef = Session["SessAppRef"].ToString();
                a.AdvertOccurrance = 1;

                    //insert advert object into db

                    //rebind the gridview

                    //reset the advert occurance label
                    lblAdvertOccurrances.Text = CountAdvertsByAppRef();

                catch (Exception ex)

                pnlValidation.Visible = true;

        //method to count the occurances of an advert type
        protected string CountAdvertsByAppRef()
            String ret = "None";

            //get count of advertisements by advert type
            LinkedList<Advert> adList = new LinkedList<Advert>();
            adList = (LinkedList<Advert>)AdvertManager.GetAdvertCountByAppRef(Session["SessAppRef"].ToString());

            String AdvertType = ddlAdvertType.SelectedItem.Text;

            //loop through linked list and retrieve count related to selected advert type
            foreach (Advert a in adList)
                if (a.AdvertTypeDescription.ToString() == AdvertType)
                    ret = a.AdvertOccurrance.ToString();

            return ret;

For decrement will the code be similar? If not what do I need to do differently.

You could alsways just disable the control when clicked (MyButton.Enabled=false;)
or try something like

int targetValue = -1; //The value you do not want to exceed.

if (targetValue <= a.AdvertOccurrence)
        //insert advert object into db
        //rebind the gridview
        //reset the advert occurance label
        lblAdvertOccurrances.Text = CountAdvertsByAppRef();
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